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Every Piece Of Eden In Assassin's Creed Explained

Every Piece Of Eden In Assassin's Creed Explained
Whether you're new to "Assassin's Creed" or a seasoned player, the Pieces of Eden can be a bit confusing. For this video, we'll be explaining every Piece of Eden that has appeared in Ubisoft's series. These include the Apples of Eden, the Isu Sidearms, the Shrouds of Eden, and more!
Script written by Josh McLean

Whether you're new to "Assassin's Creed" or a seasoned player, the Pieces of Eden can be a bit confusing. For this video, we'll be explaining every Piece of Eden that has appeared in Ubisoft's series. These include the Apples of Eden, the Isu Sidearms, the Shrouds of Eden, and more! Do you know all there is to know about the Pieces of Eden? Discuss in the comments!

Apples of Eden

Let's cut right to the chase. What do the Apples do? As of now, we know of about eleven "Apples of Eden'' in the series, some being lost to history. These devices are primarily used for the control of people's minds. As the Isu created humans to do their dirty work, building in a piece of our brains to be susceptible to cranial possession, apparition conjuration, tangible holograms, and other big words, was highly useful to their cause. They have been known to contain massive amounts of information on technology leading to much plot! Things obviously took a turn when a couple of humans and Isu caught the love bug, resulting in the half breeds of "Adam" and "Eve", who eventually stole an orb, causing the great human-Isu war. Here we see the origins of the name "apple", and things only got more interesting from there! Notable Apple activities include!: The first apple, used vaugely by Napoleon to gain control over France and later used to disguise the assassination of JFK. Apple #2, wielded by our character Bayek in Origins to pummel a dude, held by our mentor character in the first Assassin's Creed, used peacefully by Gandhi in his protests, and again used in collaboration with the JFK incident, though shortly after destroyed in an accident. The third Apple was held by Washington until it gave him nightmarish visions. After being dropped into the sea by our character Conner, it was retrieved and given to President John F. Kennedy… You know where this is going. It was later held by the 36th president in the space race. Apple 4 was deciphered by Tesla to help him develop electricity, though later shipped to Germany's facist leader to commit all sorts of horrors. Eventually it fell into the hands of Abstergo and was destroyed by Assassin efforts. Apple #5 was... retrieved from the moon, believe it or not, by the previously mentioned Apple 3. No, it didn't originate from the moon. The Isu just accidentally flung it there one time, and now NASA has it apparently. Apple #6 was passed around during the Constantinople times, and used to open the Vatican vault by our homie Ezio. It was stolen multiple times, and though briefly held by Da Vinci to create his machines, it remains in Assassin custody after Desmond not-so-accidentally offed Lucy Stillman with it. Apple 7, was studied by British templars and quickly destroyed by player character Evie. Now we're going off the books because they stopped numbering them - stick with me! "Aguilar's Apple", depicted in the 2016 film, was held by Christopher Columbus for a time until it was recovered by the Templars who lost possession of it to the assassin Michael Fassbender. "Akhenaten's Apple", held by multiple pharaohs to conjure apparitions, was lost to the desert and has not been found. "Gull's Apple '' was held in Norway, until acquired by a thrall in the comics and was lost to the mountains. AND FINALLY, most recently, the "Isle of Skye" apple of Scotland caused nightmares and madness to the people of the island. It was collected by the tag team efforts of Eivor & Kassandra who presumably destroyed it. Boom. 15 years of lore.

Staves of Eden

Alright, I promise the following chapters won't be as extensive, as no other artifact has been given that much development. As a matter o'fact, the Staves of Eden are primarily for increasing the power of the Apples once combined, though they do have benefits for the wielders themselves. Yes, conjuring illusions, mind control, and invisibility can be also expected from these things, except they're a little easier to swing as a weapon. The "Papal Staff" was first used by Saint Peter to become the first Pope, and was handed down by the Romans until Ezio lost it in the Vatican vault. The "Imperial Sceptre '' was held by Russian Tsars, until acquired by Rasputin. It would be almost entirely destroyed by the efforts of Nikola Tesla, until a single shard was collected by the assassins. "Alexander's Staff" lent its abilities to a little someone called "Alexander The Great '' who used its powers to found his ancient empire, and was later delivered to the Roman Templars. The "Shattered Staff of Eden '' was said to be used in the Spanish Inquisition, later destroyed by the brotherhood. Finally, the "Staff of Hermes”, which we all know and love, granted a few unique powers such as immortality, healing factors, and boosts to physical strength. This thing has been at the forefront of the last two games, which has allowed our current Protagonist Layla Hassan to meet several figures from history in the flesh. Pretty dope.

Rings of Eden

With significantly fewer appearance, we have the Rings, which protect the wearer from harm with electromagnetic fields. The most famous tale regarding them involves the pirate William Kidd who is said to have used their power to reflect musket balls. Pretty standard sci-fi force field stuff but worth mentioning! As far as other protective technologies, there have been very few additions of Isu armor to the series which all grant the player the expected defensive buffs. But there hasn't been much lore delving into the origins of the Aegis, The Fallen Heroes, or Thor's armor besides "Yeah, they wore it."

Shrouds of Eden

These high tech cloths contain nanotechnology, which the Isu used to heal themselves from even the fatal-est of wounds. Built by an Isu named Consus, who you may know better as "Prometheus", from the Greek myth in which he gave fire to the humans in betrayal of his fellow Gods. Yes, in AC lore he was a human sympathizer who imbued these shrouds with his own conscience, giving him the ability to converse and possess those who used the cloth. Popping up several times in history, though all being semi-recently destroyed, were at least three shrouds: One used by Jesus himself to perform miracles, another dubbed the "golden fleece" in the tale of Jason, and another found and hidden by fan favorite Edward Kenway!

Swords of Eden

As the name implies, these weapons were forged by the Isu Hephaestus - shout outs! Originally wielded against other powerful Isu in an attempt to end wars between them, obviously he did a bit too good of a job and the body count rose tremendously. After being lost to time, these weapons would find themselves in the hands of influential humans. Let's recap them, shall we? The first Sword of Eden, capable of an inspiration glamor, shooting energy blasts, and teleportation, belonged to Joan of Arc. It was later involved in the death of the cutest Templar in the series, Elise, and is currently in Abstergo possession. The second blade bears the same powers as the first and was held by Genghis Khan (Oof, we know how that went). There was Excalibur, held by King Arthur, until retrieved by the viking Eivor years later. The Harpe of Perseus was used to slay Medusa, collected by us and Kassandra. Finally, there’s the Sword of Damokles, held by the Cult of Kosmos and wielded by the grandchildren of Leonidas. All this to say, I'm sure further legendary weapons will be showing up in future games.

ISU Sidearms

Now there isn't too much to explain about these powerful beings wanting their own unique sidearms, but we'll touch on it briefly since many can be collected by the player character. Poseidon's Trident is said to control the seas. Following in line with this series, I assume it's due to some science mumbo jumbo; maybe magnets (I'm not a scientist). The "Gae Bolg" held by the Irish hero Cú Chulainn is said to be made from the bones of a sea monster. The "Hammer of Hephaistos", used by the Isu to forge, was later used by a cyclops. The "Cyclops Bludgeon" is apparently deadly to anything that isn't immortal. Who could forget “Mjölnir”, Thor’s trusty hammer which projects electricity. There's the "Minotaur's Labrys", acquired by the beast after the "Olympos Project", which was just the Isu building a bunch of big monsters to spook the humans - Very cool, guys. The “Spear of Leonidas”, which granted god-like power including the ability to imbue arrows with fire and echolocation, was harnessed powerfully by Leonidas due to his direct lineage to the Isu. And not to forget the "Nodens' Arc", named after the Celtic Isu Noden. Fascinatingly, the collector’s edition of AC Valhalla is required to solve several physical clues of cryptic text to tell how to unlock this bow in game. If you're looking for any other minor collectable, be sure to check out “assassinscreed.fandom dot com”!

Mythical Miscellaneous

To bring it home, we have a couple of fascinating devices that don't fit snugly into another category, such as the Fountain of Youth. It was built in Florida by the Isu for an unknown reason and never found in game so far. I'm going to wager a guess that since the Isu still aged, this was merely a vanity device that made their skin look good, sound about right? The Crystal skull, not the one from Indiana Jones, was basically an Isu cellphone. Allowing the user to send communications and look through the eyes of the skull, I'm guessing every Isu teen had one of these in their pocket. There's also the Crystal Ball, which, most overpoweredly, can show the users the flow of time and when certain events may happen. The Ankh, which would temporarily resurrect the dead, was again pretty overpowered so I can see why she hasn't gotten a lot of use. Freya's Medallion acts as an advanced key alongside the Grand Temple Key, The Saint-Denis key, etc. (It just goes to show you can't beat an old fashioned hunk of metal to open a door). The Patience Charm would give the user Spidey-sense for some unexplained reason. The Pyramid operates on a similar frequency to the Crystal Ball; it could show potential futures. And finally, finally, finally, the "Precursor Box" is capable of siphoning power from every previously mentioned artifact. It is a masterpiece of memories which can produce holograms to see the past or imprint the experience of others into the user's mind. For these reasons, despite being kept in a simple wooden box, many of Assassin’s Creed's heroes and villains have given their lives over this thing. ‘Cause at the end of the day, knowledge is power!