Another Top 10 Worst Movie Endings

Because the anti-climactic feeling is actually quite addictive, we'd like to serve you up another dose of movies coming to all the wrong conclusions! Join as we count down our picks for another top 10 worst movie endings! For this list, we've looked at those filmic final scenes which didn't exactly satisfy... If you didn't see a disappointing entry you thought should be on here, be sure to check out our first video of the 'Top 10 Worst Movie Endings'!
Special thanks to our users Camden Coblentz and Connery Cateni for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at WatchMojo.comsuggest
#10: “The Unborn” (2009)
This movie had a lot of potential! Possessed children, exorcisms and a freakily flexible dog... It boasts a terrifying tickbox! And for the most part, it satisfactorily scared us! But the ending left us less cowering behind the sofa, more staring incredulously at our friends! We get that in a good horror movie the monsters never truly die, and in this one they were never really born... And they never really lived, and by the time the credits roll we just don’t really care!
#9: “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” (2014)
Spidey is a little more emotional than some superheroes, but this ending’s attempts to tug heartstrings are just too nauseating! Sure, it’s kinda cute when the kid stands in the way of The Rhino, even if it is sorta confusing as to exactly why Rhino’s there... But when the real webslinger arrives back into shot, we just can’t suspend our disbelief any further! The heart-to-heart, the fist-bump, the megaphone and the manhole cover - it all reeks of cheese! This ending’s meant to keep us guessing, but it only has us cursing!
#8: “X-Men: The Last Stand” (2006)
It’s a bold and often commendable move to kill off good characters, but in this case... It sorta sucks! The third movie in the “X-Men” franchise, we were all expecting an explosive finale, and in many ways we got one... But we didn’t really want all those good guy graves! The final battle itself is pretty cool, but the final shots are a little weak in comparison... The Xavier Mutant Academy just isn’t the same without Xavier himself! No wonder Marvel felt the need for a trademark ‘Easter egg’ post credits!
#7: “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” (2009)
While the “X-Men” creators were perhaps a little too hasty to kill people off, the “Transformers” team flirted with the idea of KO-ing a main character, but couldn’t quite follow through - much to our frustration! First Sam dies and is then revived, and then the unthinkable happens as Optimus Prime looks to be on his way out. But it’s OK because he’s a robot, and robots can get spare parts! All that was ever needed was a service and an upgrade and then ‘hey presto’, day is saved!
#6: “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2” (2012)
There’re many who’d argue that the beginning and the middle of the “Twilight” saga were pretty terrible, but even diehard fans had difficulty standing up for its ending! The final battle scene is suitably grand, but the conclusion - for want of a better word... - is simply a con! It’s to be expected that a book-to-film adaptation should employ a little creative license, but here the whole story is rewritten! In the end, the epic something was an epic nothing... And an epic waste of time!
#5: “The Village” (2004)
The 19th century is often shown as an overly spooky era, and that’s exactly what M. Night Shyamalan was going for with “The Village”. A director well known for his signature ‘twist’ endings however, these revelations in the woods just didn’t wow us as well as Shyamalan’s past efforts! Oooh, so the creepy self-sufficient community actually exists in the modern world... And its Elders all know about the outside world, but the outside has no idea about them... We get it! ...And we don’t like it!
#4: “Now You See Me” (2013)
A good ending understands the questions thrown up by a movie, provides some kind of answer to them, and leaves its audience feeling satisfied. This, is not a good ending! The vast majority of “Now You See Me” is seriously slick! The magic is so impressive, we’re waiting in extreme anticipation for the big reveal! But when that presents itself as one double-agent cop and a series of plot holes big enough to personally fall into, we’re sighing rather than smiling! The sequel better smooth things over!
#3: “Remember Me” (2010)
It has become a notoriously risky tactic to rely upon the 9/11 terror attacks when film-making, and with 2010’s “Remember Me,” the risk didn’t pay off! In what is Robert Pattinson’s second appearance on this unfortunate list, we are nearing the end of a movie that has picked apart human relationships, and is searching for a suitable climax... Clearly, for an NYC story to be considered truly deep and meaningful, then 9/11 has to be crow-barred in there somewhere... No matter how clumsily!
#2: “The Happening” (2008)
Another M. Night Shyamalan mishap of an ending now, as “The Sixth Sense” seems a very long time ago! Mark Wahlberg needs a second, and this movie’s coming second! Some supporters will say that the message in “The Happening” goes way beyond simple global warming, but the standard cinemagoer just can’t see the wood for the trees. Literally! So, the potentially mysterious mass suicides were set in motion by the plants? And when the wind blows we should all wet ourselves? We sat through this entire film for that?!
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few [dis]honorable mentions.
- “They” (2002)
- “Color of Night” (1994)
- “Secret Window” (2004)
- “Hide and Seek” (2005)
- “Knowing” (2009)
#1: “The Matrix Revolutions” (2003)
The third and final instalment of this rethinking of reality, the plots and storylines had become so convoluted by this movie’s close that it needed something extra-special to sew everything together. Unfortunately, it didn’t get it! In fact, it entirely dodged it! Sure, Neo’s sacrifice is heroic and Smith’s demise is a good thing... But what about everybody else plugged into the Matrix?? Has the whole thing just been explained away by a brief encounter on a park bench?? A pretty sunset is nice, but it doesn’t answer any questions! How long will there be peace, will the ones who want out actually be freed, and what does the Oracle mean that we’ll see Neo again?
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