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top 10 action movie cliches

18 3
Suggested by historybuff

hero never gets hit by gunfire

10 0

top 10 action movie cliches

Play Trivia top 10 action movie cliches
Suggested by historybuff

hero always has witty one liner for every guy he kills eg "let off some steam bennet"

8 2
Suggested by SomeGuyDownTheRoad

Instead of just killing the good guy,bad guy always talks with him.

7 1
Suggested by historybuff

firing gun while rolling on ground/leaping sideways through the air etc

7 1
Suggested by cliffhanger

Mono a Mono fight between hero and villein

6 0
Suggested by historybuff

a machine gun clip lasts for hours on full auto when really they would last for just shy of 3 seconds

6 1
Suggested by SomeGuyDownTheRoad

Hero never gets shot even if he is being shot at with machine guns by sevral men, but when he shoots at tech and every one, he kills them all

6 1
Suggested by historybuff

brits always play villians eg alan rickman

5 1
Suggested by historybuff

hero loses gun but gets it back just in time eg skywalk shootout in die hard 2

5 1
Suggested by historybuff

hero and leading lady can't stand each other to start with then they're having it off by the halfway point eg fair game

6 3

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