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Víctor Báez Miranda

top 10 steven universe songs

68 1
Suggested by cadoized

Stonger Than You

44 1

top 10 steven universe songs

Play Trivia top 10 steven universe songs
Suggested by Ella Cremer

Here Comes A Thought

27 0
Ella Cremer 8 years ago Report
It just come out today and I absolutely love it. It has a nice gentle tune, great choreography, and meaningful lyrics with a good lesson.
4 0
Suggested by fallonfish

Do It For Him/Her

27 1
Suggested by JayBud

Love Like You

27 2
Ethan King 7 years ago Report
If I could I'd like it twice.
0 0
Suggested by trainlover476

It's Over

27 2
lileah76 7 years ago Report
Its probably Pearl's strongest song that we will ever see and it kinda explains her feelings more on the subject of Rose Quartz and Greg
0 0
Suggested by CosmicLlama

Strong in the Real Way

24 0
Suggested by JayBud

We Are the Crystal Gems

18 1
Suggested by RambovsTerminator

What Can I Do?

17 1
Suggested by CosmicLlama

Giant Women

18 3
Suggested by Emma Hamilton

tower of mistakes

14 0

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