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VOICE OVER: Dan Paradis
Script written by Noah Levy

The first half of the 2000's were when video games started to truly evolve, and we have these systems to thank for that. Join as we pit the three main game systems of the sixth generation of gaming, the Playstation 2, the Gamecube, and the Xbox against each other to see which console was the best.

Here's how a three way face-off is going to work, the winner of each topic will earn 2 points, 2nd place gets one in a best out of five round setup. Before we get started though, lets have a moment of silence for the other console that couldn't quite go the distance. (Show Dreamcast)

Special Thanks to our users "DaveVsTheWorld" "FlorinP" "mac121mr0" "Derek Howell" "Dennis Edgar" "michelletouriz22" "PsyduckFan1" & So many other users for suggesting this topic on our interactive suggestion tool at WatchMojo.comsuggest
Script written by Noah Levy

PS2 Vs Gamecube Vs Xbox

The first half of the 2000’s were when video games started to truly evolve, and we have these systems to thank for that. Welcome to and in this installment of Versus, we’re pitting the three main game systems of the sixth generation of gaming, the Playstation 2, the Gamecube, and the Xbox against each other to see which console was the best.

Here’s how a three way face-off is going to work, the winner of each topic will earn 2 points, 2nd place gets one in a best out of five round setup. Before we get started though, lets have a moment of silence for the other console that couldn’t quite go the distance. (Show Dreamcast)

Round 1: Exclusive Titles

The Playstation was one of the most unprecedented successes in gaming history, and the Playstation 2 upped the ante in almost every way. The PS2 gave us so many legendary games that it’d be easier to list the ones that aren’t iconic. It was the original home for the Grand Theft Auto trilogy, which revolutionized the industry with its sandbox gameplay. It also gave us the double whammy of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, two emotionally driven games in a time when concepts like that were unheard of. Fans of stealth got Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3, racing enthusiasts got Gran Turismo 3 and 4, hack n’ slash nuts got the first two God of Wars and the Devil May Cry trilogy, and Guitar Hero kickstarted the music game phenomenon.

Industry legend Nintendo continued their beloved franchises in unique ways on the Gamecube while introducing new heavy hitters. The Big N gave us Super Smash Bros. Melee, a tournament fighter which is still being played competitively today, as well as updating their premier racing game with Mario Kart Double Dash. Their two biggest series went in new directions in Super Mario Sunshine, and Zelda Wind Waker, and Samus Aran finally jumped to the third dimension with the amazing Metroid Prime 1 and 2. Not to mention we also got four, count ‘em, four new Mario Parties. Third parties also helped out, though not to the extent of the PS2, with standouts like Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II, Super Monkey Ball, Eternal Darkness, and a little game changer called Resident Evil 4.

Finally, there was the new kid on the block known as the Xbox. Though people were skeptical that Microsoft would be able to prove itself right out of the gate with their first console, everyone's fears were squashed when they got a look at a little first-person shooter called Halo. It also had unique gems like Dead or Alive 3, Forza Motorsport, Project Gotham Racing, and Ninja Gaiden. But despite these classics, it was a popular consensus that the Xbox’s software library wasn’t at the level of the PS2 or the Cube, mostly because of the struggles it faced gaining a foothold in Japan.

Despite a tough race, the vast library of quality PS2 wins this round, while the Gamecube take’s 2nd place for the sheer amount of generation defining titles it was home to.

Winner: PS2 2 / Gamecube 1 / Xbox 0

Round 2: Controllers

Sony’s mentality when designing the PS2 controller was apparently “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, because apart from a few technical fix-ups, the DualShock 2 is identical to the DualShock 1, with its two large analog sticks, iconic face buttons, and shoulder buttons. But since that was one of the most loved controllers of all time, we can understand their reasoning for doing that. The controller did have pressure sensitive face buttons, though few games utilized this feature, and furthermore most gamers didn’t even know, or care about it.

After pioneering the analog stick with the N64’s controller, Nintendo took a different turn with the GameCube, crafting an oddly shaped but extremely comfortable controller with two analog sticks, four face buttons, a d-pad and analog shoulder buttons, as well as adding rumble into its design than through an add-on. They also perfected wireless controllers with the introduction of the Wavebird in 2002, which used radio frequency receivers instead of infrared like past wireless attempts. The Cube’s controller was so loved that some Nintendo games today through the use of a USB adaptor.

Then there’s the Xbox, who’s original controller was so massive and unwieldy that it earned the nickname “The Duke”, and was quickly replaced by a slimmer model called “Controller S”. While the S received a warmer reception, it was still mostly considered to be an over designed controller, with no less than six face buttons. Rearranging the button placement didn’t really help either. It also didn’t change the fact that the Duke continues to be one of the most ridiculed parts of the original Xbox.
The Cube wins this round with the PS2 taking 2nd.

Winner: PS2 3 / Gamecube 3 / Xbox 0

Round 3: Tech Specs

Despite being the most popular console of the three, the PS2 was ironically the least powerful system of its generation. Its biggest innovation was that it was the first console to run DVDs, which held more data than CDs. The PS2 was powered by the Emotion Engine which ran at 299 MHz and was able to display at 480i and 480p. It was a step up from the PS1 in terms of 3D graphics capabilities, but suffered in comparison to its competition that had extra time to work on their processing power, resulting in multiplatform games with short draw distance or framerate problems.

The Gamecube was powered by IBM’s Gekko chip which ran at 485MHz and was also able to display at 480i and 480p. Unlike its competitors, which held games on DVDs, Nintendo decided to use a proprietary format for their games with the Gamecube optical disc, about half the size of a normal DVD, and as a result, the games often held less data then the other consoles. Still, the extra processing power gave it an advantage over the PS2, which is especially noticeable if you compare multi-platform games like Viewtiful Joe or Resident Evil 4 side by side.

But the computer wizards at Microsoft made sure the Xbox outshone its competitors. Like the PS2, the Xbox ran DVDs, but was powered by an Intel CPU which ran at a whopping 733 MHz and was even able to display up to 1080i, which gave it the best graphical power and display quality of the three. Additionally, the Xbox was the only console of the generation to boast a Hard Disk drive, used for game saves and storing downloadable content from the internet, of which would become a standard feature of future game consoles.

Ultimately, we’re going with the Xbox in this battle, with the Cube in second, due to its refined graphical capabilities and defining “Next-gen” at the time.

Winner: PS2 3 / Gamecube 4 / Xbox 2

Round 4: Online Support

We’re just gonna get this out of the way; The Gamecube isn’t even a contender in this round. Despite having the Phantasy Star Online, the Cube offered no online support or functionalities for any other titles besides Sega’s RPG, despite the availability of its external Broadband Adapter.

The PS2 was first to launch its online service in 2002, allowing online play of enabled games with a Broadband Internet connection and adapter, which was later built into the slim model. Games included SOCOM, one of the first games to offer voice chat on a console, and the MMO Final Fantasy XI. Despite being first with online features, the PS2 lacked a unified online network and online features were only included at discretion of the publisher.

Microsoft on the other hand, revolutionized online gaming with two words: Xbox Live. Debuting in Fall 2002, Xbox Live is a subscription based service that offered online gaming, downloadable content, and unified friends lists, something that no other console at the time had. Not to mention that it supported some great multiplayer games, such as Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, and of course, Halo 2.

Because of its innovations and its continued success, the clear winner here is Xbox. … Oh and PS2 takes 2nd place by default.

Winner: PS2 4 / Gamecube 4 / Xbox 4

Round 5: Extra Features

Unfortunately, the Gamecube secures an early loss in another round due to Nintendo’s constant insistence that their consoles be game machines first and foremost. The extent of extra features for the Gamecube were mostly through accessories that were sold separately, the most notable being the GameBoy Player, which allowed the system to play GBA games on the TV. But if you were looking for features that came standard, you were out of luck.

Since the Xbox came with an internal 20GB Harddrive, it was able to store music on the system that could be used for custom soundtracks in select games. It also featured DVD playback, but for some reason, Microsoft opted to lockout this feature unless you bought a kit that included a remote and receiver.

The PS2 on the other hand, was able to use its extra year of release to its advantage. Despite an admittedly weak launch lineup, the system was still a success during its first year of release because it was the cheapest DVD player on the market at the time. It could also play DVDs right out of the box, unlike the Xbox. But it’s biggest advantage: Backwards compatible with almost every PS1 game, making sure anyone who upgraded to Sony’s new system wasn’t finding their large PS1 library obsolete.

The PS2 wins this round for ensuring that even if you had no use for the games it had to offer, you could still get good use out of it.

Winner: PS2 6 / Gamecube 4 / Xbox 5

Verdict: Playstation 2

The PlayStation 2 emerges as the winner in this battle, with the Xbox in second and the GameCube pulling up the rear. Sony was able to capture lightning in a bottle, creating a strong, powerful machine, giving it enough extra features to justify the purchase, and securing some of the greatest games of all time.

Do you agree with our decision? Be sure to debate in the comments, and subscribe to for more entertaining versus battles.

You fucking Sony dick rider the Gamecube was more powerful than the PS2 and closer to the Xbox
The last round is just silly you cant compare the backward compatibility if the xbox was Microsoft's first console so that shouldnt even count...