The 20 SCARIEST Locations In Non-Horror Games

VOICE OVER: Geoffrey Martin
WRITTEN BY: Geoffrey Martin
Just because a game isn't supposed to be a horror title, doesn't mean it can't still have some of the most disturbing and upsetting locations players have ever encountered. For this list, we'll break down the times players were shocked to find the stuff of nightmares in games you would never expect to find them. In this video we'll visit Half-Life 2's Ravenholm against our will, explore the empty derelict Reaper in Mass Effect 2, lose our minds in Lavender Town while trying to catch them all in Pokemon and unfortunately many more.
The 20 Scariest Locations From Non-Horror Games
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today were counting down our picks for the 20 scariest, creepiest, and otherwise strange and odd locations from a wide variety of non-horror video games.
Before we begin, we publish new content all week long, so, be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
Earthbound (1994)
Gosh, where do I even begin with the nightmare fuel town of Threed from Earthbound? Well, apart from red-eyed ghosts greeting your bus as you enter the town from the tunnel as well all of the off-putting locals talking about zombies running rampant and trying to destroy the humans, theres a staggering cornucopia of spooky goings-on. From creepy kids wearing masks to sentient marionette dolls, trash monsters, and zombies dogs for Ness and Co. to battle to a spooky graveyard to explore and even to the dilapidated, seemingly abandoned circus that would make even PT Barnum run for the hillsThreed is downright creepy and disturbing... Oh, and thats not even mentioning the haunting, ethereal, dissonant music and the dark, moody, mauve environment. Probably better to take your vacation elsewhere seeing as the town of Threed is not quite right
Dark Bramble
Outer Wilds (2019)
Sure 2019s evocative and thought-provoking, time-looping indie sci-fi game might not seem ripe for the picking when it comes to scary thingsbut, I mean come onhave you seen Dark Bramble? Talk about a slap in the face when it comes to a complete tonal change. Outer Wilds already has its fair share of somber existential dread moments but Dark Bramble turns this part of the game into full on cosmic sci-fi horror. Exploring this gnarled, twisted, fog-laden, labyrinthian locale is pretty darn unforgettable, especially once you stumble across the giant angler fish beast skeleton where your moment of respite just so happens to be.
The Morgue
Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009)
Gosh darn it Scarecrow, why do you gotta keep ruining Batmans day? Arkham Asylums Morgue section might be extremely short and overall quite limited; however, what it lacks in gameplay longevity, it more than makes up for in sheer terror. Now, it could be said that Arkham Asylum is already a pretty scary place in and of itself, but the Morgue truly takes the gross, moldy cake here. Serving up as one of the first encounters Batman has with Scarecrow in the game, this locale is all about horror. From Batman witnessing visions of temporarily back to life corpses of his parents in body bags to Commissioner Gordons dead body in a hallway to the sounds of ghostly voices echoing in the Morgue to Scarecrow himself popping out of a body bag only to thrust Batman into a cat and mouse gameplay section, the Morgue is certainly not for the faint of heart.
Sanctuary of the Scion
Tomb Raider (1996)
Tomb Raiders Sanctuary of the Scion stage isnt scary in the way you might think, such as with jump scares or creepy imagery. Sure, ya, this stages monstrous aberrations such as the various forms of the Atlanteans are certainly nothing to scoff at, its really in how this twelfth stage feels to experience, mostly down to how deeply unnerving it truly is. Much of this comes from a complete lack of music, only occasionally kicking in, before promptly stopping as you hear the winds howl and wail through the caves and tunnels of this Egyptian locale. Sanctuary of the Scion feels oppressive, like something is watching Lara around every cornerand no, I dont mean the massive sphynx in the central part of the level. Where the rest of the game feels like Indiana Jones-esque high adventure, this level is a stark contrast, offering foreboding feelings as you explore its labyrinthian design.
The Derelict Reaper
Mass Effect 2 (2010)
Isaac Clarke from the Dead Space series would likely feel right at home aboard the aptly named Derelict Reaper given that its overflowing with zombie-like beings such as the Husks, Abominations, and Scions, akin to the terrifying Necromorphs... But, alas, Mass Effect 2 is not a sci-fi horror game, not at all. So, when Commander Shepherd and crew step aboard this very-much-disturbing locale in the hopes of destroying the Reaper Core, things quickly turn full on scare fest. Bombarded from all angles by the aforementioned Husks, Abominations, and Scions, finding people impaled on massive spikes in ceremonial/sacrificial fashion, and even coming face to face with a Gethwellits safe to say that the Derelict Reaper is the stuff nightmares are made of.
Creepy Castle
Donkey Kong 64 (1999)
Yes, yes, I know what you are thinking: how the heck can a level in colorful, charming 3D collectathon platformer Donkey Kong 64 be scary? To that I would sayhave you actually played through Creepy Castle? While its certainly no horror game location, its a deeply unsettling locale that sort of feels at odds with the rest of the game. Apart from being a massive floating haunted castle (emphasis on haunted), its one of those dark, dank, and dreary stages filled with shadows, skeletal minions, ghostly goons, bizarre level-specific imagery, off-kilter (yet oddly whimsical) dissonant music, mist and fog, and barrels of rainy, stormy weather. Oh, and if that wasnt enough to put you on edge as you hoover up collectibles, there are also pervasive haunting moans and ethereal, spectral sounds. So ya, Creepy Castle iswelldownright creepy. The name really says it all here.
Markarth Abandoned House
The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (2011)
Molag Bal, you dastardly Daedra; always up to no good. While Skyrim is certainly not devoid of plentiful creepy locales, wed be hard-pressed to find one scarier than the abandoned house in Markarth. This haunted house is straight out of Paranormal Activity, with its poltergeist activity, ghostly whispers, and evil rites. Part of The House of Horrors quest, the abandoned house is noteworthy for its Daedra worship; hence why you find Vigilant Tyranus (of the Vigilants of Stendarr) berating people for info about this supposedly empty, long-forgotten house. Should you agree to enter with Vigilant Tyranus then just be prepared for Molag Bal to have a field day with both of you, ultimately ending with you being trapped in a cage in the bowels of house, with the evil Daedra insinuating that you must be the one to take part in his insidious machinations.
Haunted Hogsmeade Shop
Hogwarts Legacy (2023)
Apart from being one of the very best games of the last few years, Hogwarts Legacy specifically excels in the Quests department. The game is chock full of fantastically fleshed out main, side, and activity quests. And, while the game does have some intense spookier moments, no part of the game really ups the creepy factor like the Haunted Hogsmeade Shop (also known as the Minding Your Own Business) questline. The mischievous, fanciful Fastidio the poltergeist is up to no good deep in the bowels of the eponymous shop, a locale that makes the Shrieking Shack seem like a McDonalds playplace by comparison. From magical, sentient (and incredibly creepy) mannequins to twisting, warping corridors to supernatural shenanigans to topsy-turvy battles against Fastidio, this bewildering locale is equal parts unnerving and whimsical.
Bottom of the Well
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)
The mausoleum of monstrosities that is Kakariko Villages bottom of well is nothing short of pure horror-induced nightmare fuel. Seriously, where do we even begin with this deeply disturbing location? How about the decaying skeleton right at the bottom of the well? How about the fact that Navi comments on how she can hear the spirits? What about the undeniably off-putting Dead Hand? How about all of the spooky, morbid imagery adorning many of the walls? Or, how about the mummy-like aberrations known as Gibdos who (and how do we put this delicately) just want to embrace Link like some sort of unholy panda bear? So ya, the bottom of the well mini-dungeon is straight up, all encompassing terror around every dank, damp, and grimey corner. Good times!
Lavender Town
Pokemon Red and Blue (1996)
Even if you took away the creepy urban legends and rumors about Lavender Towns haunting, off-putting, dissonant music, youd still be left with a town (that while looking quite harmless on the surface) is very clearly possessed by something malicious. Townsfolk here tell you all about evil spirits and roaming ghosts, about how their beloved Pokemon were killed, about various gravesites, and who could forgetthe fact that many of them straight up admit to being possessed or knowing friends of theirs who got possessed. Ummm ya, those are definitely things you dont want to hear when venturing into a new town. Lavender Town, and by extension the Pokemon Tower, is a resting place and graveyard for Pokemon who have died. Are the townsfolk here manipulated by Pokemon ghosts or is there something else entirely nefarious at play that we just dont know about? Either way, Lavender Town gets a one star Trip Advisor rating in our book.
The Bunker
Uncharted: Drakes Fortune (2007)
What starts out as a mostly innocuous, seemingly abandoned, dilapidated WW2 bunker, very quickly devolves into full-on third-person survival horror. Nathan and Elena find themselves at this spooky locale, only to get trapped by some descendants - humanoid monsters that call this place home, for better or for worse. With the power out and the generator needing to be fixed in order to proceed forward, its up to Mr. Drake to explore this disturbing location. With his walkie-talkie now on the fritz, he really is alone to fend off the encroaching descendants. While Nate does have plenty of firepower to take down the baddies, it still doesnt make up for the fact that the bunker is dark, twisting, derelict, and overflowing with odd noises and creepy denizens.
The Vortex Queen Showdown
Ecco the Dolphin (1992)
If you thought Ecco the Dolphin for the Sega Genesis was just a cute, cozy, and adorable adventure game all about dolphins then boy oh boy would you be dead wrong. Sure, this game might have the facade of a wholesome aquatic adventure; however, as your journey with Ecco progresses, its very clear that something is amiss. This point becomes none truer than when you encounter the entirely terrifying Vortex Queen; a disturbing bug-like alien creature who just so happens to be the mother of the vortex species. Although you dont encounter the Vortex Queen until the final part of the game, its a real shock to the system, both for Ecco and for you the player, since, not only is she a tyrannical dictatorial being, but she is also hell bent ensuring her will is upheld by everything around her. Oh, and she was responsible for taking captive Eccos dolphin pals. This multi-phase showdown is pure nightmare fuel and provides a gargantuan tonal shift from the rest of the game. Gotta say though, that boss battle music is pretty chill
Abyssal Woods
Elden Ring - Shadow of the Erdtree (2024)
With a name like Abyssal Woods, its hard to think anyone was hoping for a quaint, low key walk through a bucolic, verdant forest; but gosh darnit, this locale really does take the rotting cake. In a game that is already brimming with horror-inspired locations to traipse through, the Abyssal Woods comes along to wreck your day. If the giant flesh-eating rats dont send you to your demise then the Untouchables will ensure madness sets in rapidly. The twisted, gnarled, labyrinthian design of these festering woods is made even more unnerving by the complete lack of music; instead, heightening your anxiety with a dissonant, ethereal soundscape that ratchets up the disturbing ambiance ten-fold. You may think you are ready for this fog-laden, shadow-strewn, monster-ridden plot of land, but it will get the best of you. Beware the madness.
Von Everec Estate
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015)
An unnatural fog hangs about a derelict, once opulent manor. Dark clouds enshroud the skies above. Thieves looking to break in and loot from the dead while a mysterious talking cat and dog duo prowl the gardens. Between the rot and decay surrounding the manor lies signs of life, but at what cost? Its here that Geralt finds himself in search of Iris Von Everec at her titular estate, a massive haunted manor that offers more questions than answers. From a supernatural Caretaker tending to fresh graves to a scorned and bitter Wraith to plentiful poltergeist activity to ward off strangers, the Von Everec Estate is a deeply moody and harrowing location set during the Scenes From a Marriage questline. Seeing everything this quest offers, in and around the very-much-haunted manor, is intensely captivating and utterly enthralling; capped off with the invocation of Lady Von Everecs tormented spirit where Geralt discovers what hes afterall centering around this infamously spooky locale.
Nightmare Level
Max Payne (2001)
The OG Max Payne might be an intensely gritty and grimy hard-boiled game; however, its a far cry from a horror game. That is, until you get to Maxs nightmare stages. These infamous stages are straight out of a horror film as you guide Max along tightrope-like blood trails in a room full of darkness, with little guiding you through the bloody maze, apart from the screams, cries, and echoes of your murdered family, alongside some terrifying discordant music. These bloody trail nightmare levels are downright punishing since theres little room for error.
Ocean House Hotel
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (2004)
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines Ocean House Hotel is a complete tonal shift from the rest of the game. While yes, the game of course has plenty of spooky, moody, and creepy gothic-infused moments given its all about vampires, it still mostly plays as an action RPG, first and foremost, not a jump scare laden horror game. All of that goes out the window once you step foot into the Ocean House Hotel, a derelict property haunted by all sorts of ominous specters who are up to plenty of supernatural madcaps. From lights flickering and bursting to objects moving of their own accord to grandfather clocks tolling to phantoms running across the hallways, this hotel really does have it all for horror hounds.
Queen Vanessas Manor
A Hat in Time (2017)
A Hat in Time positions itself as a charming and wholesome, family-friendly 3D platformer. And while it certainly is all of that to some extent, its also a game with a dark sense of humor. And no, I dont just mean Mafia Town. Enter Subcon Forest, a location that, if you even want to enter, you must sign away Hat Kids soul via a dark contract with The Snatcher. But, its Queen Vanessas Manor that ups the horror ante even further. If you want to discuss pure nightmare fuel then Queen Vanessas Manor is right up there at the top, again, especially given how much of the rest of the game feels so wholesome. This haunted manor deep in Subcon Forest takes away your Hat abilities and instead makes you rely on stealth while finding a bunch of keys. The looming, shadowy presence of Queen Vanessa makes this location truly stand out as you never really feel safe.
The Dunwich Building
Fallout 3 (2008)
As you explore the Capital Wasteland area of Fallout 3, you may just stumble across a nondescript, unremarkable office building, known as the Dunwich Building, which, by the way, is a reference to The Dunwich Horror by cosmic horror author, H.P. Lovecraft. From the outside, theres really nothing that screams scary or horror; however, inside is a completely different story. If the feral ghouls and glowing ones dont put you off then perhaps the myriad skeletons strewn about the place will. If thats not enough then you have ominous whispers and voices echoing through the halls. Plus, listening to Jaimes personal audio logs up the creep factor ten-fold. Then, once you reach the mysterious and utterly scary skull-adorned obelisk in the bowels of the building, all bets are off. The Dunwich Building is pure terror. And, for a similar spooky vibe in another Fallout game, Fallout 4, look to The Museum of Witchcraft, an apt location name that speaks for itself when it comes to scary places in non-horror games.
Half-Life 2 (2004)
We dont go to Ravenholm has become a pretty famous line for Half-Life fans, and heckeven those with just a passing interest in the games. However, for this entry, we do indeed need to go to Ravenholm to discuss just how scary this place is in comparison to the rest of Half-Life 2, specifically. This fire and brimstone, once thriving mining town and previous resistance stronghold is completely overrun by headcrabs and zombies alike. All Gordon Freeman needs to do is make it to the church which sounds simple enough. But alas, its not. This creepy location is thriving for all the wrong reasons. Fortunately, you can utilize the many, many traps littered about to deal with the headcrab and zombie infestation.
Shalebridge Cradle
Thief: Deadly Shadows (2004)
This terrifying location once served as an orphanage before swapping to an insane asylum, and even shuttering its gates altogether, but not before it operated as both at the exact same time. What could possibly go wrong with that combination? Welleverything! Thief: Deadly Shadows isnt exactly known to be a horror game; far from it actually. However, upon entering Shalebridge Cradle, its very clear how deeply haunted this dilapidated building really is. Fires randomly started here, a creature known as The Hag was often seen by orphans, ghosts roam the halls, and undead asylum patients known as Puppets seek to cause mayhem and turmoil for Garrett. Shalebridge is a true rogues gallery of scariness, with no part of ever feeling safe. The true horror hallmark for this locale is the impeccably unnerving audio design. Ethereal whispers and voices can be heard, phantom footsteps in the hallways, screams and moans abound, and the ambient soundscape always keeps you on the edge of your seat. As you venture forth, keep in mind: the Cradle remembers everything.
So, do you agree with our creepy picks for this list? There are a staggering amount of scary locations from non-horror games. Which ones did we miss from our list? Be sure to let us know down in the comments.
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Welcome to MojoPlays, and today were counting down our picks for the 20 scariest, creepiest, and otherwise strange and odd locations from a wide variety of non-horror video games.
Before we begin, we publish new content all week long, so, be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
Earthbound (1994)
Gosh, where do I even begin with the nightmare fuel town of Threed from Earthbound? Well, apart from red-eyed ghosts greeting your bus as you enter the town from the tunnel as well all of the off-putting locals talking about zombies running rampant and trying to destroy the humans, theres a staggering cornucopia of spooky goings-on. From creepy kids wearing masks to sentient marionette dolls, trash monsters, and zombies dogs for Ness and Co. to battle to a spooky graveyard to explore and even to the dilapidated, seemingly abandoned circus that would make even PT Barnum run for the hillsThreed is downright creepy and disturbing... Oh, and thats not even mentioning the haunting, ethereal, dissonant music and the dark, moody, mauve environment. Probably better to take your vacation elsewhere seeing as the town of Threed is not quite right
Dark Bramble
Outer Wilds (2019)
Sure 2019s evocative and thought-provoking, time-looping indie sci-fi game might not seem ripe for the picking when it comes to scary thingsbut, I mean come onhave you seen Dark Bramble? Talk about a slap in the face when it comes to a complete tonal change. Outer Wilds already has its fair share of somber existential dread moments but Dark Bramble turns this part of the game into full on cosmic sci-fi horror. Exploring this gnarled, twisted, fog-laden, labyrinthian locale is pretty darn unforgettable, especially once you stumble across the giant angler fish beast skeleton where your moment of respite just so happens to be.
The Morgue
Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009)
Gosh darn it Scarecrow, why do you gotta keep ruining Batmans day? Arkham Asylums Morgue section might be extremely short and overall quite limited; however, what it lacks in gameplay longevity, it more than makes up for in sheer terror. Now, it could be said that Arkham Asylum is already a pretty scary place in and of itself, but the Morgue truly takes the gross, moldy cake here. Serving up as one of the first encounters Batman has with Scarecrow in the game, this locale is all about horror. From Batman witnessing visions of temporarily back to life corpses of his parents in body bags to Commissioner Gordons dead body in a hallway to the sounds of ghostly voices echoing in the Morgue to Scarecrow himself popping out of a body bag only to thrust Batman into a cat and mouse gameplay section, the Morgue is certainly not for the faint of heart.
Sanctuary of the Scion
Tomb Raider (1996)
Tomb Raiders Sanctuary of the Scion stage isnt scary in the way you might think, such as with jump scares or creepy imagery. Sure, ya, this stages monstrous aberrations such as the various forms of the Atlanteans are certainly nothing to scoff at, its really in how this twelfth stage feels to experience, mostly down to how deeply unnerving it truly is. Much of this comes from a complete lack of music, only occasionally kicking in, before promptly stopping as you hear the winds howl and wail through the caves and tunnels of this Egyptian locale. Sanctuary of the Scion feels oppressive, like something is watching Lara around every cornerand no, I dont mean the massive sphynx in the central part of the level. Where the rest of the game feels like Indiana Jones-esque high adventure, this level is a stark contrast, offering foreboding feelings as you explore its labyrinthian design.
The Derelict Reaper
Mass Effect 2 (2010)
Isaac Clarke from the Dead Space series would likely feel right at home aboard the aptly named Derelict Reaper given that its overflowing with zombie-like beings such as the Husks, Abominations, and Scions, akin to the terrifying Necromorphs... But, alas, Mass Effect 2 is not a sci-fi horror game, not at all. So, when Commander Shepherd and crew step aboard this very-much-disturbing locale in the hopes of destroying the Reaper Core, things quickly turn full on scare fest. Bombarded from all angles by the aforementioned Husks, Abominations, and Scions, finding people impaled on massive spikes in ceremonial/sacrificial fashion, and even coming face to face with a Gethwellits safe to say that the Derelict Reaper is the stuff nightmares are made of.
Creepy Castle
Donkey Kong 64 (1999)
Yes, yes, I know what you are thinking: how the heck can a level in colorful, charming 3D collectathon platformer Donkey Kong 64 be scary? To that I would sayhave you actually played through Creepy Castle? While its certainly no horror game location, its a deeply unsettling locale that sort of feels at odds with the rest of the game. Apart from being a massive floating haunted castle (emphasis on haunted), its one of those dark, dank, and dreary stages filled with shadows, skeletal minions, ghostly goons, bizarre level-specific imagery, off-kilter (yet oddly whimsical) dissonant music, mist and fog, and barrels of rainy, stormy weather. Oh, and if that wasnt enough to put you on edge as you hoover up collectibles, there are also pervasive haunting moans and ethereal, spectral sounds. So ya, Creepy Castle iswelldownright creepy. The name really says it all here.
Markarth Abandoned House
The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (2011)
Molag Bal, you dastardly Daedra; always up to no good. While Skyrim is certainly not devoid of plentiful creepy locales, wed be hard-pressed to find one scarier than the abandoned house in Markarth. This haunted house is straight out of Paranormal Activity, with its poltergeist activity, ghostly whispers, and evil rites. Part of The House of Horrors quest, the abandoned house is noteworthy for its Daedra worship; hence why you find Vigilant Tyranus (of the Vigilants of Stendarr) berating people for info about this supposedly empty, long-forgotten house. Should you agree to enter with Vigilant Tyranus then just be prepared for Molag Bal to have a field day with both of you, ultimately ending with you being trapped in a cage in the bowels of house, with the evil Daedra insinuating that you must be the one to take part in his insidious machinations.
Haunted Hogsmeade Shop
Hogwarts Legacy (2023)
Apart from being one of the very best games of the last few years, Hogwarts Legacy specifically excels in the Quests department. The game is chock full of fantastically fleshed out main, side, and activity quests. And, while the game does have some intense spookier moments, no part of the game really ups the creepy factor like the Haunted Hogsmeade Shop (also known as the Minding Your Own Business) questline. The mischievous, fanciful Fastidio the poltergeist is up to no good deep in the bowels of the eponymous shop, a locale that makes the Shrieking Shack seem like a McDonalds playplace by comparison. From magical, sentient (and incredibly creepy) mannequins to twisting, warping corridors to supernatural shenanigans to topsy-turvy battles against Fastidio, this bewildering locale is equal parts unnerving and whimsical.
Bottom of the Well
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)
The mausoleum of monstrosities that is Kakariko Villages bottom of well is nothing short of pure horror-induced nightmare fuel. Seriously, where do we even begin with this deeply disturbing location? How about the decaying skeleton right at the bottom of the well? How about the fact that Navi comments on how she can hear the spirits? What about the undeniably off-putting Dead Hand? How about all of the spooky, morbid imagery adorning many of the walls? Or, how about the mummy-like aberrations known as Gibdos who (and how do we put this delicately) just want to embrace Link like some sort of unholy panda bear? So ya, the bottom of the well mini-dungeon is straight up, all encompassing terror around every dank, damp, and grimey corner. Good times!
Lavender Town
Pokemon Red and Blue (1996)
Even if you took away the creepy urban legends and rumors about Lavender Towns haunting, off-putting, dissonant music, youd still be left with a town (that while looking quite harmless on the surface) is very clearly possessed by something malicious. Townsfolk here tell you all about evil spirits and roaming ghosts, about how their beloved Pokemon were killed, about various gravesites, and who could forgetthe fact that many of them straight up admit to being possessed or knowing friends of theirs who got possessed. Ummm ya, those are definitely things you dont want to hear when venturing into a new town. Lavender Town, and by extension the Pokemon Tower, is a resting place and graveyard for Pokemon who have died. Are the townsfolk here manipulated by Pokemon ghosts or is there something else entirely nefarious at play that we just dont know about? Either way, Lavender Town gets a one star Trip Advisor rating in our book.
The Bunker
Uncharted: Drakes Fortune (2007)
What starts out as a mostly innocuous, seemingly abandoned, dilapidated WW2 bunker, very quickly devolves into full-on third-person survival horror. Nathan and Elena find themselves at this spooky locale, only to get trapped by some descendants - humanoid monsters that call this place home, for better or for worse. With the power out and the generator needing to be fixed in order to proceed forward, its up to Mr. Drake to explore this disturbing location. With his walkie-talkie now on the fritz, he really is alone to fend off the encroaching descendants. While Nate does have plenty of firepower to take down the baddies, it still doesnt make up for the fact that the bunker is dark, twisting, derelict, and overflowing with odd noises and creepy denizens.
The Vortex Queen Showdown
Ecco the Dolphin (1992)
If you thought Ecco the Dolphin for the Sega Genesis was just a cute, cozy, and adorable adventure game all about dolphins then boy oh boy would you be dead wrong. Sure, this game might have the facade of a wholesome aquatic adventure; however, as your journey with Ecco progresses, its very clear that something is amiss. This point becomes none truer than when you encounter the entirely terrifying Vortex Queen; a disturbing bug-like alien creature who just so happens to be the mother of the vortex species. Although you dont encounter the Vortex Queen until the final part of the game, its a real shock to the system, both for Ecco and for you the player, since, not only is she a tyrannical dictatorial being, but she is also hell bent ensuring her will is upheld by everything around her. Oh, and she was responsible for taking captive Eccos dolphin pals. This multi-phase showdown is pure nightmare fuel and provides a gargantuan tonal shift from the rest of the game. Gotta say though, that boss battle music is pretty chill
Abyssal Woods
Elden Ring - Shadow of the Erdtree (2024)
With a name like Abyssal Woods, its hard to think anyone was hoping for a quaint, low key walk through a bucolic, verdant forest; but gosh darnit, this locale really does take the rotting cake. In a game that is already brimming with horror-inspired locations to traipse through, the Abyssal Woods comes along to wreck your day. If the giant flesh-eating rats dont send you to your demise then the Untouchables will ensure madness sets in rapidly. The twisted, gnarled, labyrinthian design of these festering woods is made even more unnerving by the complete lack of music; instead, heightening your anxiety with a dissonant, ethereal soundscape that ratchets up the disturbing ambiance ten-fold. You may think you are ready for this fog-laden, shadow-strewn, monster-ridden plot of land, but it will get the best of you. Beware the madness.
Von Everec Estate
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015)
An unnatural fog hangs about a derelict, once opulent manor. Dark clouds enshroud the skies above. Thieves looking to break in and loot from the dead while a mysterious talking cat and dog duo prowl the gardens. Between the rot and decay surrounding the manor lies signs of life, but at what cost? Its here that Geralt finds himself in search of Iris Von Everec at her titular estate, a massive haunted manor that offers more questions than answers. From a supernatural Caretaker tending to fresh graves to a scorned and bitter Wraith to plentiful poltergeist activity to ward off strangers, the Von Everec Estate is a deeply moody and harrowing location set during the Scenes From a Marriage questline. Seeing everything this quest offers, in and around the very-much-haunted manor, is intensely captivating and utterly enthralling; capped off with the invocation of Lady Von Everecs tormented spirit where Geralt discovers what hes afterall centering around this infamously spooky locale.
Nightmare Level
Max Payne (2001)
The OG Max Payne might be an intensely gritty and grimy hard-boiled game; however, its a far cry from a horror game. That is, until you get to Maxs nightmare stages. These infamous stages are straight out of a horror film as you guide Max along tightrope-like blood trails in a room full of darkness, with little guiding you through the bloody maze, apart from the screams, cries, and echoes of your murdered family, alongside some terrifying discordant music. These bloody trail nightmare levels are downright punishing since theres little room for error.
Ocean House Hotel
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (2004)
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines Ocean House Hotel is a complete tonal shift from the rest of the game. While yes, the game of course has plenty of spooky, moody, and creepy gothic-infused moments given its all about vampires, it still mostly plays as an action RPG, first and foremost, not a jump scare laden horror game. All of that goes out the window once you step foot into the Ocean House Hotel, a derelict property haunted by all sorts of ominous specters who are up to plenty of supernatural madcaps. From lights flickering and bursting to objects moving of their own accord to grandfather clocks tolling to phantoms running across the hallways, this hotel really does have it all for horror hounds.
Queen Vanessas Manor
A Hat in Time (2017)
A Hat in Time positions itself as a charming and wholesome, family-friendly 3D platformer. And while it certainly is all of that to some extent, its also a game with a dark sense of humor. And no, I dont just mean Mafia Town. Enter Subcon Forest, a location that, if you even want to enter, you must sign away Hat Kids soul via a dark contract with The Snatcher. But, its Queen Vanessas Manor that ups the horror ante even further. If you want to discuss pure nightmare fuel then Queen Vanessas Manor is right up there at the top, again, especially given how much of the rest of the game feels so wholesome. This haunted manor deep in Subcon Forest takes away your Hat abilities and instead makes you rely on stealth while finding a bunch of keys. The looming, shadowy presence of Queen Vanessa makes this location truly stand out as you never really feel safe.
The Dunwich Building
Fallout 3 (2008)
As you explore the Capital Wasteland area of Fallout 3, you may just stumble across a nondescript, unremarkable office building, known as the Dunwich Building, which, by the way, is a reference to The Dunwich Horror by cosmic horror author, H.P. Lovecraft. From the outside, theres really nothing that screams scary or horror; however, inside is a completely different story. If the feral ghouls and glowing ones dont put you off then perhaps the myriad skeletons strewn about the place will. If thats not enough then you have ominous whispers and voices echoing through the halls. Plus, listening to Jaimes personal audio logs up the creep factor ten-fold. Then, once you reach the mysterious and utterly scary skull-adorned obelisk in the bowels of the building, all bets are off. The Dunwich Building is pure terror. And, for a similar spooky vibe in another Fallout game, Fallout 4, look to The Museum of Witchcraft, an apt location name that speaks for itself when it comes to scary places in non-horror games.
Half-Life 2 (2004)
We dont go to Ravenholm has become a pretty famous line for Half-Life fans, and heckeven those with just a passing interest in the games. However, for this entry, we do indeed need to go to Ravenholm to discuss just how scary this place is in comparison to the rest of Half-Life 2, specifically. This fire and brimstone, once thriving mining town and previous resistance stronghold is completely overrun by headcrabs and zombies alike. All Gordon Freeman needs to do is make it to the church which sounds simple enough. But alas, its not. This creepy location is thriving for all the wrong reasons. Fortunately, you can utilize the many, many traps littered about to deal with the headcrab and zombie infestation.
Shalebridge Cradle
Thief: Deadly Shadows (2004)
This terrifying location once served as an orphanage before swapping to an insane asylum, and even shuttering its gates altogether, but not before it operated as both at the exact same time. What could possibly go wrong with that combination? Welleverything! Thief: Deadly Shadows isnt exactly known to be a horror game; far from it actually. However, upon entering Shalebridge Cradle, its very clear how deeply haunted this dilapidated building really is. Fires randomly started here, a creature known as The Hag was often seen by orphans, ghosts roam the halls, and undead asylum patients known as Puppets seek to cause mayhem and turmoil for Garrett. Shalebridge is a true rogues gallery of scariness, with no part of ever feeling safe. The true horror hallmark for this locale is the impeccably unnerving audio design. Ethereal whispers and voices can be heard, phantom footsteps in the hallways, screams and moans abound, and the ambient soundscape always keeps you on the edge of your seat. As you venture forth, keep in mind: the Cradle remembers everything.
So, do you agree with our creepy picks for this list? There are a staggering amount of scary locations from non-horror games. Which ones did we miss from our list? Be sure to let us know down in the comments.
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