Another Top 10 Arctic Monkeys Songs

We're not monkeying around. Welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for Another Top 10 Arctic Monkeys Songs.
For this list we're looking at more amazing songs from the Arctic Monkeys that have become our party anthems. We're basing our choices on a mix of poetic and snarky lyrics, memorable riffs and the sharp wit that keeps us coming back to the band.
#9: "I Wanna Be Yours"
AM (2013)
The sultry guitar lines that run through 'I Wanna Be Yours' let you know that this a love song first and foremost. Alex Turner promises utter devotion to his partner, and reduces himself to whatever object they need him to be. Next to many of the sad and aggressive songs on 'AM' it was refreshing to close the album so romantically. The poem’s writer, John Cooper Clarke even praised Turner for transforming his original comedic work into something affectionate. Considering Alex claims the poem inspired him as a lyricist, the words fit his voice seamlessly. Along with Turner's additions, 'I Wanna Be Yours' is a surprisingly intimate ballad.
#8: "Pretty Visitors"
Humbug (2009)
From the spooky organs to the grimy guitars, 'Pretty Visitors' oozes a dark energy that the Arctic Monkeys rarely tapped into. The lyrics discuss the dangers and often frightening life of musicians, as Turner compares concerts to a circus. Turner's words get so visual that he imagines hands in a crowd like a pit of snakes. The harmonies in the chorus even add a sinister tone to the track thanks to production from Queens of The Stone Age's Josh Homme. With a ferocious delivery, and theatrical writing, 'Pretty Visitors' is just as intense on record as it is to see live.
#7: "The View from the Afternoon"
Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not (2006)
Through lavish observations on the silliness of nights out on the town, The Arctic Monkeys opened their debut album with something to say. Alex Turner critiques why people put so much stock in partying, thanks to a connected series of vignettes. In the end Turner reflects that high expectations are never met, despite our hopeful attitudes. 'The View From The Afternoon' matches Alex's frustration with a hectic mix of distorted guitars. Though Turner's words have a condescending tone, he's explained that he used to be just as reckless himself. Nevertheless you can still cut loose to the song's explosive drum performance.
#6: "Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair"
Suck It and See (2011)
Groovy guitar riffs and surreal lyrics quickly made 'Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair' one of the Arctic Monkeys' most psychedelic songs. Alex Turner describes increasingly dangerous situations, while insisting falling over is even more risky. The disorienting atmosphere of the song keeps the otherwise ridiculous lyrics creepy. Despite this scary tone, the title comes from an innocent exchange Turner once had in the studio. Each chorus drops in with heavy bass and a memorable chanting melody from the band. Even with its innocuous origins, 'Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair' is one of the band's most moody hits.
#5: "Four Out of Five"
Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino (2018)
As Alex Turner sings like a salesman, it quickly becomes clear that he's trying to advertise his new lunar hotel. The funky grooves and sultry vocals of 'Four Out Of Five' have a distinctly glam-rock energy, before they shift to a dreamy harmony section. Mysterious experiences and detailed locales pull listeners deeper in to the world the band creates in their concept album. Despite how amazing the hotel is, Turner said the title reflects how reviewers never give anything a perfect score. 'Four Out Of Five' is one of the band's most ambitious tracks to date, with its sci-fi inspiration and David Bowie-like performance.
#4: "Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High"
AM (2013)
With its sublime bass hook and an R&B groove, 'Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High' sets a seductive mood. The frantic lyrics and slurred guitars however, suggest a more inebriated state of mind. Alex Turner is a desperate man on a night bender, who slowly becomes obsessed with an old flame. Despite the longing in his lyricism, it quickly becomes clear that the man actually treats this fling like dirt. The suave rhythms and ear-worm quality of the chorus quickly had the song stuck in Arctic Monkeys fans’ heads. It's Turner's slice-of-life lyricism however that's made it so relatable and timeless.
#3: "Fake Tales of San Francisco"
Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not (2006)
Though 'Fake Tales Of San Francisco' is one of the Arctic Monkeys earliest songs, it's full of amazing social commentary. Alex Turner chews out a band who romanticize America, despite never actually visiting it. The lyrics go on to describe fakers and how easily people can see through their lies. Thanks to some funky riffs, the song is just as fun to dance to as it is hilarious to listen to. Among memorable chorus chants of 'Kick Me Out,' Turner also makes clever comparisons between British and American cities. This wit and a vicious guitar-shredding finale helped the Arctic Monkeys stand out early on.
#2: "Arabella"
AM (2013)
Whether it's the quasi-Latin riffs or Alex Turner's stellar poetry, 'Arabella' has a hypnotizing effect. This fits its titular woman perfectly, as Turner describes a woman so attractive that he's become obsessed with her. His descriptions get so cosmic that he even says Arabella is made of outer space. Hard-rock riffs give the song a kick up in energy, while subtly referencing Black Sabbath's 'War Pigs.' The bridge really pushes things over the top, before the band lets loose into the most insane solo of their career. This is one of the band's loudest songs. Turn it up!
Before we get to our top teddy pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
"Riot Van"
Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not (2006)
"Star Treatment"
Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino (2018)
"Knee Socks"
AM (2013)
#1: "Brianstorm"
Favourite Worst Nightmare (2007)
While the Arctic Monkeys had evolved their sound on their second album, 'Brianstorm' proved they could completely shift gears. The track opens their album at a vicious pace, and never lets up for a second. 'Brianstorm' is also bolstered by an unbelievably fast and complex drum line, one some critics have even argued you could listen to without the music. After meeting a memorably weird Brian backstage, the band brainstormed as many crazy qualities as they could about him for lyrics. This song bursts with a clever, punky spirit.