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Shawn Stafford

Top ten Penny and Leonard moments

7 1
Suggested by Shawn Stafford

Penny says I love you for the first time

4 0

Top ten Penny and Leonard moments

Play Trivia Top ten Penny and Leonard moments
Suggested by Shawn Stafford

The time they got drunk together

3 0
Suggested by Shawn Stafford

Penny accept Leonard's proposal

2 0
Suggested by Shawn Stafford

Their first kiss

2 0
Suggested by Shawn Stafford

Their wedding ceremony

2 0
Suggested by Shawn Stafford

When they eloped

2 0
Suggested by Shawn Stafford

When he bought her a car

2 0
Suggested by Shawn Stafford

The many proposals

2 0
Suggested by Shawn Stafford

Hooking up Howard and Bernadette

2 0
Suggested by Shawn Stafford

The breakup

2 0

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