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Leo Berto Albano
Leo Berto Albano

What Is Columbia Communications, Inc. (Or CPX Stands For Columbia Pix Or Pictures)

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Leo Berto Albano
Suggested by Leo Berto Albano

Founded: 1973. Owners: Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. As A Successor To Screen Gems Broadcasting Under Screen Gems. A Columbia Pictures Division (40% Stake)

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Leo Berto Albano
Leo Berto Albano 3 months ago Report
Founded For ColCom: 1991
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What Is Columbia Communications, Inc. (Or CPX Stands For Columbia Pix Or Pictures)

Play Trivia What Is Columbia Communications, Inc. (Or CPX Stands For Columbia Pix Or Pictures)
Leo Berto Albano
Suggested by Leo Berto Albano

Columbia Communications, Inc. Or CPX. A American Media Company Focuses On Television Based In Los Angeles, California.

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Leo Berto Albano
Leo Berto Albano 3 months ago Report
*4 Local TV Stations Owned Or Established By CPX.
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