10 Ways to Dominate in Destiny 2: Forsaken

VOICE OVER: Adrian Sousa
WRITTEN BY: Justin Giglio
Destiny 2 is a huge game with a lot to take in, so here are 10 tips that will help any Guardian get their game to the next level.
Top 10 Ways to Dominate in Destiny 2: Forsaken
Eyes up, Guardian - it’s time to learn some helpful tips! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today, we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Tips to Dominate in Destiny 2: Forsaken.
For this list, we’re looking at some tips and tricks to help you out on your journey through Destiny 2: Forsaken. The game’s changed a lot since launch, so whether your jumping in for the first time or coming back for more, here’s some helpful advice to get you to 500 Power and beyond!
#10: Play Through the Campaigns First
Countless multiplayer shooters have put out mediocre story campaign modes that most players simply ignore. This is not the case for Destiny 2. Playing through all the story content is essential, not only because it’s a great way to gain experience points and have a steady flow of upgraded gear as you level up, but also because completing the game’s main campaign and the additional expansion campaigns unlocks additional endgame content. We get why you would want to jump right into the Crucible for some Guardian VS Guardian action, but we suggest you hold off, at least for a little while.
#9: Do Your Weeklys
There’s a few ways to earn better gear in Destiny 2, but one of the best ways to make sure you’re getting something worthwhile is by completing the weekly challenges. These are usually pretty straight forward, and require you to compete in a certain number of Strikes, Crucible matches, Gambit matches and more…which will likely also earn you daily rewards on your way to earning a weekly.
#8: Spend Your Glimmer
As you make your way through the worlds of Destiny 2: Forsaken, just about everything you do will earn you a currency called Glimmer. You might think to yourself “I’m going to save up as much of this stuff as I can so when I get to the endgame I’m swimming in small blue crystals!” Well, don’t do that. There’s a maximum amount of Glimmer you can hold at any time, so you may as well spend it! If you’re high enough level for the Forsaken campaign, pay ol’ Spider a visit, as he’s more than happy to trade you useful items in exchange for your seemingly endless supply of glimmer.
#7: Befriend Xur
No Destiny guide is complete without a few words about this guy. Every Friday and through the weekend, Xur pops up in a new location (don’t worry, you can just check the Destiny subreddit to find out where he is). Once you “find” him, he can sell you a ton of useful items, namely, exotic weapons and a class-specific armor pieces which change every week. Xur’s currency of choice is Legendary Shards, so stock up and pay our old pal a visit.
#6: Understand Your Class & Gear
Not only does Forsaken allow you to boost your character to level 30 right off the bat, it also introduces 9 brand new Supers and, of course, new gear! But with new stuff comes new responsibilities. Choosing the right gear for your class mean checking out your perks and making sure they conform to your playstyle and class, so if you don’t use void weapons or pulse rifles, maybe avoid armor that buff those and try to find perks that help with what you’re actually using.
#5: Fight Smart
While you can basically run and gun your way through the story campaign, you’ll soon discover that you’ll need a bit more than a happy trigger finger to get through some of the games more challenging content. Gambits, Strikes, and Raids will require you to use your brain. That means saving your Super for the right moment like a mini-boss or boss, prioritizing reviving your downed teammates, and not being afraid to run away when you’re close to death. This may seem obvious… until someone on your fireteam decides to be a hero and take on a boss as the last Guardian standing while you wait for a revive.
#4: Make Your Public Events Heroic
Each planet you visit will have Public Events for you to join, and when you’re first starting out, these can provide some significant upgrades. However, once you reach a certain point, you might think to yourself “why bother.” Well, if you want some better gear, try making the Public Event into a Heroic Public Event. The community has put together a ton of helpful guides that will turn any Public Event in the game into a Heroic Event, which may prove more difficult than you might think. It’s a great way to make Public Events more interesting at higher levels and earn some worthwhile gear to boot.
#3: Go After "Powerful Rewards"
So, you’ve reached level 50. Your Power Level is at 500. Congratulations! However, this milestone comes with news that might be troubling at first. While you’re used to almost every item you pick up being better than whatever you currently have equipped, you’ll notice that most of the items you’re picking up seem to be capped off at 500 power. What gives? Welcome to the endgame, Guardian. If you want more powerful gear, you’ll have to go after challenges with “Powerful Rewards.” These are guaranteed to provide a Power boost, and are essential if your going after the Power cap.
#2:Bounties, Bounties, Bounties
Every time you boot up Destiny 2: Forsaken, you should be heading to the Tower. Why? To grab some bounties, of course! If there's a Flashpoint at any given planet, make sure to hit up that planet's Point Person to pick up the Bounties there while you complete the Flashpoint activities. As we mentioned, don’t be shy about spending your Glimmer - you’ll get it back, trust us. Bounties can be simple, like winning games in the Crucible or killing 100 enemies in Strikes. The catch is, these daily bounties expire after… well… a day, so make sure you’re getting those done on time. There are also weekly bounties with significantly better loot than the daily ones. Honestly… just do all of them.Here’s another tip: hold off on cashing in the tokens you earn from completing bounties until your in the endgame, as the rewards will scale to your level.
#1: Join a Clan
Sure, it’s a ton of fun to roam the many environments solo as you lone-wolf your way through a Story Mission, Patrol, or Adventure, but Destiny 2: Forsaken is about playing together. Sure, you can matchmake in most game modes, but if you really want to see what Destiny 2: Forsaken has to offer, joining a clan is the way to go. Not only does it make you eligible for the Clan bounties and rewards, it also means that you’ll have people to play with. And when it comes time to do some Raids, trust us, you’ll be glad you have Guardians you know and trust by your side.
Eyes up, Guardian - it’s time to learn some helpful tips! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today, we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Tips to Dominate in Destiny 2: Forsaken.
For this list, we’re looking at some tips and tricks to help you out on your journey through Destiny 2: Forsaken. The game’s changed a lot since launch, so whether your jumping in for the first time or coming back for more, here’s some helpful advice to get you to 500 Power and beyond!
#10: Play Through the Campaigns First
Countless multiplayer shooters have put out mediocre story campaign modes that most players simply ignore. This is not the case for Destiny 2. Playing through all the story content is essential, not only because it’s a great way to gain experience points and have a steady flow of upgraded gear as you level up, but also because completing the game’s main campaign and the additional expansion campaigns unlocks additional endgame content. We get why you would want to jump right into the Crucible for some Guardian VS Guardian action, but we suggest you hold off, at least for a little while.
#9: Do Your Weeklys
There’s a few ways to earn better gear in Destiny 2, but one of the best ways to make sure you’re getting something worthwhile is by completing the weekly challenges. These are usually pretty straight forward, and require you to compete in a certain number of Strikes, Crucible matches, Gambit matches and more…which will likely also earn you daily rewards on your way to earning a weekly.
#8: Spend Your Glimmer
As you make your way through the worlds of Destiny 2: Forsaken, just about everything you do will earn you a currency called Glimmer. You might think to yourself “I’m going to save up as much of this stuff as I can so when I get to the endgame I’m swimming in small blue crystals!” Well, don’t do that. There’s a maximum amount of Glimmer you can hold at any time, so you may as well spend it! If you’re high enough level for the Forsaken campaign, pay ol’ Spider a visit, as he’s more than happy to trade you useful items in exchange for your seemingly endless supply of glimmer.
#7: Befriend Xur
No Destiny guide is complete without a few words about this guy. Every Friday and through the weekend, Xur pops up in a new location (don’t worry, you can just check the Destiny subreddit to find out where he is). Once you “find” him, he can sell you a ton of useful items, namely, exotic weapons and a class-specific armor pieces which change every week. Xur’s currency of choice is Legendary Shards, so stock up and pay our old pal a visit.
#6: Understand Your Class & Gear
Not only does Forsaken allow you to boost your character to level 30 right off the bat, it also introduces 9 brand new Supers and, of course, new gear! But with new stuff comes new responsibilities. Choosing the right gear for your class mean checking out your perks and making sure they conform to your playstyle and class, so if you don’t use void weapons or pulse rifles, maybe avoid armor that buff those and try to find perks that help with what you’re actually using.
#5: Fight Smart
While you can basically run and gun your way through the story campaign, you’ll soon discover that you’ll need a bit more than a happy trigger finger to get through some of the games more challenging content. Gambits, Strikes, and Raids will require you to use your brain. That means saving your Super for the right moment like a mini-boss or boss, prioritizing reviving your downed teammates, and not being afraid to run away when you’re close to death. This may seem obvious… until someone on your fireteam decides to be a hero and take on a boss as the last Guardian standing while you wait for a revive.
#4: Make Your Public Events Heroic
Each planet you visit will have Public Events for you to join, and when you’re first starting out, these can provide some significant upgrades. However, once you reach a certain point, you might think to yourself “why bother.” Well, if you want some better gear, try making the Public Event into a Heroic Public Event. The community has put together a ton of helpful guides that will turn any Public Event in the game into a Heroic Event, which may prove more difficult than you might think. It’s a great way to make Public Events more interesting at higher levels and earn some worthwhile gear to boot.
#3: Go After "Powerful Rewards"
So, you’ve reached level 50. Your Power Level is at 500. Congratulations! However, this milestone comes with news that might be troubling at first. While you’re used to almost every item you pick up being better than whatever you currently have equipped, you’ll notice that most of the items you’re picking up seem to be capped off at 500 power. What gives? Welcome to the endgame, Guardian. If you want more powerful gear, you’ll have to go after challenges with “Powerful Rewards.” These are guaranteed to provide a Power boost, and are essential if your going after the Power cap.
#2:Bounties, Bounties, Bounties
Every time you boot up Destiny 2: Forsaken, you should be heading to the Tower. Why? To grab some bounties, of course! If there's a Flashpoint at any given planet, make sure to hit up that planet's Point Person to pick up the Bounties there while you complete the Flashpoint activities. As we mentioned, don’t be shy about spending your Glimmer - you’ll get it back, trust us. Bounties can be simple, like winning games in the Crucible or killing 100 enemies in Strikes. The catch is, these daily bounties expire after… well… a day, so make sure you’re getting those done on time. There are also weekly bounties with significantly better loot than the daily ones. Honestly… just do all of them.Here’s another tip: hold off on cashing in the tokens you earn from completing bounties until your in the endgame, as the rewards will scale to your level.
#1: Join a Clan
Sure, it’s a ton of fun to roam the many environments solo as you lone-wolf your way through a Story Mission, Patrol, or Adventure, but Destiny 2: Forsaken is about playing together. Sure, you can matchmake in most game modes, but if you really want to see what Destiny 2: Forsaken has to offer, joining a clan is the way to go. Not only does it make you eligible for the Clan bounties and rewards, it also means that you’ll have people to play with. And when it comes time to do some Raids, trust us, you’ll be glad you have Guardians you know and trust by your side.