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top 10 facts behind the scenes facts about star wars

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Suggested by HWGillett

peter mayhew won the role as ' chewbacca ' in 10 secs

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top 10 facts behind the scenes facts about star wars

Play Trivia top 10 facts behind the scenes facts about star wars
Suggested by HWGillett

R2-D2 used to speak english in early scripts

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Suggested by HWGillett

used real trash for ' trash-compacter ' scene

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Suggested by HWGillett

G.Lucas directed in only three words

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Suggested by HWGillett

irvin kershner was thought by the actors of the best director to work wyth

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Suggested by HWGillett

actors changed the lines of the movies

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Suggested by HWGillett

Ford and Hamill didn't concentrate on acting

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Suggested by HWGillett

yoda could have been played by a monkey

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Suggested by HWGillett

set and the actors were the same size

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Suggested by HWGillett

sam l jackson offered to be a stormtrooper to be in movie

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