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Top Ten Most Memorable Lion King Moments

7 2
Suggested by garion0216

The Death of Mufasa

1 0

Top Ten Most Memorable Lion King Moments

Play Trivia Top Ten Most Memorable Lion King Moments
Suggested by garion0216

Circle of Life Song

1 0
Suggested by garion0216

Hakuna Matata

1 0
Suggested by garion0216

Mufasa Shows Simba the Kingdom

1 0
Suggested by garion0216

Scar is eaten by his former Allies

1 0
Suggested by garion0216

Simba's cub is born

1 0
Suggested by garion0216

The Elephant Graveyard

0 0
Suggested by garion0216

Sarabi is slapped by Scar

0 0
Suggested by garion0216

The Appearance of Mufasa's Ghost

0 0
Suggested by garion0216

Be Prepared Song

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