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VOICE OVER: Jesse Polowin
Top 10 Drunken Anime Scenes (ft. Todd Haberkorn)

Who wants another round?! Wait, why is the room spinning? Welcome to and today we are counting down our picks for the Top 10 Drunken Anime Scenes.

For this list, we'll be picking up our glasses, downing some shots, and looking at the times anime characters got totally wasted. Prepare yourselves for slurred speeches and spoilers down the line. Now where did I put that whiskey?

Top 10 Drunken Anime Scenes

Who wants another round?! Wait, why is the room spinning? Welcome to and today we are counting down our picks for the Top 10 Drunken Anime Scenes.

For this list, we’ll be picking up our glasses, downing some shots, and looking at the times anime characters got totally wasted. Prepare yourselves for slurred speeches and spoilers down the line. Now where did I put that whiskey?

(Todd intro)

#10: Way Too Thirsty

Also in:

Top 10 Worst Scenes In Great Anime (Ft. Todd Haberkorn)

“Nisekoi” (2014)

Forced into a relationship in order to appease their gangster fathers, Chitoge and Raku weren’t exactly enjoying the honeymoon period. While the anime went to great lengths to show how their relationship evolved with each hilarious interaction, this OVA decided to go the extra mile by asking the questions that were on everyone’s mind. Like, what would happen if you get a bunch of teenage girls completely wasted on alcoholic candy and lock them in a house together with the one guy they all secretly like. The answer? A night that Raku probably wishes he could remember…

#9: Drunk Kurisu Is Bae

“Steins;Gate: The Movie - Load Region of Déjà Vu” (2013)

Normally, this headstrong graduate is way more interested in her experiments than people, unless it happens to be everyone’s favourite mad scientist. Following on from their initial time travelling misadventures, our two obvious lovebirds find themselves embroiled in yet another would-be catastrophe that sends Kurisu heading back to the past. But we’re not here to talk about that. Nope, we’re here to talk about how Kurisu turns into quite possibly the most adorable thing on the planet while inebriated. That smile must be protected at all costs!

#8: Drunk Eru Is Also Bae

“Hyouka” (2012)

While the Classic Literature Club is well-known for solving age-old mysteries tied to their school, we’d say in this instance they also learned a valuable lesson; Eru and alcohol do not mix. While trying to theorise the ending to an unfinished film, Eru finds herself chowing down on some good ol’ whiskey chocolates. As it happens, her tolerance is incredibly low, leading to her bursting out into small fits of giggles, the occasional hiccup, and finally passing out. She truly is the most precious cinnamon roll of the bunch.

#7: 5 Year Olds Shouldn’t Drink

Also in:

Top 10 WTF Transformation Scenes in Anime (ft. Todd Haberkorn)

“Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone” (1989)

Damn, Gohan sure had it rough when he was a kid. Not only was he having to deal with being snatched up by Piccolo, but he also got kidnapped by an alien short stack named Garlic Jr! That being said, we’re not sure he remembers his stay all that well since he took a bite out of an apple that we can only assume was soaked in some seriously strong liquor, since soon after it sends him into a drunken stupor where he imagines chasing dragons and the like. What a happy childhood.

#6: Drunken NEETS

“Mr Osomatsu” (2015-18)

By themselves, these sextuplets manage to cause nothing short of anarchy. Now add alcohol to the mixture, and what do you get? A serious headache for everyone in the immediate vicinity. They’ve had a few sporadic drunken episodes over the series, but by far their most iconic is when the head out for a night on the town and annoy restaurant patrons to no end. We’re not quite sure we’ve seen anyone find so much amusement out of the phrase “ding-dong” before.

#5: Rock Lee vs. Kimimaro

Also in:

Top 10 Times Anime Characters Hit Rock Bottom

“Naruto” (2002-07)

Ever since Gaara ripped him a new one during the Chunin Exams, the Hidden Leaf village’s Green Beast hadn’t seen much action. Thankfully, he got the mother of all comebacks when he joined the mission to retrieve Sasuke. Coming to Naruto’s aid at the last minute, he faces off against the deadly bone-user known as Kimimaro. While he puts up a valiant effort, he’s unable to hold his own against a guy who can use his own spine as a whip. Luckily, he has the perfect solution; down some sake, get a good buzz going, and the bust out the Drunken Boxing!

#4: Caught on Camera

“Yuri on Ice” (2016)

Oh, what’s that? You thought Yuri was an innocent fella who was ever so slowly becoming caught in the throngs of passion with his ice-skating coach? Not when he’s got booze coursing through his system. In a rather steamy sequence, the normally shy Yuri decides to party it up with the rest of the skaters by getting drunk off his ass, throwing himself around the room and even…pole dancing? Whelp, for those who thought the series could use a little bit more skin, then feast your eyes on a group of half-naked, beautiful men displaying their majestic torsos. How come this wasn’t at the Olympics?

#3: Drinking With Tsukuyo

“Gintama” (2006-)

Rule number one when spending a night with a courtesan, make sure she doesn’t have a sadistic side that’s triggered by alcohol. Unsurprisingly, another run in with the deadly yet beautiful assassin Tsukuyo ends very badly for Gintoki. While it looks like the White Demon might actually get a chance to score, things come crashing down rather quickly, as after a single sip of sake Tsukuyo turns into what can only be described as a crazy in a kimono. She smashes a bottles over his head, nearly drowns him in sake, she even snaps his finger in half! Not quite what you would call a happy ending.

#2: The King’s Game

Also in:

10 Times Anime Characters Were Completely Embarrassed (ft. Todd Haberkorn)

“Persona 4: The Animation” (2011-12)

These kids may be experts when it comes to taking on shadow monsters and solving homicides, but they really need to learn how to handle their booze. After finding themselves in a night club with an unlimited supply of drinks, Yu and company proceed to get sloshed out their minds. Before you know it, things start to get a little…frisky. With a saucy little game added to the mix, pretty soon everyone’s rubbing against one another. Yu gets nearly every girl on his lap, and even Kanji manages to get some lip-locking action…with Teddie of all people.

#1: Fairy Tanked

Also in:

Top 10 Fairy Tail Moments (Featuring Todd Haberkorn!)

“Fairy Tail” (2009-16)

The members of this illustrious guild have tackled everything from evil mages, apocalyptic dragons and even the Jiggle Butt Gang, but nothing could have prepared Natsu and company for this. After having waaaaay too much to drink, the Guild’s male members find themselves at the mercy of their drunk female comrades, none of whom have taken to the alcohol very well. Erza is somehow even more violent than usual, Juvia literally drowns Gray in her tears, and Lucy…well…from the looks of things she wants get Natsu fired up in her own special way…
