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top 10 pro Vietnam War songs

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Suggested by dbskeetdude37@yahoo.

ballad of the green beret ssgt.barry Sadler

2 0

top 10 pro Vietnam War songs

Play Trivia top 10 pro Vietnam War songs
Suggested by dbskeetdude37@yahoo.

ain't I right - marty robbins

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Suggested by dbskeetdude37@yahoo.

the universal coward -Jan berry

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Suggested by dbskeetdude37@yahoo.

it's America love it or leave it -Ernest tubb

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Suggested by dbskeetdude37@yahoo.

where have all our heroes gone -bill Anderson

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Suggested by dbskeetdude37@yahoo.

the minute men are turning in their Graves -stonewall jackson

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Suggested by dbskeetdude37@yahoo.

fighting for the u.s.a.-jerry reed

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Suggested by dbskeetdude37@yahoo.

unpatriotic itching needs a patriotic scratch -Tommy cash

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Suggested by dbskeetdude37@yahoo.

hello Vietnam -johnny wright

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Suggested by dbskeetdude37@yahoo.

private wilson white-marty robbins

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