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William Sanders

Top ten space flight milestones

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Suggested by William Sanders

Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man in space

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Top ten space flight milestones

Play Trivia Top ten space flight milestones
Suggested by William Sanders

First satellite, Sputnik One is launched

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Suggested by William Sanders

Apollo 11, Neal Armstrong becomes the first man on the moon

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Suggested by William Sanders

Luna 3, first pictures of the far side of the moon

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Suggested by William Sanders

Mariner 2, first spacecraft to reach another planet (Venus flyby)

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Suggested by William Sanders

Mariner 4, first spacecraft to reach Mars (flyby)

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Suggested by William Sanders

1976-first successful unmanned landings on Mars by Viking 1 and 2.

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Suggested by William Sanders

Pioneer 10, first spacecraft to cross asteroid belt and fly by Jupiter

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Suggested by William Sanders

Voyager program, Voyagers 1 and 2 visit all four outer planets of the Solar System

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Suggested by William Sanders

Alexei Leonov does the first space walk

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