10 Creepiest Things Serial Killers Have Ever Said

VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
WRITTEN BY: Mandy Anne Lutman
Don't watch this video if you're hoping to sleep tonight. For this list, we'll be looking at various confessionals, interviews, and things said behind the scenes. Our countdown includes Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer, Richard Ramirez, and more!
Creepiest Things Serial Killers Have Ever Said
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the 10 Creepiest Things Serial Killers Have Ever Said.
For this list, we’ll be looking at various confessionals, interviews, and things said behind the scenes.
What serial killer quote sends chills down your spine? Let us know in the comments.
#10: Charles Manson
In the late 60s, a cult known as the Family began operating in San Francisco. Over the years, its leader, Charles Manson, would order his members to end the lives of plenty of people. Although he was arrested several times during his cult reign, his most serious crimes didn’t occur until 1969. In an interview with MSNBC, Manson said he wouldn’t feel a thing if he hurt the interviewer. He also denied being involved in any of the crimes they accused him of. And that’s when he said one of his most chilling quotes. Mason was sentenced to life in prison in 1972.#9: Albert Fish
When you’ve tried all other thrills, what’s left? Fish reportedly began to enjoy pain at a young age after being exposed to brutality. In 1890, he moved to New York and that’s when he would begin to carry out his crimes against many children. A six-year investigation was launched when Fish ended a young life and later sent an anonymous letter to the mother describing what he had done. He confessed to his crimes upon his arrest and smiled during the gruesome detailed descriptions of his acts. In 1936, he was executed by electrocution and said that he was looking forward to the thrill.#8: Ian Brady
Ian Brady was a part of a boyfriend-girlfriend duo who carried out various crimes around Manchester between 1963 and 1965. According to his girlfriend, he first talked about ending someone’s life in 1963. That same year, the couple finished off their first victim. Over the years, the two brutally ended the lives of five innocents. Their crimes eventually led to their arrest. Brady was diagnosed as a psychopath in 1985 and spent the rest of his life in a psychiatric hospital. He told a journalist that he has a better chance of contacting the dead than agreeing to an interview.#7: James French
Born in 1936 in Illinois, James French ended the life of a motorist after he asked him for a ride. Strangely enough, French was determined to get a death sentence, which was denied by the jury. Sentenced to life, he shared his cell with inmate Eddie Lee Shelton. The two didn’t seem to get along and French ended Shelton’s life. Once again, French requested a death sentence after explaining he finished off Shelton to give enough reasoning for an execution. When on the chair, French’s final words were directed at journalists - he suggested a headline pun for his passing.#6: Richard Ramirez
Richard Ramirez, aka the ‘Night Stalker,’ was most known for ending the lives of over 13 people and horrifyingly tormenting dozens more. He was most active between 1984 and 1985, and was arrested that same year. During his trial, Ramirez managed to gather a fanbase of fellow Satan worshippers. It is also rumored that he orchestrated an attack on one of the jurors which delayed the trial. After being sentenced to death, Ramirez refused to show any remorse. He addressed the courtroom that it’s really not a big deal and that he’ll see everyone in Disneyland.#5: Jane Toppan
When you admit your ambition is to end the lives of more helpless people than anyone else, you know we have to put you on this list. Jane Toppan was a nurse who ended the lives of her patients by altering their dosage prescriptions. 1895 was the year when Toppan started to poison people outside of her usual hospital setting. She wasn’t arrested until 1901 and a year later, she confessed to ending the lives of 31 people. But she also confessed she wished to have put a lot more on her tally. More than anyone else has ever done.#4: Joe Metheny
Joe Metheny was a serial killer, sentenced to life without parole in 1998. However, he was already on trial in 1995, but the jury didn’t have enough evidence to connect him to the passing of the victims. After his final arrest, Metheny admitted to executing 13 people, including the victims in the 1995 case. However, evidence and research only found five victims in total. He confessed that he enjoyed carrying out his acts and didn’t feel any remorse. This quote is pretty morbid and it feels like we could be perfectly fine without knowing this fact. But now you know what the human body tastes like.#3: Richard Kuklinski
Richard Kuklinski, aka the Iceman, was described as someone who took people’s lives for profit. He got his nickname after he froze one of his victims in order to try to divert law enforcement from determining the time of their passing. Kuklinski gave several interviews after his crimes and confessed to having caused the death of up to 200 men. He admitted he liked the hunt and the challenge, which was more important to him than the actual criminal act. He even got a thrill out of having more odds against him because it gave him an opportunity to figure out how he’ll carry out his act.#2: Jeffrey Dahmer
Last before least, it’s the serial killer that ended the lives of 17 men between 1978 and 1991. Jeffrey Dahmer’s crimes were so hideous, we can’t even talk about them in a lot of detail here. Let’s just say dissection and eating were involved. By 1991, Dahmer was finishing off one person each week. During the time he even came in contact with the police, who failed to do a check on him. In his quote, Dahmer revealed that ending people’s lives wasn’t satisfactory. He wanted control. In his words, he wanted to create living zombies out of his victims.#1: Peter Kürten
Kürten has been arrested almost 30 times before his final sentence. His criminal acts were especially gruesome. So much so that they were recounted in a book called “The Sadist” which is considered a criminology classic. It is reported that by the time he was ten, Kürten ended the lives of two of his classmates. From committing petty crimes to brutal acts since he was little, Kürten was eventually sentenced to death and executed in 1931. Just before he passed, he asked his psychologist whether he’ll still be able to hear the aftermath after he loses his head. To make things more creepy, he added that this would be the ultimate pleasure.