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top 10 things army recruiters wont tell you

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Suggested by watshee.sed

your superiors have full control over whether or not you attend school

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top 10 things army recruiters wont tell you

Play Trivia top 10 things army recruiters wont tell you
Suggested by watshee.sed

on post services have been privatized. child care, on post housing for families, and even the cable/internet provider. all having monopolies, and charging high rates.

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Suggested by watshee.sed

your superiors can force you to over pay alimony, and or child support. all your ex has to do is claim youre not paying them enough.

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Suggested by watshee.sed

if you lose any gear they force you to have you are responsible for paying for it, and they over charge big time.

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Suggested by watshee.sed

if you want to go more than an hour or so from post it has to be approved by command. which requires an online safety course and travel plan each time.

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Suggested by watshee.sed

if you have deployed overseas, you are targeted for discharge to make room for younger, less damaged soldiers

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