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10 Hidden Secrets in Hogwarts Legacy

10 Hidden Secrets in Hogwarts Legacy
VOICE OVER: Aaron Brown WRITTEN BY: Aaron Brown
Welcome to MojoPlays and today we're casting Revelio to uncover 10 hidden secrets in Hogwarts Legacy. For this video, we'll be looking at off the beaten path secrets and lore the developers hid within Hogwarts Castle that many casual players may have overlooked and some that even tie more directly into Harry Potter's time at the school. Our list includes The Original Dumbledore, Weasleys, Deathday Party, Quidditch, Hagrid's Hut and more!

10 Hidden Secrets in Hogwarts Legacy

Aaron Brown

Welcome to MojoPlays and today we’re casting Revelio to uncover 10 hidden secrets in Hogwarts Legacy.

For this list, we’ll be looking at off the beaten path secrets and lore the developers hid within Hogwarts Castle that many casual players may have overlooked and some that even tie more directly into Harry Potter’s time at the school.

What’s your favorite hidden secret within the halls of Hogwarts? Cast your own spell on the comments below.

Potter Lore

Although not present in the game itself, there are still numerous nods to Harry Potter and his future adventures in Hogwarts that can be found throughout the grounds. In addition to finding Headmaster Phineas Nigellus Black’s descendant, Sirius Black’s cell from Prisoner of Azkaban, numerous other locations with significance can be found for those diligent enough to look, such as the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets as well as the casket housing the Goblet of Fire in the Trophy Room. There are also many character-specific references that can be Reveliod, like Hermione’s Polyjuice Potion being brewed in the girl’s restroom and numerous nods to Ron Weasley, such as “follow the butterflies”, a boy throwing up slugs, and even a Wizard’s Chess set which have your ghost companion call out “Knight to H-3”, referring to Ron’s sacrificial move in The Sorcerer’s Stone.

The Original Dumbledore

Fans of the Harry Potter movies will no doubt remember that after the first two films, Dumbledore, originally portrayed by renowned actor Richard Harris who sadly passed away shortly after the release of The Chamber of Secrets, was replaced by Michael Gambon. The devs seemingly paid tribute to the original Potter Headmaster within the Grand Staircase of Ravenclaw Tower. Nestled within the numerous living paintings is a very familiar old and white bearded figure. While not directly named, this painting’s visage bears an uncanny resemblance to the films’ first Headmaster and is no doubt a loving tribute so that he may continue to live on in the Potterverse forever.

Tickle The Pear

Ever wonder how all those amazing meals and feasts in the Great Hall are made? Well, you can get a look behind the curtain the same way they do during Harry Potter’s time at Hogwarts. By tickling a pear on a living painting, you can gain access to the kitchen and see the many house elves tirelessly preparing the many meals the students enjoy right before your eyes. What’s more is players can see that within the kitchen is the exact same table setup as in the Great Hall with all the beautifully prepared dishes lining the tables, just waiting to be magically transported up above with the students none the wiser about how it’s all made.


Like any renowned academic institution, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has a long and well-established history of lifelong family academics, and none have quite the storied history of the Weasleys. Not only can you encounter a couple of Ron’s ancestors, Professor Matilda Weasley and her nephew Garreth, there’s also a much more subtle nod to the Weasleys that many players might not have even noticed. While exploring the numerous shops in Hogsmeade, players will likely encounter Zonko’s Joke Shop and a pair of familiar twins hanging around both inside and out. Their red hair and hand-me-down clothes are clear references to the infamous Weasley twins Fred and George, although they are never directly named.

Musical Appreciation

There’s no shortage of things to see and do in Hogsmeade, from its numerous shops peddling all manner of fantastical wares to the many denizens you can encounter and quests you can pick up. There is one side quest that can be very easily overlooked however as it has no marker or icon alerting the player to its existence. While exploring the town square you will come across a street performer doing his best with the few instruments he has. If you tip him, he’ll thank you and both of you will continue on your way. However, if you continue to visit and repeatedly tip the humble performer, not only will he begin to recognize you, but his one-man band will also grow in size thanks to your contributions. Before long, the once humble performer will be conducting his own orchestra with numerous magical instruments all under his command.

Deathday Party

Just because they’re dead, doesn’t mean the party’s over. If players venture into the Slytherin Dungeons and Alohomora their way past a locked door, they’ll encounter another grand hall with a celebration already under way. Unlike the many other longstanding and outlandish celebrations at Hogwarts, this party’s pretty much dead on arrival. And that’s just how the ghosts of Hogwarts Castle like it as they have their Deathday Party. While the player isn’t able to directly participate in the festivities, due to being alive, it’s nonetheless a fun experience and players get to overhear the numerous conversations between the spirits, many discussing what ultimately led to their own demise.


Those hoping to chase the Golden Snitch might have been sorely disappointed upon their arrival at Hogwarts only for Professor Black to announce that Quidditch had been canceled until further notice for the season. Students weren’t the only ones disappointed by this news however and even though the Pitch is fully explorable, there are no games to be had. For the time being at least. We can’t be the only ones hoping for some Quidditch DLC. However, just because you can’t play a game of Quidditch, doesn’t mean you can’t still catch a game. If players venture into Madame Kogawa’s office, on a side table they can find a miniature game of Quidditch being played, and if players watch long enough, they’ll even witness the game-winning goal and celebration.


It would seem the medieval adventures of Ashen One and the First Flame share some similarities with the wizarding world beyond simply their spell casting and fantastical creatures and enemies. While exploring the northernmost section of the North Ford Bog, players will discover a graveyard containing enormous headstones, some of which are literally jutting out of the very walls themselves, as well as a single solitary bonfire with a sword sticking out of it. Not only is the area very reminiscent of the numerous graveyards from the Dark Souls series but the gravestones set in the walls appears to be a direct nod to FromSoft’s recent mega hit Elden Ring. Players can even ignite the bonfire with incendio and let the little mandrake perched on the hilt of the sword warm himself by the fire.

Medusa’s Portrait

Given all the fantastically magical creatures present within the Harry Potter universe, it’s not unlikely that some more mythological creatures would also exist in the world as well. Hidden behind one of the many puzzle doors in Hogwarts Castle, players can find a room filled with stone statues of numerous creatures as well as a portrait in the middle of the room. By interacting with the painting itself, the player will also be turned to stone, although the effects are significantly less permanent than they are for all the rest of the poor creatures locked in the room. An additional little detail is that once the player is turned to stone, so too is the poor man in the painting standing opposite the Gorgon Queen.

Hagrid’s Hut

Even though Hogwarts Legacy takes place well before the loveable gentle giant Hagrid calls it home, players can still find his humble hut on the outskirts of Hogwarts Castle grounds, complete with his beloved pumpkin patch. Players can explore Hagrid’s future home, but it just feels empty without Hagrid’s warming presence. Around the back, facing the lake, players can also find a small headstone with a hippogriff etched into it which is not only a nod to Hagrid’s beloved Buckbeak but also a touching tribute to the late Robbie Coltrane who brought the fan favorite character to life and sadly passed in late 2022, shortly before Hogwarts Legacy’s release.