10 Mysterious Places on Earth Tied to Aliens

VOICE OVER: Liam Schell
Uncover the mysteries of our planet as we explore locations rumored to have extraterrestrial connections. From unexplained phenomena to alleged UFO sightings, these places have sparked countless theories and debates. Join us as we delve into the enigmatic world of alien-related sites on Earth! Our journey takes us from the Mapimí Silent Zone in Mexico to the infamous Area 51 in Nevada, with stops at Roswell, Skinwalker Ranch, and the ancient Nazca Lines. We'll examine the strange occurrences, unexplained events, and persistent rumors that fuel these alien theories. Are these places truly linked to extraterrestrial activity, or is there a more earthly explanation?
10 Mysterious Places on Earth Tied to Aliens
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Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re looking at 10 locations around the world that people have theorized have connections to extraterrestrials.
Do you think aliens have already made contact with earth? Let us know in the comments below.
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Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re looking at 10 locations around the world that people have theorized have connections to extraterrestrials.
Mapimí Silent Zone
Technological advances have allowed humanity to accomtplish some pretty incredible things. We’re still able to receive information from Voyager 1 across a disance of 13.8 billion miles. So how is it that we can’t manage to consistently maintain radio signals while crossing through this stretch of desert in Mexico? Back in the 1930s, a pilot reportedly had his equipment go haywire while flying over the area. Then, in the 1970s, the US Air Force conducted a recovery mission involving a test rocket and radioactive materials. Ever since, there are claims that radio and phone signals will randomly drop in the area (though not consistently). People also allege to have spotted UFOs in the Silent Zone, as well as “mutated” plants and animals.Roswell, New Mexico
What started as an unexpected incident has spiraled into a web of conspiracies. The town of Roswell has become one of the most significant in recent American history, due to a supposed UFO crashing nearby. While it was brushed away as a meteorology device, many were adamant that the object wasn’t all that it appeared to be. When one retired officer purported that the original story had been a lie, chaos broke loose. The hypotheses escalated wildly, ranging from an Aztec-piloted ship to a failed alien invasion. The rumors became so widespread that the military had to make a statement denying the claims. Despite this, staunch believers haven’t given up hope that Martians made contact with our planet – even if it was brief.Pine Gap, Australia
While it may seem like a regular base, there are still plenty of secrets hiding within it. Despite being down under; the facility is shared with the United States military. It was originally passed off as a space research facility, but was soon revealed to be a surveillance area. This bold-faced lie ended up causing a Streisand Effect, and brought an international spotlight to the facility and what it was hiding. Wild assertions have been made about America’s intentions with the location. One political prisoner has even alleged that the country was withholding information from Australia and intercepting phone calls that they felt were useful. While nothing has been proven, plenty of Aussies have protested the site and the lies spread by it.Skinwalker Ranch
The fact that this has been nicknamed after a horror legend should tell you everything you need to know. Commonly known as Skinwalker Ranch due to the rumors surrounding it, it has become one of the most fright-inducing locations in the States. It’s become famous due to constant potential extraterrestrial activity. From creatures with glowing eyes to crop circles being discovered, the weirdness never seems to stop. It has become a media spectacle, with several movies and TV shows delving into possible explanations behind the phenomena. There’s been pushback from skeptics and previous owners, but it hasn’t done much to stop the curiosity. Whether it’s aliens or a publicity stunt, the farm has made a legacy for itself that won’t be fading any time soon.The Stony Tunguska River [aka Podkamennaya Tunguska River]
In 1908, an explosion 1,000 times greater than the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima tore through the air over Siberia. Witnesses reported a column of bluish light as the sky seemed to split in half and catch fire. The blast sent a shockwave that knocked people off their feet and flattened 770 square miles of forest, toppling an estimated 80 million trees. When the first expedition arrived to investigate, native guides would not enter the impact zone, fearing people they called “the Valleymen”. Strangely, the scorched trees in the center of the blast zone remained upright. While scientific consensus attributes the blast to the explosion of a meteorite in mid air – leading some to blame natural gas or even a collision with alien spacecraft.The Nazca Lines
Some 2000 years ago, hundreds of complex geoglyphs were carved into the desert sands of southern Peru. Composed of over thousands of lines, the geometric figures and animal and plant designs cover arid plateau south of Lima that’s more than 50 miles in size. As fascinating as they may be, many questions remain: how were such complex designs created without aerial technology? Why did these people create shapes in the soil that are only visible only from the air or hilltops? While scholars claim the lines were constructed using simple surveying equipment, others conjecture the use of hot air balloons, or speculate that the lines were once alien airfields. Various other uses have been proposed from religious symbolism, to astronomical calendars, to irrigation, but their ultimate purpose remains unknown.Fairy Circles, Namibia
Every desert has its secrets, but few have drawn more attention or stumped the scientific community quite like that of the Namib Desert in southern Africa. Leopards have spots, but grasslands? Not typically. As long as anyone can remember, the desert has been home to sparse fields of grass dotted with notably barren patches dubbed “fairy circles” due to their roughly circular shape. They look entirely unnatural, and yet no human hand plays a role in their creation. Locals have all manner of supernatural explanations from gods to dragons, while the scientific community has suggested termite behavior and the competition between plants for water. In the absence of a definitive answer, the polka dot landscape continues to invite speculation.San Luis Valley
Located in south-central Colorado and stretching into New Mexico, San Luis Valley is like a lightning rod for paranormal activity and strange phenomena. UFOs, flying humanoid-type creatures, bigfoot sightings - San Luis has reportedly played host to them all. It was also the site of a slew of strange animal mutilations in the 1970s that have never been solved, and which many have attributed to alien activity in the area. Why? Because, in the case of one horse, the cuts were extremely precise, there was a chemical smell in the air, and the decomposition was completely unnatural. Its footprints ended some 100 yards away from the body and its wounds were seemingly cauterized. And this is just one of the many anomalies the area is known for.Stonehenge
This is the name given to a ring of standing stones around five thousand years old that are surrounded by hundreds of ancient burial mounds in Wiltshire, England. Scholars have debated the significance of Stonehenge for decades. How did prehistoric people transport the giant stones, some from hills 150 miles away? Hypotheses include long tracks of logs, sleighs on greased tracks, and, of course, aliens. Let's not forget Merlin. Or giants. Opinions also differ as to the site's function. Was it a burial site, a place of healing, or an astronomical observatory? A portal to another universe? Maybe a sort of elaborate team building exercise? According to Royal College of Art researchers, the bluestones have “unusual acoustic properties,” ringing when struck, which was often associated in ancient cultures with mystical properties. No matter the explanations, few can deny the site's grandeur and magic.Area 51
US air force facility . . . or storehouse for extra-terrestrial technologies? Located deep in the Nevada desert, this remote research installation has been used as a test site for experimental aircraft and weapons, with the dry bed of Groom Lake providing an ideal airfield. But the secrecy around the site and a string of alleged UFO sightings have stimulated allegations that the base houses crashed and reverse-engineered alien spacecraft, and even alien collaborators. While sceptics suggest the UFOs were reflections of light on the broad fuselage of aircraft such as the Lockheed U-2, people claiming to be former employees report having worked hand-in-four-fingered-grey-hand with extra-terrestrial engineers in a vast underground facility.Do you think aliens have already made contact with earth? Let us know in the comments below.
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