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VOICE OVER: Ashley Bowman WRITTEN BY: Alex Crilly-Mckean
Now that's what you call athleticism. Welcome to and today we are counting down our picks for the Top 10 Greatest Moments in Sports Anime.
For this list, we'll be looking at the moments in sports anime that have retained their impact throughout the years, cementing their respective series as icons of the genre. Prepare for plenty of spoilers and manly tears ahead!

Top 10 Greatest Moments in Sports Anime
Now that’s what you call athleticism. Welcome to and today we are counting down our picks for the Top 10 Greatest Moments in Sports Anime.
For this list, we’ll be looking at the moments in sports anime that have retained their impact throughout the years, cementing their respective series as icons of the genre. Prepare for plenty of spoilers and manly tears ahead!

#10: The Will to Fight

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Top 10 Badass Anime Moments of the Century (So Far)

“Megalo Box” (2018)
Given his illegal means of entry into the world of Megalo Boxing, Joe and Team Nowhere must have always known that their lucky streak would come to an end. When crime boss Fujimaki demands that the former Junk Dog takes a fall in his penultimate match against Glenn Borroughs as payment, Joe and Coach Nanbu instead decide to fight to the bitter end to achieve their dream. Joe chooses to believe in himself and goes on to win the match in spectacular form, all the while Nanbu settles his debt with Fujimaki by cutting out his one remaining eye. Now that’s what you call drive.

#9: Old vs. New

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Top 10 Epic Anime Rescues

“Inazuma Eleven GO vs Danball Senki W” (2012)
Far removed from your traditional soccer match, this crossover film decided to give a tip of the hat to fans via this opening play-off. Before the game gets interrupted by malevolent forces, we see both the original Inazuma Eleven and their replacements engage in a dream face-off to see which generation truly is the master of the pitch. It may not last long, but we’ll take any excuse to see Endou strut his stuff. Imagine if the World Cup features stunts like this…

#8: Meteor Drop

“The Prince of Tennis - The Two Samurai: The First Game” (2006)
We’re struggling to even quantify this one, as it’s not so much a win as it is an extinction event portrayed through the medium of tennis. Almost effortlessly, Tezuka is able to claim victory over his opponent by employing a technique that looks like it belongs in the most uber of shounens. With a galactic backdrop and a metaphorical meteor storm, the anime perfectly portrays the Captain’s strength as well as the swing’s intensity. You have to feel sorry for the other team on this one, after all, how can you beat a player that’s so strong he even sends dinosaurs running in fear.

#7: Hurricane Ghost

“Eyeshield 21” (2005-08)
Take the hysteria of American football and combine it with the craziest cast of anime characters ever, and what do you get? A sports anime with enough super-powered techniques to give Dragon Ball Z a run for its money. In the final play against the elitist team Poseidon, all hopes like on Sena to score a touchdown before time runs out. Fuelled by friendship as well as those always motivational Devil Bat cheerleaders, the titular Eyeshield 21 manages to slip past the thought-unbeatable Kakei, using the Hurricane Ghost spin to avoid Captain’s tackle. Even though Sena doesn’t quite land the touchdown, it doesn’t take away from the awesomeness of this one exchange.

#6: The Ultimate Slam Dunk

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“Slam Dunk” (1993-96)
Punk turned rebound king Sakuragi not only managed to spearhead a genre classic when he chose to take up basketball, but also layered it with some truly incredible plays along the way. Out of all his grandiose moments across the series, we feel that none have truly matched the time when he managed to save Shohoku from defeat by delivering a slam dunk with the force (and sound) of an aeroplane, leaving the rest of his team, the spectators as well as eternal rivals Ryonan utterly speechless.

#5: Fire Shot

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“Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002” (2001-02)
And this is why you don’t mess with the Germans, especially when it comes to soccer. Recent World Cup controversies not with standing. While helming the Japanese team against their European rivals, Tsubasa and company soon find themselves in hot water when the find themselves up against the German’s ultimate combo; a goalkeeper who can withstand and deflect the force of their double kick. And of course ace striker Schneider, whose kicks are packed with such force that it even sets the ball on fire.

#4: Takamura vs. Hawk

“Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger” (2009)
The heavyweight Japanese hopeful may be on the obnoxious side, but he’s got nothing on the American champion who gets his kicks from hitting on women and beating the crap out of the weak. Righteously angered by Hawk’s slandering of Japan as well as his violent treatment towards his coach, Takamura soon becomes a beacon of hope, leading to a slugfest that’s as brutal as it is enthralling. Despite getting the shit beaten out of him, Takamura manages to take home the belt after letting loose his inner beast and showing Hawk how a true boxer settles scores.

#3: The Final Match Point

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“Haikyuu!!” (2014-16)
The flightless crows have faced their fair share of talented players on their rise back to the top, but none have even come close to the ferocity of Shiratorizawa, specifically that of star player Ushijima, whose spikes can shatter both bones and psyches. Hell, his presence was enough to make the Karasuno players feel like they were being crushed. However, fuelled by their passion for the sport and perfect synchronization, the team is able to overcome the monsters on the other side of the net, with Hinata landing the all-important finishing blow.

#2: Direct Drive Zone

“Kuroko’s Basketball” (2012-15)
Taking on the former leader of the Generation of Miracles was always going to be a challenge, but when said leader manages to bring all of his team-mates into the Zone, then your chances of winning are as close to zero as possible. That being said, if there’s one thing Seirin’s light and shadow are known for, it’s pulling victory from the jaws of defeat. By fully synchronizing with his fellow team mates, Kagami finally accesses the zones true power. With this Kagami is able to pull off a stunning slam dunk, proving once and for all that Kuroko’s way of playing perhaps wasn’t as foolish as the miracles once thought.

#1: Joe’s Fate

Also in:

Top 20 Epic Anime Moments of the Century (So Far)

“Tomorrow’s Joe” (1970-71; 1980-81)
The finale battle between Joe Yabuki and World Champion Jose Mendoza isn’t only one of anime’s greatest brawls, but also holds the honour of having one of the most debated endings to ever grace the medium. In spite of suffering numerous blows as well as the after effects of his punch-drunk state, Joe is able to keep getting back up, taking the champ to town in the process. While he still ends up losing, Joe’s unyielding spirit manages to practically cripple Mendoza. Of course, the moment that has become crystallised in every fan’s mind is the picture of Joe slumped over, his body unmoving, with a smile plastered on his face. Dead or unconsciousness? You be the judge.
