The 10 WORST PS5 Games

VOICE OVER: Ty Richardson
WRITTEN BY: Ty Richardson
We're only a few years into the PlayStation 5's lifecycle, but there have still been some bad games released for the console. For this list, we'll be looking at worst games to release so far on the PS5. Our list of the owrst PS5 games includes “Godfall” (2020), “Destruction AllStars” (2021), “Babylon's Fall” (2022), “Dungeons and Dragons: Dark Alliance” (2021), and more!
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, we’re taking a look at our list of the 10 WORST PS5 Games! Look, we know we’re only a few years into the PlayStation 5’s lifecycle, but there has still been a large handful of bad games released for the Seto Kaiba-looking console. Have you tried any of these for yourself? Let us know down in the comments.
Bearing the same subtitle as the “Baldur’s Gate” spin-offs, “Dungeons and Dragons: Dark Alliance” should have been a simple cash-in. And yet it flopped almost as hard as the first D&D movie. The gameplay is unbearably mundane and fails to capture what “Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance” did so well. As for the story, well, it is nothing that we would expect from a game based on the legendary tabletop RPG, especially when we’ve had games like “Neverwinter Night”. Do we even mention the sheer number of bugs and glitches?
The first red flag “New Tales” gave off was that Gearbox Software themselves were making the title, not those who worked on the original game. Despite the veterans being somewhat involved, they were only brought in to TEACH Gearbox how to write an interactive story with choices, and the results were upsetting. The plot meanders around, characters say some of the dumbest and most pointless things that add nothing to the moment at hand, and the comedy is beyond cringe-inducing. But the biggest offender is what little interactivity there really is; most of the time, you’ll simply be tasked to click on all the things in the room and nothing more. It’s barely a video game let alone a decent one.
Gearbox got another strike against it before “New Tales of the Borderlands” was even a thing. If you don’t remember “Godfall”, well, neither do most people. “Godfall” lacks whatever form of identity it could have possibly garnered, even with its overly glossy visuals. The combat holds nothing special to differentiate itself, and the only real loop is “more loot, more gear, more weapons”. It has nothing going for itself, and the fact that you can buy it just to experience the endgame side of it shows there was no effort put into the main game. “Our endgame is good enough to buy our product”? When has that ever been a valid case to ask for money from your customers?
It’s kind of funny. When publishers choose to take time with games and put annual series on ice for a few years, they have better odds at delivering something better. But “eFootball 2022”, which was the next entry for Konami’s “Pro Evolution Soccer” series, was somehow worse than PES 2019. And the latest iteration is no different. “eFootball 2022” launched in such a horrid state with bugs and glitches abound that it was quickly deemed one of the worst games of 2021. And even two years later, nothing has been fixed, the player count fluctuates in low numbers, and Lionel Messi has been replaced by a group of other football players on the cover so that more can share in the game’s shame.
We were trying to avoid obviously bad games for this list, but we couldn’t help ourselves on this one since the game is asking for twenty-five to thirty bucks. It looked like it could have been a fun game with its cheesy dialogue and corny retro sci-fi aesthetic, which you would expect from most comedy-horror works. However, the gross visuals wind up making navigation a pain, and the controls in general are frustrating to endure. And with the campaign only lasting about eighty to ninety minutes with an anticlimactic finish, we have to ask what our twenty-five bucks is going towards.
So, how does this game fair after being reworked and rebalanced, considering its initial launch painted it as a ludicrously enjoyable Twisted metal clone? In the commentators’ favorite, frequently annoying words, “It’s gonna take more than that to catch up with the opposition’s scores today.” The story mode still demands you pay premium currency PER CAMPAIGN, only three maps exist in the game’s core mode, and the trophies are still bugged. To make matters worse, there has been zero support from the developers, and we are at a point with the game now where there is absolutely NOBODY playing this game. Not even the bots! Unless you can find some hardcore fans who plan to go down with the ship, there is no reason for you to pick up “Destruction AllStars”.
So, here we have a free-to-play mobile game launching on consoles. Usually, the story goes with simply porting the game over, touching up the visuals, and you know, keeping the free-to-play model intact. For some reason, “Lego Brawls” wanted you to fork over fifty dollars for the damn thing. Do you get anything in exchange for this sudden price tag like exclusive skins, characters, maps, modes? Anything at all? Nope! Just the same confusing platformer fighting game mess that holds no replay value and no satisfaction in playing the game in general. Sure, the game only costs twenty dollars now, but…does that magically make a lazy package valuable? No.
Look, no one seems to understand the might and magic behind this game. “Balan Wonderworld” is utilizing so much power from your PlayStation 5 that even it can’t handle it. It cannot fathom any moves beyond jumping and a singular costume ability that replaces your jumps. It cannot comprehend that your controller features more than two buttons. The power is so great, so magnificent, and so powerful that it will de-render objects and characters when you get too close to it and scramble up the placement of levels in the hub world. I mean, how else can you explain this design? Or its mere existence? Except for the fact it just might be one of gaming’s new, biggest disgraces.
There is nothing precious about this walking disaster. For starters, the game crashed eleven times within our first hour of the game before we uninstalled it. We were later told that hair physics had a hand in the frequent crashes, thus prompting its eventual removal around launch. Additionally, we were able to replicate bugs from our initial playthrough, including one in the first chapter where you can make the Orcs your bros, see fake lighting, and even step outside to see the entire skybox and dev assets in the distance. And all of this was within the first chapter out of TEN. And don’t get us started on the sheer monotony of exploring the half baked environments, collecting tags, bird breeding, the ungodly climbing mechanics, and the one time Gollum nearly strangled the blind elf girl he had been crushing on. Throw this back into the fiery pits of Mordor!
Well, that was a monumental failure. PlatinumGames has been somewhat hit-or-miss with most of their titles, and this was the worst due to the sheer greed and laziness on display. Levels consist primarily of empty hallways, ranks gave absolutely nothing of value outside of personal satisfaction, and the entire loop was bogged down by too many currencies and materials to collect. Also, why on Earth are assets from “Final Fantasy XIV” being so blatantly recycled for a completely different game? Player count and sales were so abysmal that Square Enix, in all their “live service is the future” loving glory, pulled the plug and had physical copies destroyed six months after launch. “Babylon’s Fall” was officially shutdown on February 27, 2023, and the world is all the better for it.
“Dungeons and Dragons: Dark Alliance” (2021)
Bearing the same subtitle as the “Baldur’s Gate” spin-offs, “Dungeons and Dragons: Dark Alliance” should have been a simple cash-in. And yet it flopped almost as hard as the first D&D movie. The gameplay is unbearably mundane and fails to capture what “Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance” did so well. As for the story, well, it is nothing that we would expect from a game based on the legendary tabletop RPG, especially when we’ve had games like “Neverwinter Night”. Do we even mention the sheer number of bugs and glitches?
“New Tales From the Borderlands” (2022)
The first red flag “New Tales” gave off was that Gearbox Software themselves were making the title, not those who worked on the original game. Despite the veterans being somewhat involved, they were only brought in to TEACH Gearbox how to write an interactive story with choices, and the results were upsetting. The plot meanders around, characters say some of the dumbest and most pointless things that add nothing to the moment at hand, and the comedy is beyond cringe-inducing. But the biggest offender is what little interactivity there really is; most of the time, you’ll simply be tasked to click on all the things in the room and nothing more. It’s barely a video game let alone a decent one.
“Godfall” (2020)
Gearbox got another strike against it before “New Tales of the Borderlands” was even a thing. If you don’t remember “Godfall”, well, neither do most people. “Godfall” lacks whatever form of identity it could have possibly garnered, even with its overly glossy visuals. The combat holds nothing special to differentiate itself, and the only real loop is “more loot, more gear, more weapons”. It has nothing going for itself, and the fact that you can buy it just to experience the endgame side of it shows there was no effort put into the main game. “Our endgame is good enough to buy our product”? When has that ever been a valid case to ask for money from your customers?
“eFootball 2022” (2021)
It’s kind of funny. When publishers choose to take time with games and put annual series on ice for a few years, they have better odds at delivering something better. But “eFootball 2022”, which was the next entry for Konami’s “Pro Evolution Soccer” series, was somehow worse than PES 2019. And the latest iteration is no different. “eFootball 2022” launched in such a horrid state with bugs and glitches abound that it was quickly deemed one of the worst games of 2021. And even two years later, nothing has been fixed, the player count fluctuates in low numbers, and Lionel Messi has been replaced by a group of other football players on the cover so that more can share in the game’s shame.
“Greyhill Incident” (2023)
We were trying to avoid obviously bad games for this list, but we couldn’t help ourselves on this one since the game is asking for twenty-five to thirty bucks. It looked like it could have been a fun game with its cheesy dialogue and corny retro sci-fi aesthetic, which you would expect from most comedy-horror works. However, the gross visuals wind up making navigation a pain, and the controls in general are frustrating to endure. And with the campaign only lasting about eighty to ninety minutes with an anticlimactic finish, we have to ask what our twenty-five bucks is going towards.
“Destruction AllStars” (2021)
So, how does this game fair after being reworked and rebalanced, considering its initial launch painted it as a ludicrously enjoyable Twisted metal clone? In the commentators’ favorite, frequently annoying words, “It’s gonna take more than that to catch up with the opposition’s scores today.” The story mode still demands you pay premium currency PER CAMPAIGN, only three maps exist in the game’s core mode, and the trophies are still bugged. To make matters worse, there has been zero support from the developers, and we are at a point with the game now where there is absolutely NOBODY playing this game. Not even the bots! Unless you can find some hardcore fans who plan to go down with the ship, there is no reason for you to pick up “Destruction AllStars”.
“Lego Brawls” (2022)
So, here we have a free-to-play mobile game launching on consoles. Usually, the story goes with simply porting the game over, touching up the visuals, and you know, keeping the free-to-play model intact. For some reason, “Lego Brawls” wanted you to fork over fifty dollars for the damn thing. Do you get anything in exchange for this sudden price tag like exclusive skins, characters, maps, modes? Anything at all? Nope! Just the same confusing platformer fighting game mess that holds no replay value and no satisfaction in playing the game in general. Sure, the game only costs twenty dollars now, but…does that magically make a lazy package valuable? No.
“Balan Wonderworld” (2021)
Look, no one seems to understand the might and magic behind this game. “Balan Wonderworld” is utilizing so much power from your PlayStation 5 that even it can’t handle it. It cannot fathom any moves beyond jumping and a singular costume ability that replaces your jumps. It cannot comprehend that your controller features more than two buttons. The power is so great, so magnificent, and so powerful that it will de-render objects and characters when you get too close to it and scramble up the placement of levels in the hub world. I mean, how else can you explain this design? Or its mere existence? Except for the fact it just might be one of gaming’s new, biggest disgraces.
“The Lord of the Rings: Gollum” (2023)
There is nothing precious about this walking disaster. For starters, the game crashed eleven times within our first hour of the game before we uninstalled it. We were later told that hair physics had a hand in the frequent crashes, thus prompting its eventual removal around launch. Additionally, we were able to replicate bugs from our initial playthrough, including one in the first chapter where you can make the Orcs your bros, see fake lighting, and even step outside to see the entire skybox and dev assets in the distance. And all of this was within the first chapter out of TEN. And don’t get us started on the sheer monotony of exploring the half baked environments, collecting tags, bird breeding, the ungodly climbing mechanics, and the one time Gollum nearly strangled the blind elf girl he had been crushing on. Throw this back into the fiery pits of Mordor!
“Babylon’s Fall” (2022)
Well, that was a monumental failure. PlatinumGames has been somewhat hit-or-miss with most of their titles, and this was the worst due to the sheer greed and laziness on display. Levels consist primarily of empty hallways, ranks gave absolutely nothing of value outside of personal satisfaction, and the entire loop was bogged down by too many currencies and materials to collect. Also, why on Earth are assets from “Final Fantasy XIV” being so blatantly recycled for a completely different game? Player count and sales were so abysmal that Square Enix, in all their “live service is the future” loving glory, pulled the plug and had physical copies destroyed six months after launch. “Babylon’s Fall” was officially shutdown on February 27, 2023, and the world is all the better for it.
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