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VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
These shocking events involving infamous cults left the world shaken. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're discussing some of the most harrowing, upsetting, tragic, and bizarre cult scandals and tragic events. Our countdown of the most shocking cult scandals includes The Solar Temple Tragedy, The NXIVM Scandal, Aum Shinrikyo's Tokyo Attack, and more.


Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re discussing some of the most harrowing, upsetting, tragic, and bizarre cult scandals and tragic events.

The Solar Temple Tragedy (1994-97)

A harrowing sequence of events unfolded across Switzerland, France, and Canada, orchestrated by a group known as the Order of the Solar Temple. This organization, rooted in a blend of esoteric beliefs, mysticism, and the allure of transcending the material world, promised its believers a passage to a higher spiritual plane. However, this promise culminated in tragic deaths under the guise of achieving salvation from a society believed to be deteriorating. The leaders, exploiting their magnetic pull, convinced over seventy individuals that leaving their earthly constraints was a necessary step towards a new, purified existence beyond the stars. These events, spread out over three years, starkly highlighted the perilous consequences of unyielding belief in a catastrophic fate.

Heaven's Gate's Transition (1997)

The serene setting of a San Diego mansion became the scene of a startling discovery: 39 bodies, each dressed identically in black shirts, sweatpants, and brand-new Nike Decades sneakers, lay in bunk beds and on the floor. Helmed by Marshall Applewhite, the Heaven's Gate cult orchestrated a mass departure from life, believing that the Hale-Bopp comet, then near its closest approach to Earth, harbored the spacecraft that would take their souls to a higher existence. Applewhite, a charismatic leader who fused Christian millenarianism with sci-fi interpretations of biblical prophecy, had convinced his followers to view their physical bodies as mere vessels to be shed. In preparation, people recorded farewell messages, expressing eagerness for their journey to what they called the "Next Level."

The Rajneeshpuram Experiment (1981-85)

The quiet expanse of central Oregon became the unlikely stage for Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, later known as Osho. His acolytes established a commune aimed at creating a utopia founded on principles of dynamic meditation, free love, and communal living. However, the commune's practices soon created tension with local authorities. The conflict escalated into a series of legal battles over land use and zoning laws. In 1984, in an attempt to influence county elections and gain political control, a faction within the commune executed the largest bioterror attack in United States history, poisoning salad bars at local restaurants with salmonella, sickening over 750 people. This terrible event not only exposed the dark undercurrents within the commune but also the vulnerability to ideological extremism.

The Manson Family's Spiral into Darkness (1969)

Charles Manson and his groupies, known as the Manson Family, created a wave of terror that shocked the nation. Manson, a charismatic figure with a troubled past, attracted various lost young people disillusioned by society. Settling at Spahn Ranch in California, Manson preached a doctrine that combined apocalyptic prophecy with personal grievances, culminating in what he called "Helter Skelter" — an anticipated race war he believed his actions could initiate. In August 1969, this dangerous mix of delusion and loyalty manifested in a series of brutal incidents, most notoriously the murders at 10050 Cielo Drive, which claimed the life of actress Sharon Tate and four others. The trial that followed captivated the public, with Manson and several family members receiving life sentences.

The Tragedy of the Peoples Temple (1978)

In the jungles of Guyana, the Peoples Temple, led by Jim Jones, culminated in one of the most harrowing tragedies of the 20th century. Promising a utopian community free from the social injustices of the United States, Jones lured over 900 people to Jonestown. However, beneath the guise of socialist paradise and racial harmony, lay a regime of fear, manipulation, and control. The community was subjected to intense indoctrination, forced labor, and rehearsals for a revolutionary mass departure from life. On November 18, 1978, under Jones' directive and amid mounting external scrutiny, the community was coerced into ingesting a cyanide-laced drink. This act resulted in the largest single loss of American civilian life in a deliberate act until September 11, 2001.

The Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God (2000)

In the year 2000, a devastating event unfolded in Uganda, involving a doomsday cult known as The Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God. This cult promised salvation in the face of an impending apocalypse they claimed would occur at the turn of the millennium. As the predicted apocalypse date passed without incident, doubts and unrest grew among the flock. In a tragic turn, over 700 members lost their lives in a fire at the cult's church in Kanungu. Investigations later suggested a sinister reality, uncovering multiple sites with victims, indicating a premeditated act by the leadership to silence dissent and cover up the failed prophecy.

The Ant Hill Kids Commune (1984-1989)

Controlled by Roch "Moïse" Thériault in Canada, this commune started as an offshoot seeking spiritual enlightenment and escape from societal norms. Thériault, charismatic and manipulative, initially drew in the curious with promises of a utopian life based on shared values and back-to-nature living. However, it all quickly devolved into a nightmare of exploitation and control, with Thériault asserting absolute authority over his followers' lives, including their health, relationships, and autonomy. The commune's internal practices, hidden behind a facade of religious devotion and communal living, included extreme and inhumane disciplinary measures that Thériault justified as necessary for purification and spiritual growth. These actions birthed unimaginable suffering, and in some cases, loss of life among the members. Thériault's reign of terror ended when authorities finally intervened.

Aum Shinrikyo's Tokyo Attack (1995)

In March 1995, the world was stunned by a shocking act of violence in the heart of Tokyo, Japan. Aum Shinrikyo, a cult led by Shoko Asahara, orchestrated a sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway system, targeting innocent commuters during the morning rush hour. Asahara, who blended apocalyptic religion with his own prophetic visions, convinced others that the end of the world was imminent and that they needed to act to save humanity. The traumatic event resulted in 13 deaths and injured thousands, causing widespread panic and fear. This event marked one of the deadliest acts of domestic extremism in Japan's history, bringing global attention to the dangers posed by cults with access to chemical weapons.

The Branch Davidians Siege (1993)

A sect that splintered from the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the Branch Davidians entered the global spotlight in early 1993, culminating in a 51-day siege at their compound in Waco, Texas. Led by David Koresh, who claimed prophetic status and demanded absolute loyalty from his devotees, they became the focus of federal attention due to allegations of illegal activities. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms attempted to execute a search warrant at the Mount Carmel Center, sparking an initial deadly exchange of gunfire and leading to a prolonged standoff with the FBI. The siege ended tragically on April 19, 1993, when the compound caught fire under controversial circumstances, resulting in the deaths of Koresh and 76 of his followers.

The NXIVM Scandal (2017)

Initially introduced to the public as a professional development company offering "Executive Success Programs," NXIVM spiraled into infamy in 2017 following revelations that peeled back layers of a much darker reality. Founded by Keith Raniere, NXIVM attracted thousands, including celebrities and wealthy professionals, with promises of personal growth and professional empowerment. However, beneath the veneer of self-improvement, lurked a hierarchical organization that manipulated and exploited members. Central to the scandal was DOS, a secretive subgroup within NXIVM, where women were branded with Raniere's initials and coerced into servitude under the guise of mentorship. High-profile arrests, including Raniere and actress Allison Mack, brought to light practices of psychological control, exploitation, and forced labor.

The Matamoros Nightmare (1989)

In 1989, the discovery of a ranch in Matamoros, Mexico, revealed the nightmarish activities of a cult presided over by Adolfo Constanzo, shocking both local communities and international observers. Constanzo, a self-proclaimed sorcerer, and his believers practiced ritualistic human sacrifices, believing these acts would grant them protection and power. The investigation, initially triggered by the disappearance of an American college student, uncovered gruesome evidence of the cult's rituals, including altars adorned with human remains. This case highlighted the dangerous intersection of criminal enterprise and perverse spiritual beliefs, challenging law enforcement agencies across borders and drawing public attention to the vulnerabilities within communities that can be exploited by charismatic leaders promising power and protection.

Are there other movements or events that could be on this list? Let us know in the comments.