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Travis Tenbrunsel
Travis Tenbrunsel

reasons why Indiana Jones 4 is so loathed by fans

7 0
Travis Tenbrunsel
Suggested by Travis Tenbrunsel

Shia's character and perfromance is just another bad wannabe rip off of Johnny Strabler

5 0

reasons why Indiana Jones 4 is so loathed by fans

Play Trivia reasons why Indiana Jones 4 is so loathed by fans
Travis Tenbrunsel
Suggested by Travis Tenbrunsel

it was the second time that George Lucas has ruined a beloved blockbuster franchise

5 0
Travis Tenbrunsel
Suggested by Travis Tenbrunsel

Much like the star wars prequels, the cgi is overdone and fake looking

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Travis Tenbrunsel
Suggested by Travis Tenbrunsel

honorable mention: crystals skulls are alien looking artifacts. Indian does not specialize in sci-fi archealogy

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Travis Tenbrunsel
Suggested by Travis Tenbrunsel

scenes in the movie are so ludicrous that they make the suspension of disbelief moments from the first three look totally believable

4 0
Travis Tenbrunsel
Travis Tenbrunsel 7 years ago Report
I am going to give examples of what I mean: refrigerator. Monkeys swining and the waterfal
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Travis Tenbrunsel
Suggested by Travis Tenbrunsel

Harrison Ford just didn't seem to care that much

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Travis Tenbrunsel
Suggested by Travis Tenbrunsel

the close up shot of the gopher was just belly laughing out loud funny

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Travis Tenbrunsel
Suggested by Travis Tenbrunsel

it feels like a self parody of the franchise

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Travis Tenbrunsel
Suggested by Travis Tenbrunsel

plot elements were all to familiar

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Travis Tenbrunsel
Suggested by Travis Tenbrunsel

the opening seen with the teenagers had no pont to what was going on with the movie's plot

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Travis Tenbrunsel
Travis Tenbrunsel 7 years ago Report
scene sorry i don't know how I misspelled that word when I know the correct spelling lol
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