25K Subscribers!! | Neil Young vs Joe Rogan | Mighty Mighty Bosstones Break Up | MØ Interview

VOICE OVER: Joe Pacheco, Cassius Morris
Hey everyone! This week on Innersleeve, Joe and Cassius are joined by Danish pop artist, MØ! The trio discusses MØ's new album Motordrome, the challenging process she experienced crafting the album (including vocal surgery and struggles with anxiety), returning to touring and reacting to WatchMojo Top 10's! Joe and Cassius open the show discussing the ongoing battle between Joe Rogan and Neil Young, Spotify's involvement (or lack thereof), The Mighty Mighty Bosstones ending their 40-year career and more.
Get Motordrome: https://apple.co/32UJCLG
Follow MØ: https://www.instagram.com/momomoyouth
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0:00 Intro
1:03 25K subscribers!!
2:51 Steve Vai interview reactions
4:44 MØ intro
7:14 Neil Young vs Joe Rogan
13:23 Mighty Mighty Bosstones break up.
15:25 Greg Wells Royalty calculations
17:47 MØ Interview
19:27 Motordrome
20:36 Effects of 5 years non-stop touring
25:53 Songwriting
26:52 Vocal surgery
28:11 Goosebumps
28:55 Live To Survive
30:49 Favorite performance
31:34 Favorite Venue / Festival
32:05 Top 10 Most Important Albums In Pop Music History
34:00 MØ's Message to the fans
35:32 MØ Takeaways
#soundmojo #innersleeve #musicpodcast #musicinterviews #mo #MØ #neilyoung #joerogan #mightymightyboostones
Get Motordrome: https://apple.co/32UJCLG
Follow MØ: https://www.instagram.com/momomoyouth
📌 Listen to more Innersleeve: 👉 http://wmojo.com/innersleeve
📌 Innersleeve on the go: https://wmojo.com/InnersleeveApplePodcasts
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0:00 Intro
1:03 25K subscribers!!
2:51 Steve Vai interview reactions
4:44 MØ intro
7:14 Neil Young vs Joe Rogan
13:23 Mighty Mighty Bosstones break up.
15:25 Greg Wells Royalty calculations
17:47 MØ Interview
19:27 Motordrome
20:36 Effects of 5 years non-stop touring
25:53 Songwriting
26:52 Vocal surgery
28:11 Goosebumps
28:55 Live To Survive
30:49 Favorite performance
31:34 Favorite Venue / Festival
32:05 Top 10 Most Important Albums In Pop Music History
34:00 MØ's Message to the fans
35:32 MØ Takeaways
#soundmojo #innersleeve #musicpodcast #musicinterviews #mo #MØ #neilyoung #joerogan #mightymightyboostones