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VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
Script written by Spencer Sher.

You must have some big ideas to improve school. In fact, we did a whole list of the top 10 most annoying things about high school, so there's definitely room for improvement. Whether it's giving students more time outside, making cafeteria food better and healthier or eliminating bullying, there are many ways to reform schools. WatchMojo counts down ten ways to improve the school system, based on things that annoy us about high school.

Special thanks to our user MikeyP for suggesting this idea! Check out the voting page at http://WatchMojo.comsuggest/Top+10+Ways+School+Would+Be+Better

Script written by Spencer Sher.

#10: Make Class Length Dependent On Subject Matter

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Why is it that classes like math and science, which typically require more time to properly comprehend, last as long as home ec? We think that the length of a particular class should be dependent on the subject matter. Too often the bell rings and you’re left staring at a chalkboard or projector loaded with dense information, and then you only have a few moments before you’re expected to be in your next class. It’s only logical that subjects that require less time to learn should be shorter, whereas subjects that are more difficult should be longer, right? Being able to quote Shakespeare is all well and good, but dedicating time to topics that just naturally take longer to learn seems like a beneficial concept for students.

#9: Fire Bad Teachers

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There was always that one teacher: maybe they taught English, maybe they taught math, or perhaps it was the wood shop teacher, but he or she sucked at teaching and everyone knew it. As in any line of work, some people are worse at their job than others. However, unlike many other professions, teachers have the benefit of tenure on their side. Tenured teachers are harder to fire for ineffectiveness in the classroom, allowing them to inflict their poor teaching methods on generations of kids. Getting rid of tenure would allow for school boards to remove teachers who aren’t doing their jobs properly, thus creating more room for teachers who can effectively run a classroom.

#8: Give Students More Time Outside

Many current education systems rely heavily on children sitting in cramped spaces with their only natural light source being a row of dirty windows on a nearby wall. Who wouldn’t like a little extra time in the sun? In places like Finland and East Asia, students are given breaks periodically throughout the day, specifically to be spent outside the classroom. Our brains tend to get a little groggy when we sit for long stretches, and being in small rooms under fluorescent lights for 4-6 hours a day only adds to this exhaustion. More outdoor time and a better understanding of Mother Nature is a must.

#7: Get Rid of Group Projects

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Everyone remembers the dreaded group project. The teacher would call out four names and you’d awkwardly shuffle towards one another, eyes cast down, hands jammed into pockets, your mind rapidly formulating a plan for how to best outwit your teammates so they’ll do all the work. Group projects were an excuse for the lazy to be lazy, and for the hardworking to earn their title – and be forced to share it with their fellow team members. Carrying the dead weight of someone who doesn’t feel like doing his or her share isn’t what school is supposed to be about. It’s high time education professionals held a conference to eliminate this superfluous gathering of minds, because you can’t just toss kids together and expect them to form like Voltron.

#6: Make Cafeteria Food Better & Healthier

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As we know, maintaining a well balanced diet is an important part of staying healthy. However, when it comes to the food served in many schools around the world, you’d almost be better off skipping lunch entirely. Okay not really, but the facts are in and foods that are high in sodium, fat and sugar are causing kids across the globe to pack on the pounds. Without going completely vegan, it would be a spectacular change of pace to see schools adopt a healthier meal plan for their cafeterias – well, plans that manage to be nutritious, but still taste good, that is. Saying goodbye to sloppy Joes and hello to a nice Cobb salad doesn’t sound so bad, does it?

#5: Eliminate Bullying

As long as there’s been school, there have been bullies. While they come in all shapes and sizes, the common thread is their unrelenting desire to see others suffer. Throughout the years, many students have feigned illness to avoid an encounter with the school aggressor. Why does it have to be this way? A bully-free school environment would make all the difference. No more hiding in the washroom at lunchtime, or dreading getting picked last in gym class. Eliminating bullying is easier said than done; however it holds true that anything worth doing shouldn’t be a walk in the park. Motivational speakers and anti-bullying classes are simple ways schools could try to end the plague of bullying.

#4: Make School Hours Shorter

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Children today are learning 24/7. Access to computers allows kids to discover new information at a rate that was previously unheard of. So why are we sticking them in cramped, poorly lit buildings five days a week in the name of education? A study on elementary school students conducted by Georgia State University and Montana State University found that shortening the school week to four days could improve students’ academic performance. Not only do shorter school weeks lead to increased productivity among both students and teachers, they also serve as an effective way to help save costs, and those extra funds could be put toward different student services. If the academics say its cool, who are we to disagree?

#3: Give Schools More Funding

It’s no secret that children are the future. Yet, when you walk the halls of public schools around the world, it appears as if governments don’t really believe it. Crumbling infrastructures, outdated books, broken chairs and everyone’s favorite tube TV atop a tray on wheels: these are just some of the problems facing both students and teachers today. Bottom line: schools need better funding. Children today grow up with an iPad in one hand and an Xbox controller in the other. Yet, when they come to school they’re faced with archaic textbooks, dusty chalkboards and desks from the ‘80s. Like they say, an investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

#2: Abolish Standardized Testing

The hardest tests are the ones where you don’t know what’s coming. That’s why standardized testing isn’t an accurate representation of a student’s academic worth. Federal and state testing lumps everyone into a single category, when in reality different people learn at different rates. Teachers should be the ones who ultimately decide what’s on a test, because they’re the ones disseminating knowledge to their students on a daily basis. Moving away from standardized testing and putting the task in the hands of teachers would benefit students greatly; allowing them to test their knowledge of a particular subject in a way they’re familiar with. Plus, nobody likes filling in all those tiny circles.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:

- Let Students Eat in Class
- Hire Therapists for Students
- Engage in More Classroom Discussion
- Increase Online Education


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The last thing any kid wants to do when they get home from school is homework. A Stanford University study found that in countries like Japan and Denmark, less homework was assigned and students ended up performing better than students in other countries where more homework is given. After-school time should be devoted to relaxing with friends and family, not burning the midnight oil trying to complete an assignment. Instead of homework, teachers should suggest interesting museums to visit or good books to read – encouraging students to learn in a more hands-on manner. At the very least schools should strive to ensure that all subjects require an equal amount of homework, because night time and weekends are for having fun, not cramming.

Do you agree with our list? What are your ideas for making school better? For more entertaining Top 10s published daily, be sure to subscribe to

Hi this ideas can't be released thanks but it didn't helped
Number 1, number 4, and number 8 are really meaningful to me because the njmbers that I said, need to be at my school. This is my true opinion, this really needs to start.
Eliminating bullying isn't easy. Nor is firing bad teachers. But it never hurts to try, right?
Homework is good.You should have written %u201Cmake homework shorter and fun%u201D I%u2019ma kid and even tho I hate homework I don%u2019t want it to go away. I%u2019m running for school president and I%u2019m only in fifth grade and I have an amazing idea to make school a better plac
Most of these are completely impractical, you can't just "fire bad teachers" or "abolish bullying" It 's just not that easy.
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