10 BEST Bosses in Fantasy Games of All Time

VOICE OVER: Alex Crilly-Mckean
WRITTEN BY: Alex Crilly-Mckean
If you're looking for great bosses in wondrous, magical worlds, it doesn't get any better than this. For this list, we're looking over the boss battles from video games based strictly in the fantasy genre, and judging which truly stole the show with their mechanics, lore, character, and overall impact! Our list of the best bosses in Fantasy games includes Koloktos from “The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword” (2011), Dettlaff from “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” (2015), Avion from “Shadow of the Colossus” (2005), Asriel Dreemur from “Undertale” (2015), and more!
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we’re counting our picks for the 10 BEST Bosses in Fantasy Games of All Time. For this list, we’re looking over the boss battles from video games based strictly in the fantasy genre, and judging which truly stole the show with their mechanics, lore, character, and overall impact! Did we miss a boss that you hold near and dear? Brandish your swords and let us know in the comments!
You want to talk about dark? None come more sinister than the ageless leader of the Blacksnakes. The final boss of Throne’s story, Claude is a terrifying figure that has sired countless children, happy to watch them slaughter each other until one proved strong enough to challenge him – which leads our favorite thief to take him on to finally earn her freedom. Claude’s no slouch in battle either. Being able to lock off the abilities of the party one at a time – all before resurrecting previous bosses Throne had bested, including the lethal duo of Mother and Father. The trauma just does not stop with this guy!
Geralt has slain numerous vampires during his time, but few can hope to match the ferocity of the Beast of Beauclair. The de facto foe in the exquisite Blood and Wine DLC, Dettlaff is a force of nature, able to easily slice apart lesser warriors, and that’s to say nothing of his final transformation. He’s also something of a sympathetic figure, in a certain light, given that every atrocity he commits is out of love for the woman who ultimately deceived him. The White Wolf couldn’t have asked for a more worthy opponent to cap off his final hunt. Oh, quick shout out to the Caretaker from the Hearts of Stone DLC as well. Now THAT was a monster!
The nemesis system was truly the highlight of this dark dive into Tolkien’s world, one that kept players on their toes every time they ventured into Mordor to slice up more Orcs. Depending on how many times you kill or are killed by a specific Uruk-hai, they’ll be built up as Talion’s one true enemy, often appearing with new buffs, weapons and dialogue. This all comes to a head during the final battle, where they’ll be leading their own army of Uruks to face down yours. This personal touch adds so much to the fight that makes the later clash with Sauron look like a joke by comparison!
We get it, everyone loves the Sans fight – but we can’t help but be in awe of how the last boss of the Pacifist route embodies so much goodwill and emotional baggage in just one fight! After absorbing the souls of everyone in the Underground, Flowey reveals his true form of the formally deceased prince Asriel. How do you beat someone that’s become a god? With bottomless empathy, that’s how! While the challenge is minimal, the way Frisk is able to save each of their friends and pull Asriel back to the light still gives us the feels! Also, the music!
The initial bout against the titular Hollow Knight certainly tested the mettle of players, but it’s the final boss that outshines everything else. The way in which the Knight gains access to his predecessor’s mindscape, only to then challenge the true source of Hallownest’s corruption, is a blinding spectacle that more than measures up to all the foreshadowing. The Radiance is one hell of a challenge, but an incredibly rewarding one for those that were able to etch out the lore, especially when given the chance to lay waste to the entity that caused so much grief and death!
Malenia may be the ultimate example of Git Gud, and Radagon certainly makes for a solid closing boss, but for our buck, it's the Last of all Kings that truly delivers on all fronts as the most outstanding enemy that the Tarnished had to face. Originally posing as minor boss Margit, the reveal that Morgott is also a child of Queen Marika, and has been willingly defending the throne while all of his Shardbearing siblings are lost to their own madness, adds another layer to his character, especially for those willing to dive into Elden Ring’s history. He’s also the furthest thing from a push over, as his sword skills and ability to summon divine weaponry will truly test those vying to become Elden Lord.
Ganondorf has no end of iterations to his name, but there’s only one mechanical marvel that perfectly encapsulates what a Zelda boss fight should be. Making full use of Skyward Sword’s gameplay mechanics, the way in which Koloktos forces players to rely on the whip, as well as using its own limbs against it – it all beautifully walks the line between boss fight and puzzle, creating one of the best battles the Zelda franchise has ever seen. The ancient automaton is still a beloved enemy to this day, and it’s not hard to see why.
So…that skinny NPC who you met in the painted world? Yeah, turns out he’s the final and arguably hardest boss of the entire Dark Souls franchise. After being driven insane, Gael goes from a subservient twig to a knight of such strength and ferocity that besting him is an absolute feat. Across three phases, Gael will lash out with his great sword at blinding speed, all before unleashing a barrage of lightning, soul-projectiles and crossbow bolts that will easily overwhelm any unprepared Ashen One. The Ringed City is an incredible DLC for a variety of reasons, and Gael stands at the pinnacle of its excellence.
Granted, every Colossi is a feast for the eyes, but there’s something about the battle against the fifth Colossus that’s borderline majestic. Fought in mid-air, players have to claw their way over Avion’s wingspan and strike its weak points, all the while it does everything possible to throw Wander off – including spinning through the sky. Paired with its epic score, this boss battle cemented Shadow of the Colossus as a classic of the medium. The hype is so intense it will almost make you forget you’re striking down an innocent creature for a forbidden ritual at the behest of a dubious demon.
The battle for who truly is the greatest Final Fantasy villain will continue until the stars burn out, but there can be no denying how outrageously amazing Kekfa is as both an antagonist, and a final challenge. His time as the psychotic jester already left an impressive body count in his wake, but after becoming the God of Magic, Kekfa was able to tear the world asunder, forcing the likes of Terra and her party to combat him atop his tower - where the now ascended clown will unleash one hell of a gauntlet. Between his unblockable attacks and the timeless classic that is Dancing Mad playing in the background, the last stand against Kefka is fantasy at its best.
“Octopath Traveler II” (2023)You want to talk about dark? None come more sinister than the ageless leader of the Blacksnakes. The final boss of Throne’s story, Claude is a terrifying figure that has sired countless children, happy to watch them slaughter each other until one proved strong enough to challenge him – which leads our favorite thief to take him on to finally earn her freedom. Claude’s no slouch in battle either. Being able to lock off the abilities of the party one at a time – all before resurrecting previous bosses Throne had bested, including the lethal duo of Mother and Father. The trauma just does not stop with this guy!
“The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” (2015)Geralt has slain numerous vampires during his time, but few can hope to match the ferocity of the Beast of Beauclair. The de facto foe in the exquisite Blood and Wine DLC, Dettlaff is a force of nature, able to easily slice apart lesser warriors, and that’s to say nothing of his final transformation. He’s also something of a sympathetic figure, in a certain light, given that every atrocity he commits is out of love for the woman who ultimately deceived him. The White Wolf couldn’t have asked for a more worthy opponent to cap off his final hunt. Oh, quick shout out to the Caretaker from the Hearts of Stone DLC as well. Now THAT was a monster!
Your Nemesis
“Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor” (2014)The nemesis system was truly the highlight of this dark dive into Tolkien’s world, one that kept players on their toes every time they ventured into Mordor to slice up more Orcs. Depending on how many times you kill or are killed by a specific Uruk-hai, they’ll be built up as Talion’s one true enemy, often appearing with new buffs, weapons and dialogue. This all comes to a head during the final battle, where they’ll be leading their own army of Uruks to face down yours. This personal touch adds so much to the fight that makes the later clash with Sauron look like a joke by comparison!
Asriel Dreemur
“Undertale” (2015)We get it, everyone loves the Sans fight – but we can’t help but be in awe of how the last boss of the Pacifist route embodies so much goodwill and emotional baggage in just one fight! After absorbing the souls of everyone in the Underground, Flowey reveals his true form of the formally deceased prince Asriel. How do you beat someone that’s become a god? With bottomless empathy, that’s how! While the challenge is minimal, the way Frisk is able to save each of their friends and pull Asriel back to the light still gives us the feels! Also, the music!
The Radiance
“Hollow Knight” (2017)The initial bout against the titular Hollow Knight certainly tested the mettle of players, but it’s the final boss that outshines everything else. The way in which the Knight gains access to his predecessor’s mindscape, only to then challenge the true source of Hallownest’s corruption, is a blinding spectacle that more than measures up to all the foreshadowing. The Radiance is one hell of a challenge, but an incredibly rewarding one for those that were able to etch out the lore, especially when given the chance to lay waste to the entity that caused so much grief and death!
Morgott, the Omen King
“Elden Ring” (2022)Malenia may be the ultimate example of Git Gud, and Radagon certainly makes for a solid closing boss, but for our buck, it's the Last of all Kings that truly delivers on all fronts as the most outstanding enemy that the Tarnished had to face. Originally posing as minor boss Margit, the reveal that Morgott is also a child of Queen Marika, and has been willingly defending the throne while all of his Shardbearing siblings are lost to their own madness, adds another layer to his character, especially for those willing to dive into Elden Ring’s history. He’s also the furthest thing from a push over, as his sword skills and ability to summon divine weaponry will truly test those vying to become Elden Lord.
“The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword” (2011)Ganondorf has no end of iterations to his name, but there’s only one mechanical marvel that perfectly encapsulates what a Zelda boss fight should be. Making full use of Skyward Sword’s gameplay mechanics, the way in which Koloktos forces players to rely on the whip, as well as using its own limbs against it – it all beautifully walks the line between boss fight and puzzle, creating one of the best battles the Zelda franchise has ever seen. The ancient automaton is still a beloved enemy to this day, and it’s not hard to see why.
Slave Knight Gael
“Dark Souls III” (2016)So…that skinny NPC who you met in the painted world? Yeah, turns out he’s the final and arguably hardest boss of the entire Dark Souls franchise. After being driven insane, Gael goes from a subservient twig to a knight of such strength and ferocity that besting him is an absolute feat. Across three phases, Gael will lash out with his great sword at blinding speed, all before unleashing a barrage of lightning, soul-projectiles and crossbow bolts that will easily overwhelm any unprepared Ashen One. The Ringed City is an incredible DLC for a variety of reasons, and Gael stands at the pinnacle of its excellence.
“Shadow of the Colossus” (2005)Granted, every Colossi is a feast for the eyes, but there’s something about the battle against the fifth Colossus that’s borderline majestic. Fought in mid-air, players have to claw their way over Avion’s wingspan and strike its weak points, all the while it does everything possible to throw Wander off – including spinning through the sky. Paired with its epic score, this boss battle cemented Shadow of the Colossus as a classic of the medium. The hype is so intense it will almost make you forget you’re striking down an innocent creature for a forbidden ritual at the behest of a dubious demon.
“Final Fantasy VI” (1994)The battle for who truly is the greatest Final Fantasy villain will continue until the stars burn out, but there can be no denying how outrageously amazing Kekfa is as both an antagonist, and a final challenge. His time as the psychotic jester already left an impressive body count in his wake, but after becoming the God of Magic, Kekfa was able to tear the world asunder, forcing the likes of Terra and her party to combat him atop his tower - where the now ascended clown will unleash one hell of a gauntlet. Between his unblockable attacks and the timeless classic that is Dancing Mad playing in the background, the last stand against Kefka is fantasy at its best.