10 Most Powerful Mythological Creatures In Assassin's Creed Games

VOICE OVER: Riccardo Tucci
WRITTEN BY: Caitlin Johnson
Welcome to MojoPlays! Today, we're looking at the most powerful mythological creatures in “Assassin's Creed” games. For this list, we'll be breaking down the most fearsome creatures of myth and legend from Assassin's Creed Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla. Our list includes Medusa, Steinnbjorn, Minotaur, Fenrir, Cyclopes and more!
Script written by Caitlin Johnson
Welcome to MojoPlays! Today, we’re looking at the most powerful mythological creatures in “Assassin’s Creed” games. Which of these do you recognize from legend?
This lion shows up as one of the legendary animals you’ll need to travel across Greece to kill. Though it’s far from the hardest enemy to defeat in “Odyssey”, it’s notable because of the legend it’s based on. In Greek myth, the Nemean lion is a beast with impenetrable fur that couldn’t be killed by a mortal; the demigod Heracles was bid to kill the lion as one of his twelve labors. Heracles managed to defeat it by crushing it with his bare hands owing to his incredible strength. Luckily, swords and bows work just fine to kill the lion when you encounter it in “Odyssey”, roaming the Sinkholes of Herakles.
The Sphinx is a powerful creature with the face of a human, body of a lion, and wings of a bird. In mythology, the Sphinx is most famous for presenting the Greek tragic hero Oedipus with a difficult riddle; by solving the riddle and thereby defeating the Sphinx, Oedipus becomes King of Thebes and inadvertently fulfills a dangerous prophecy. In “Odyssey”, the Sphinx is one of the ancient Isu creatures you need to defeat to unlock the true ending of the game – and true to the story, you’ll have to solve some riddles. The riddles thankfully aren’t as difficult as the one Oedipus had to decipher, but the Sphinx is a threatening presence, nonetheless.
A man with the head of a crocodile, Sobek is an Ancient Egyptian god associated with the Nile and fertility; he was often invoked in rituals to protect people from the Nile’s many dangers, like its crocodiles and flooding. You’ll come face-to-face with Sobek himself in one of “AC Origins’” “Trials of the Gods” missions, the second one after doing battle with Anubis. Accordingly, Sobek is found in the far northeast of the map where the mouth of the Nile becomes swampland and is one of the most difficult bosses in the game. Outside of the boss fight, you’ll also encounter a sacred, white crocodile called Petsuchos during the main quest, which is supposedly the embodiment of Sobek in the mortal world.
A three-headed hellhound, Cerberus is Hades’ pet dog responsible for guarding the gates of the Underworld; Cerberus stops anybody from entering or leaving who doesn’t have permission from Hades himself. He shows up in “Odyssey’s” “Fate of Atlantis” DLC as a formidable foe you need to defeat, boasting an absolutely insane amount of HP. Even if you know exactly what you’re doing in the battle, the leaping, biting, lava-spitting dog will take a long time to beat. Like the Nemean lion, Cerberus was also defeated by Heracles in Ancient Greek legend, and it takes another human/Isu hybrid to put him down and out of his misery.
Though not actually named in the game, undoubtedly this is the deity the large snake Bayek fights is supposed to be. Apophis – alternately known as Apep - is an Ancient Egyptian deity of chaos and Ra’s mortal enemy. Ra is the god of the sun and one of the Egyptian pantheon’s most powerful figures; the legend goes that every night, Ra and Apophis do battle and if Ra wins, the sun will rise again. That’s why it’s Ra’s bow of light that Bayek needs to use to defeat the giant snake when it appears during The Lizard’s Mask quest. It’s explained in-game as being a hallucination caused by Bayek undergoing a strange ritual.
As a formidable monster appearing throughout mythology, it’s not surprising you’ll fight multiple Cyclopes during your time playing “Odyssey”. After all, Odysseus’s run-in with the shepherd cyclops Polyphemus is one of the most famous parts of Homer’s “Odyssey”. You don’t encounter Polyphemus in the game – well, not exactly – but you will have to fight three other one-eyed beasts: Steropes, Arges, and Brontes. Of all of them, Arges is the hardest thanks to his damaging and wide-ranging fire attacks; you have to play smart to beat him and avoid taking damage over time. But aside from a few modifiers like that, all three are fought in a generally similar way, with Brontes having the smallest – and trickiest – arena.
Fans of Norse mythology will already be intimately familiar with Fenrir, one of Loki’s children and a major part of the Ragnarok prophecy. Different pieces of extant Nordic sagas disagree slightly on what role Fenrir plays in the doomsday prophecy, but in “Valhalla” we see the wolf before he is bound by a mythical chain by the gods Havi and Tyr – including the dramatic moment where Tyr’s hand is bitten off by the wolf. Fenrir is defeated by Havi and remains bound until, presumably, breaking free to attack Odin at the end of the world. And it’s made clear afterward that despite the gods trying to prevent Ragnarok, their actions will only ensure that it eventually happens.
The famous Minotaur was created by a “copulation” between the wife of King Minos of Crete and a white bull sent as a gift to Minos by Poseidon to be slaughtered; Minos went against Poseidon’s wishes and Poseidon orchestrated the affair, and a terrible beast with the body of a man and head of a bull was born. Later, Minos enlisted the genius Daedalus to build an elaborate labyrinth to keep the Minotaur contained. That’s where you encounter the creature in “Odyssey”, explained as being a grotesque Isu experiment. After making your way through the labyrinth following a golden trail presumably left by Theseus – the hero who slew the Minotaur in the myth – you’ll go head-to-head against the beast, coming away with his famous ax.
This beast is the final legendary animal you’ll fight during your travels, encountered while exploring Asgard in the realm of Jotunheim. This region is best known as the home of Norse mythology’s giants, and Steinnbjorn is certainly giant if nothing else; he’s an enormous, ice-covered polar bear and one of “Valhalla’s” toughest bosses. He’s got a power level of 400 and appears in a snowy arena. Anybody with any fire runes or other fire damage modifiers will have an advantage here as Steinnbjorn is weak to fire, but it’s still recommended that you gather some of the game’s most powerful weapons, like King Arthur’s legendary sword Excalibur, before you face him.
Easily the hardest boss in “Odyssey’s” base game, Medusa is a frightening monster and one of the last Isu relics you’ll fight. In Greek myth, Medusa is one of three Gorgon sisters; creatures with snakes for hair that will turn anybody who looks at them to stone. She’s defeated by the Greek hero Perseus with some help from the gods, who grant him weapons and equipment that enable him to kill her for good – including Hermes’s famous winged sandals and a shield from Athena. You don’t need trickery like this to defeat her in-game, however; just some powerful equipment and lots of patience to learn her patterns and dodge her petrifying attacks.
Most Powerful Mythological Creatures in Assassin’s Creed Games
Welcome to MojoPlays! Today, we’re looking at the most powerful mythological creatures in “Assassin’s Creed” games. Which of these do you recognize from legend?
Nemean Lion
“Assassin’s Creed Odyssey” (2018)
This lion shows up as one of the legendary animals you’ll need to travel across Greece to kill. Though it’s far from the hardest enemy to defeat in “Odyssey”, it’s notable because of the legend it’s based on. In Greek myth, the Nemean lion is a beast with impenetrable fur that couldn’t be killed by a mortal; the demigod Heracles was bid to kill the lion as one of his twelve labors. Heracles managed to defeat it by crushing it with his bare hands owing to his incredible strength. Luckily, swords and bows work just fine to kill the lion when you encounter it in “Odyssey”, roaming the Sinkholes of Herakles.
“Assassin’s Creed Odyssey” (2018)
The Sphinx is a powerful creature with the face of a human, body of a lion, and wings of a bird. In mythology, the Sphinx is most famous for presenting the Greek tragic hero Oedipus with a difficult riddle; by solving the riddle and thereby defeating the Sphinx, Oedipus becomes King of Thebes and inadvertently fulfills a dangerous prophecy. In “Odyssey”, the Sphinx is one of the ancient Isu creatures you need to defeat to unlock the true ending of the game – and true to the story, you’ll have to solve some riddles. The riddles thankfully aren’t as difficult as the one Oedipus had to decipher, but the Sphinx is a threatening presence, nonetheless.
“Assassin’s Creed Origins” (2017)
A man with the head of a crocodile, Sobek is an Ancient Egyptian god associated with the Nile and fertility; he was often invoked in rituals to protect people from the Nile’s many dangers, like its crocodiles and flooding. You’ll come face-to-face with Sobek himself in one of “AC Origins’” “Trials of the Gods” missions, the second one after doing battle with Anubis. Accordingly, Sobek is found in the far northeast of the map where the mouth of the Nile becomes swampland and is one of the most difficult bosses in the game. Outside of the boss fight, you’ll also encounter a sacred, white crocodile called Petsuchos during the main quest, which is supposedly the embodiment of Sobek in the mortal world.
“Assassin’s Creed Odyssey” (2018)
A three-headed hellhound, Cerberus is Hades’ pet dog responsible for guarding the gates of the Underworld; Cerberus stops anybody from entering or leaving who doesn’t have permission from Hades himself. He shows up in “Odyssey’s” “Fate of Atlantis” DLC as a formidable foe you need to defeat, boasting an absolutely insane amount of HP. Even if you know exactly what you’re doing in the battle, the leaping, biting, lava-spitting dog will take a long time to beat. Like the Nemean lion, Cerberus was also defeated by Heracles in Ancient Greek legend, and it takes another human/Isu hybrid to put him down and out of his misery.
“Assassin’s Creed Origins” (2017)
Though not actually named in the game, undoubtedly this is the deity the large snake Bayek fights is supposed to be. Apophis – alternately known as Apep - is an Ancient Egyptian deity of chaos and Ra’s mortal enemy. Ra is the god of the sun and one of the Egyptian pantheon’s most powerful figures; the legend goes that every night, Ra and Apophis do battle and if Ra wins, the sun will rise again. That’s why it’s Ra’s bow of light that Bayek needs to use to defeat the giant snake when it appears during The Lizard’s Mask quest. It’s explained in-game as being a hallucination caused by Bayek undergoing a strange ritual.
“Assassin’s Creed Odyssey” (2018)
As a formidable monster appearing throughout mythology, it’s not surprising you’ll fight multiple Cyclopes during your time playing “Odyssey”. After all, Odysseus’s run-in with the shepherd cyclops Polyphemus is one of the most famous parts of Homer’s “Odyssey”. You don’t encounter Polyphemus in the game – well, not exactly – but you will have to fight three other one-eyed beasts: Steropes, Arges, and Brontes. Of all of them, Arges is the hardest thanks to his damaging and wide-ranging fire attacks; you have to play smart to beat him and avoid taking damage over time. But aside from a few modifiers like that, all three are fought in a generally similar way, with Brontes having the smallest – and trickiest – arena.
“Assassin’s Creed Valhalla” (2020)
Fans of Norse mythology will already be intimately familiar with Fenrir, one of Loki’s children and a major part of the Ragnarok prophecy. Different pieces of extant Nordic sagas disagree slightly on what role Fenrir plays in the doomsday prophecy, but in “Valhalla” we see the wolf before he is bound by a mythical chain by the gods Havi and Tyr – including the dramatic moment where Tyr’s hand is bitten off by the wolf. Fenrir is defeated by Havi and remains bound until, presumably, breaking free to attack Odin at the end of the world. And it’s made clear afterward that despite the gods trying to prevent Ragnarok, their actions will only ensure that it eventually happens.
“Assassin’s Creed Odyssey” (2018)
The famous Minotaur was created by a “copulation” between the wife of King Minos of Crete and a white bull sent as a gift to Minos by Poseidon to be slaughtered; Minos went against Poseidon’s wishes and Poseidon orchestrated the affair, and a terrible beast with the body of a man and head of a bull was born. Later, Minos enlisted the genius Daedalus to build an elaborate labyrinth to keep the Minotaur contained. That’s where you encounter the creature in “Odyssey”, explained as being a grotesque Isu experiment. After making your way through the labyrinth following a golden trail presumably left by Theseus – the hero who slew the Minotaur in the myth – you’ll go head-to-head against the beast, coming away with his famous ax.
“Assassin’s Creed Valhalla” (2020)
This beast is the final legendary animal you’ll fight during your travels, encountered while exploring Asgard in the realm of Jotunheim. This region is best known as the home of Norse mythology’s giants, and Steinnbjorn is certainly giant if nothing else; he’s an enormous, ice-covered polar bear and one of “Valhalla’s” toughest bosses. He’s got a power level of 400 and appears in a snowy arena. Anybody with any fire runes or other fire damage modifiers will have an advantage here as Steinnbjorn is weak to fire, but it’s still recommended that you gather some of the game’s most powerful weapons, like King Arthur’s legendary sword Excalibur, before you face him.
“Assassin’s Creed Odyssey” (2018)
Easily the hardest boss in “Odyssey’s” base game, Medusa is a frightening monster and one of the last Isu relics you’ll fight. In Greek myth, Medusa is one of three Gorgon sisters; creatures with snakes for hair that will turn anybody who looks at them to stone. She’s defeated by the Greek hero Perseus with some help from the gods, who grant him weapons and equipment that enable him to kill her for good – including Hermes’s famous winged sandals and a shield from Athena. You don’t need trickery like this to defeat her in-game, however; just some powerful equipment and lots of patience to learn her patterns and dodge her petrifying attacks.