Apple Announces the iPhone 7 Release! Specs and Features

VOICE OVER: Matthew Wende
Script written by Matt Wende
Apple fans rejoice, Christmas has come early! But is it the same old story just with the buttons in a different spot, or the tech revolution Apple lovers have come to expect from the tech giant? Welcome to WatchMojo News, the series from where we look at stories that should be on your radar. Today, we're looking at 3 things you need to know about the announcement of the iphone 7!
Apple fans rejoice, Christmas has come early! But is it the same old story just with the buttons in a different spot, or the tech revolution Apple lovers have come to expect from the tech giant? Welcome to WatchMojo News, the series from where we look at stories that should be on your radar. Today, we're looking at 3 things you need to know about the announcement of the iphone 7!
Iphone 7 Release
Apple fans rejoice, Christmas has come early! But is it the same old story just with the buttons in a different spot, or the tech revolution Apple lovers have come to expect from the tech giant? Welcome to WatchMojo News, the series from where we look at stories that should be on your radar. Today, we’re looking at 3 things you need to know about the announcement of the iphone 7!
#3: What changes have been made to the phone’s Exterior?
Arguably the biggest change on phones exterior: the new model will be ditching the headphone jack! Now I know what you’re thinking, “I just bought brand new Beats, but now how will I listen to my dope audio files?!” Well fear not, as the phone will be shipping with standard headphones that go directly into the lightning port, as well as an adaptor in the box. Or if you just want to avoid cables entirely, Apple announced airpods, their brand new wireless ear buds.
The camera’s been beefed up to, with an upgraded lens and camera system, that will allow for high speed and lowlight photography. For those of you with deep pockets - literally and figuratively – The Seven plus is gonna have an extra camera lens, which will allow for a compact optical zoom! You’re gonna notice too, as the phone’s display is gonna be able to handle colors better than ever and incorporate 3d touch!
The home button may not look different, but now it’s got different sensitivity levels, and will vibrate to give you feedback.
#2: What changes have been made to the inside of the phone?
As far as Apple seems to be concerned, more is better, and that trend continues under the hood! Base memory has doubled from 16Gb to 32Gb, with models also available with 128 and 256, so you shan’t be wanting for space. There’s also additional battery power, with the average customer seeing up to 2 hours extra life depending on use. They also went ahead and added an extra speaker, this time to the top of phone, making them not only louder, but also giving them a stereo effect. With the addition of Apple’s new A10 Fusion chip, this is reported to be by far Apple’s most powerful phone ever. If you’re concerned about keeping those pesky internals dry, the 7 will have water resistant capabilities. Considering a handful of you are watching this in the bathroom, that’ll probably come in handy!
#1: Is it worth the upgrade?
A reinvention of the wheel it may not be, but the devil’s in the details and that’s how Apple is working to improve their flagship device. The removal of the headphone jack is likely to prove an inconvenience to some. Long time fans are surely to love the additions though, and the improvements on the already sleek design are more than enough to keep them hooked. Though Samsung had been taking market shares from Apple in recent years, we can’t ignore the September 2016 recall of two and a half million Galaxy Note 7s because they have a tendency to, you know, light on fire.
Considering the 7 will not have a price increase over the 6S, Apple is likely to remain on top with their latest iteration of one of their most celebrated products. And besides, did we really need a new wheel?
So are you gonna be upgrading to the iPhone 7? Are you relying on Samsung to keep you warm at night? For more stories that you need to know and your latest tech news, subscribe to