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Dylan Gartz
Dylan Gartz

Top 20 Hottest Animated Villains

43 0
Dylan Gartz
Suggested by Dylan Gartz

Dr. Facilier, “The Princess and the Frog”

4 0

Top 20 Hottest Animated Villains

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Dylan Gartz
Suggested by Dylan Gartz

Hades “Hercules”

4 0
Digiboy 1 years ago Report
Well considering he has fire for hair, he is technically hot.
0 0
Dylan Gartz
Suggested by Dylan Gartz

Gaston “Beauty and the Beast”

3 0
Dylan Gartz
Suggested by Dylan Gartz

Eris “Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas

2 0
Dylan Gartz
Suggested by Dylan Gartz

Scar - The Lion King

2 1
Dylan Gartz
Suggested by Dylan Gartz

Desiree - Danny Phantom

0 0
Dylan Gartz
Suggested by Dylan Gartz

Hans “Frozen”

0 0
Dylan Gartz
Suggested by Dylan Gartz

Clayton “Tarzan”

0 0
Dylan Gartz
Suggested by Dylan Gartz

Rameses “The Prince of Egypt”

0 0
Dylan Gartz
Suggested by Dylan Gartz

Cruella de Vil “One Hundred and One Dalmatians”

0 0

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