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VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton WRITTEN BY: Garrett Alden
These are without a doubt the very best moments in Captain Marvel. These epic moments from the Captain Marvel movie will make you believe a woman can fly. This MCU movie starring Brie Larson had so many great scenes including a post-credits scenes and an incredible Stan Lee tribute. Join WatchMojo as we count down our picks for the Top 10 best moments in Captain Marvel.

#10: How Carol Got Her Powers

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For much of the film, the origin and backstory of Carol Danvers and her superpowers is a mystery to both herself and the audience. However, some information provided by her apparent enemies, the Skrulls, helps jog her memory. Carol was a test pilot working on an experimental aircraft with a lightspeed engine designed by a rogue Kree scientist, Mar-Vell, who was trying to help the Skrulls find a new home. However, the Kree, led by Carol’s apparent mentor Yon-Rogg, shot the plane down. Carol destroyed the engine but absorbed its powers; leading to her memory loss and the Kree recruiting and manipulating her. Although foreshadowed well, it’s still a great reveal.

#9: How Fury Got His Eye Injury

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As soon as trailers showed us the famed director of S.H.I.E.L.D. with both his eyes intact, fans knew he would lose one in this movie. Yet, few of us could have predicted how it happened. Nick Fury actually spends much of the movie as surprisingly effective comic relief, along with the alien cat, Goose. However, Fury severely underestimates the danger posed by the Flerken, taking a scratch to the eye from the not-kitty. He brushes it off, but the end of the film shows him with his famous eyepatch and he amusingly implies to Coulson that he lost it to torture from the Kree.

#8: Carol Defeats Ronan’s Ships & Yon-Rogg

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After awakening her true potential, Captain Danvers gains tremendous powers. However, she also has to contend with Starforce and other Kree ships. While her friend Maria Rambeau gets a chance to show off her excellent piloting skills, Carol realizes her ability to fly; using it to destroy Kree ships with ease and repel their missiles in a great action set piece. To cap it all off, she takes down her duplicitous “mentor” Yon-Rogg by refusing to lower herself to his level of skill; sending him packing with a warning for the Kree.

#7: Train Chase

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Marvel movies tend to have a lot of vehicle chase scenes, but trains are an uncommon feature in them. While pursuing a Skrull on Earth, Carol, still going by her Kree name “Vers,” boards a train to locate the elusive shapeshifter; as she herself is pursued via car by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Nick Fury and Phil Coulson, or rather Nick Fury and a Skrull pretending to be Coulson. The fight between “Vers” and the Skrull on the train is great and the variety of disguises by the alien, as well as the assorted locales aboard the moving train keeps things fresh throughout. Plus it gave us that meme of her punching an old lady in the face!

#6: Maria & Carol Reunite

One of the best relationships in the film is between Carol and her best friend and former pilot, Maria Rambeau. In search of answers about Mar-Vell, the Skrulls, and her past, Carol and Fury seek out Rambeau while looking for answers and find Maria and her daughter Monica, who are confused and happy to find Carol still alive. The performance by Lashana Lynch, of a woman finding out her best friend isn’t dead, but doesn’t remember her, is one of the strongest in the movie.

#5: Goose Lets Loose

One of the movie’s biggest and most surprising stars is Goose, the former cat of Mar-Vell, whom Fury and Carol bring along on their adventure. Goose manages to steal just about every scene she’s in, but she gets far more intriguing when the Skrull, Talos, displays extreme discomfort around the apparent pet; calling her a Flerken. Fury brushes this off until they get aboard the Skrull ship and when asked to carry the Tesseract, Goose swallows it using many large and grotesque tentacles; revealing her true nature. She later uses the same ability to swallow several Kree soldiers, who are much larger than her. The surprising nature of the moment is both disturbing and quite funny.

#4: Stan Lee Tribute

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One of “Captain Marvel”’s best moments happens in the very beginning of the film. During usual opening sequence displaying the Marvel logo, instead of the usual clips displaying the superheroes of the MCU, the footage instead shows the late Stan Lee’s cameos in the franchise. The moment is a lovely tribute to the departed comics legend. Stan Lee’s actual cameo in the movie, in which he practices for his then-contemporary appearance in “Mallrats” is also quite fun, but we went for feels over laughs with this pick.

#3: “Just a Girl”

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After splitting up from Fury and Rambeau, Carol sets out to distract her former teammates on Starforce, by pretending to have the Tesseract and engaging them in a fight. With her abilities finally unlocked, she proceeds to wipe the floor with her Kree foes, all to the tune of No Doubt’s “Just a Girl.” While some might find the song choice a little on the nose, it’s undeniably one of the most fun fight scenes in the movie, with some creative choreography and some great humorous beats mixed in.

#2: Mid-Credits Scene

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It wouldn’t be a Marvel movie list without some discussion of credits scenes. The scene in the middle of the credits sees the Avengers examining the pager Nick Fury was given earlier in the film, but which first appeared in a credits scene following “Infinity War” when Fury activated it. Although the scene is brief, we’re given our first look into the aftermath of Thanos’ Snap and the effect it’s had on Earth. In addition, we get our first interaction between Captain Marvel and the Avengers when she shows up looking for Fury. All of this only served to heighten the hype for “Endgame.”

Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:

Monica Rambeau Helps Carol Update Her Suit

Stealing Her Outfit & Motorcycle

Carol Questions Fury

Carol Landing in a Blockbuster

The Avengers Origin

#1: Carol vs Supreme Intelligence

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Captured by Starforce, Carol is connected to the Kree’s A.I. leader the Supreme Intelligence, in the guise of Mar-Vell, who throws her around mentally in the dream space they’re in. While the Intelligence attempts to show her that she’s weak without the Kree by reminding her of times she’s failed, Carol instead is reminded that she did not give up after set-backs; standing up to try again. She then reclaims her real name and uses her powers to fight back, while also removing her inhibitor; allowing Carol to wield the fullest extent of her abilities for the first time in a fantastic turning point for her character and the film.
