The 10 Best Mech Video Games

VOICE OVER: Aaron Kline
WRITTEN BY: Aaron Kline
There's just something special about games that let use destroy everything in our path with awesome mechs. For this list, we'll be looking at games that let us jump into the seat and pilot giant mechs to save the world from disaster…or just wreak havoc. Our list includes “Into The Breach” (2018), “Zone of the Enders 2: The Second Runner” (2003), “Lost Planet: Extreme Condition” (2006), “Titanfall 2” (2018), and more!
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we’re counting down our picks for the 10 best mech games. For this list, we’ll be looking at games that let us jump into the seat and pilot giant mechs to save the world from disaster…or just wreak havoc. Be sure to let us know of any mech games we missed. Quick shoutout to “Hawken”, released in 2012 this mech player vs player game was crazy fun at launch and still has a community playing to this day.
There is something I really like about snow in games, “Lost Planet” is set in a futuristic world coated in a perpetual whiteout. To keep warm we have to take out enemies dotted around the map. It’s weird, but it makes sense in the story. The game consists of two types of gameplay, on foot third person shooter which is so-so when it comes to depth, but you do get a cool grappling hook, and the mech portion or the Vital Suits. These VSs can be used in some parts of the, but really come into play when you take on bosses. “Lost Planet” seems to be forgotten in recent days, maybe Capcom will give us a remake someday.
When it comes to “MechAssault” you probably have a nostalgia trip of playing some intense mech on mech action on the original Xbox. “MechAssault” was one of the first games to utilize Xbox Live and had features that we still use today like deathmatch, team deathmatch, and even a hoard like mode called Grinder Mode. While “MechAssault” doesn’t stray far from the typical mech third person shooters, its innovation on the multiplayer side of things and polish set it as one of the best mech games.
The oldest game on the list, “Metal Storm” has gained somewhat of a cult following, even getting a modern re-release from Retro-Bit with a M-308 Gunner figure and a reproduction NES cart. What makes this game great? Well, it’s a classic NES game that has perfect difficulty balance. “Metal Storm” is a side-scrolling action platformer with the gimmick being you don’t actually control the mech when it comes to platforming. Simply press up or down to control the gravity and your mech will be doing damage on the ground or the ceiling. If you’re a collector “Metal Storm” is one of the holy grails, though you’d better be ready to fork over the cash.
What is there to say about “Zone of the Enders 2?” Let's start off with, it’s a mech game directed by Hideo Kojima, so it’s pretty bonkers. “Zone of the Enders 2” took some of the faults the first game had and ironed it all out. Combat was much faster, with a greater set of abilities and more enemy types. Despite the game not selling well, we could’ve gotten a third game in the series as it was in the very early stages of development, but was ultimately canceled. “Zone of the Enders 2” also saw 2 re-releases, one with the “Zone of the Enders HD Collection” and with “Zone of the Enders 2: The 2nd Runner MARS” which took advantage of the PlayStation VR.
How could we have a list about mechs and not include a game from the “Armored Core” series? And what better game to put on the list than “Armored Core 2”. Not open world, but open level, “Armored Core 2” allowed players to tackle missions how they wished. When it comes to your mechs loadout, you have a bevy of customization options, with some caveats. You’ll have to watch your weight and power levels, we want this mech to be light on its feet and not boughed down by the biggest arsenal in the world. Really any “Armored Core” game could be considered a great mech game, so no matter which you play you’ll be in for a treat.
I bet you weren’t expecting “Xenoblade Chronicles 3” to be on the list, were ya? For people that aren’t familiar with the “Xenoblade” series, they might not know that mechs are a big part of its identity. At first glance the game looks like an action RPG, and while that’s true, mechs are a crucial element nonetheless. Not much changes when it comes to the actual mech combat, it’s still the same gameplay style. They may not be as prominent compared to the abundance of foes you face throughout the story, but we still get to bust them out and man it’s fun!
The third installment in the amazing tactical mech game, “Front Mission 3” took some elements from the first two games and boosted left to switch up the gameplay. While “Front Mission 3” is still a tactical strategy game, it leans heavily on RPG elements. Though it still follows the flow of the previous entries - progress through the mission, watch a cutscene, and victory. It’s sort of one of those “if it's not broke don't fix it” situations. Now only if we can get more “Front Mission” games, we need ‘em!
This has to be the most hardcore mech ever, right? I mean, the game requires a ridiculously huge controller with tons of buttons and switches. “Steel Battalion '' is what a mech simulator would be, if giant mechs were real. It took everything to the next level, and not just with the controls. You have to do small things like use wipers to get mud off your mech, and if it’s about to blow up, you’ll have to eject, as failure to do so will kill your pilot and delete your save. Sadly the last game we got for “Steel Battalion” was that Xbox Kinect game and it was horrible. It would be cool to see “Steel Battalion'' come to a VR headset for total immersion. Make it happen people.
How can a little indie mech game be so good? “Into The Breach” is another strategy mech game. Humanity is attacked by giant monsters and to save the human race we have to jump into - what else - giant robots. Players can control three mechs at a time to complete objectives in a set number of turns. While most games in the genre can be won by simply over-powering the enemies, “Into The Breach” can’t be won that way. True strategy must be on display here, not brute force.
Not only is “Titanfall 2” one of the best if not the best mech game, it’s also one of the best modern shooters. “Titanfall 2” took the great gun play and movement the first game gave us and added a more impactful story all about the bond between a pilot and his mech. Over the years “Titanfall 2” has become a cult classic mainly due to the curious release date, being released between two juggernauts of the genre with “Battlefield 1” and “Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare”. Sadly it seems “Titanfall” will remain a cult classic as it seems we’ll most likely never get a third entry.
“Lost Planet: Extreme Condition” (2006)
There is something I really like about snow in games, “Lost Planet” is set in a futuristic world coated in a perpetual whiteout. To keep warm we have to take out enemies dotted around the map. It’s weird, but it makes sense in the story. The game consists of two types of gameplay, on foot third person shooter which is so-so when it comes to depth, but you do get a cool grappling hook, and the mech portion or the Vital Suits. These VSs can be used in some parts of the, but really come into play when you take on bosses. “Lost Planet” seems to be forgotten in recent days, maybe Capcom will give us a remake someday.
“MechAssault” (2002)
When it comes to “MechAssault” you probably have a nostalgia trip of playing some intense mech on mech action on the original Xbox. “MechAssault” was one of the first games to utilize Xbox Live and had features that we still use today like deathmatch, team deathmatch, and even a hoard like mode called Grinder Mode. While “MechAssault” doesn’t stray far from the typical mech third person shooters, its innovation on the multiplayer side of things and polish set it as one of the best mech games.
“Metal Storm” (1991)
The oldest game on the list, “Metal Storm” has gained somewhat of a cult following, even getting a modern re-release from Retro-Bit with a M-308 Gunner figure and a reproduction NES cart. What makes this game great? Well, it’s a classic NES game that has perfect difficulty balance. “Metal Storm” is a side-scrolling action platformer with the gimmick being you don’t actually control the mech when it comes to platforming. Simply press up or down to control the gravity and your mech will be doing damage on the ground or the ceiling. If you’re a collector “Metal Storm” is one of the holy grails, though you’d better be ready to fork over the cash.
“Zone of the Enders 2: The Second Runner” (2003)
What is there to say about “Zone of the Enders 2?” Let's start off with, it’s a mech game directed by Hideo Kojima, so it’s pretty bonkers. “Zone of the Enders 2” took some of the faults the first game had and ironed it all out. Combat was much faster, with a greater set of abilities and more enemy types. Despite the game not selling well, we could’ve gotten a third game in the series as it was in the very early stages of development, but was ultimately canceled. “Zone of the Enders 2” also saw 2 re-releases, one with the “Zone of the Enders HD Collection” and with “Zone of the Enders 2: The 2nd Runner MARS” which took advantage of the PlayStation VR.
“Armored Core 2” (2000)
How could we have a list about mechs and not include a game from the “Armored Core” series? And what better game to put on the list than “Armored Core 2”. Not open world, but open level, “Armored Core 2” allowed players to tackle missions how they wished. When it comes to your mechs loadout, you have a bevy of customization options, with some caveats. You’ll have to watch your weight and power levels, we want this mech to be light on its feet and not boughed down by the biggest arsenal in the world. Really any “Armored Core” game could be considered a great mech game, so no matter which you play you’ll be in for a treat.
“Xenoblade Chronicles 3” (2022)
I bet you weren’t expecting “Xenoblade Chronicles 3” to be on the list, were ya? For people that aren’t familiar with the “Xenoblade” series, they might not know that mechs are a big part of its identity. At first glance the game looks like an action RPG, and while that’s true, mechs are a crucial element nonetheless. Not much changes when it comes to the actual mech combat, it’s still the same gameplay style. They may not be as prominent compared to the abundance of foes you face throughout the story, but we still get to bust them out and man it’s fun!
“Front Mission 3” (1999)
The third installment in the amazing tactical mech game, “Front Mission 3” took some elements from the first two games and boosted left to switch up the gameplay. While “Front Mission 3” is still a tactical strategy game, it leans heavily on RPG elements. Though it still follows the flow of the previous entries - progress through the mission, watch a cutscene, and victory. It’s sort of one of those “if it's not broke don't fix it” situations. Now only if we can get more “Front Mission” games, we need ‘em!
“Steel Battalion” (2002)
This has to be the most hardcore mech ever, right? I mean, the game requires a ridiculously huge controller with tons of buttons and switches. “Steel Battalion '' is what a mech simulator would be, if giant mechs were real. It took everything to the next level, and not just with the controls. You have to do small things like use wipers to get mud off your mech, and if it’s about to blow up, you’ll have to eject, as failure to do so will kill your pilot and delete your save. Sadly the last game we got for “Steel Battalion” was that Xbox Kinect game and it was horrible. It would be cool to see “Steel Battalion'' come to a VR headset for total immersion. Make it happen people.
“Into The Breach” (2018)
How can a little indie mech game be so good? “Into The Breach” is another strategy mech game. Humanity is attacked by giant monsters and to save the human race we have to jump into - what else - giant robots. Players can control three mechs at a time to complete objectives in a set number of turns. While most games in the genre can be won by simply over-powering the enemies, “Into The Breach” can’t be won that way. True strategy must be on display here, not brute force.
“Titanfall 2” (2018)
Not only is “Titanfall 2” one of the best if not the best mech game, it’s also one of the best modern shooters. “Titanfall 2” took the great gun play and movement the first game gave us and added a more impactful story all about the bond between a pilot and his mech. Over the years “Titanfall 2” has become a cult classic mainly due to the curious release date, being released between two juggernauts of the genre with “Battlefield 1” and “Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare”. Sadly it seems “Titanfall” will remain a cult classic as it seems we’ll most likely never get a third entry.