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top 10 friday the 13th movies

8 3
Suggested by Oscar Meagher

jason lives

7 0
LJDragon 6 years ago Report
First movie to have a different tone compared to the ones before it. Also the first to turn Jason into a supernatural being. In complete agreement.
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top 10 friday the 13th movies

Play Trivia top 10 friday the 13th movies
Suggested by Oscar Meagher

friday the 13th the final chapter

6 1
Suggested by Oscar Meagher

friday the 13th 7 the new blood

6 1
Suggested by Oscar Meagher

friday the 13th part 3

5 0
Suggested by Oscar Meagher

friday the 13th part 2

4 0
Chad Evans 7 years ago Report
Such a better sequel. It involves character developement, and amps up the horror as more is explained
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Suggested by Oscar Meagher

friday the 13th the remake

4 0
Suggested by Oscar Meagher

friday the 13th

5 1
MojoAnderson 8 years ago Report
I do not think this first film should be so high on the list, as it's fairly boring, and it's just your standard early '80s slasher fare, and pales greaty in comparison to the sequels.
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Suggested by Oscar Meagher

jason takes manhattan

3 0
Suggested by Oscar Meagher

jason goes to hell

2 0
LJDragon 6 years ago Report
While the previous statements are true, there were some drawbacks. For starters, Jason appears grunting when shot at the start. He's never been that vocal in the past. Also while the gore was pretty good, it was a bit late in the series to add more mythology to the franchise. My final problem is that unless Jason wears his mask, it just looks like
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Suggested by Oscar Meagher

friday the 13th 5 A new beginning

2 0

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