Hidden Video Game Level

VOICE OVER: Riccardo Tucci
WRITTEN BY: Nathan Sharp
Hidden levels are a legendary part of video games. For this video we're taking a deep dive into one of the most iconic secret levels in gaming history - the infamous Cow Level from "Diablo II"! Our breakdown includes the origin of the level, what exactly it contains, how to unlock it and much more!
Script written by Nathan Sharp
Hidden levels are a legendary part of video games. Unfortunately, something has been lost with the worldwide integration of the internet. Back in the day, there was a certain mysticism surrounding the concept of hidden levels. Before YouTube and message boards and social media, you needed to find the hidden levels yourself. And when you did, you felt like a king. It felt like you had found something you weren’t supposed to see. But you were supposed to see it, because it’s there for you to find. Either that, or you heard about the supposed level from a friend or an employee of a gaming store, and their claims seemed dubious and misleading. Surely there wasn’t actually a hidden level within the game, right?
It was a thrill to learn that a game contained more content - exclusive content that isn’t necessarily a part of the core gameplay experience, but more content nonetheless. And finding a hidden level, especially by yourself without any clues or hints towards its existence, was an intensely rewarding experience that few other experiences in gaming can even come close to capturing.
Many games - especially older games - contain hidden levels. Some are a little “whatever,” but some have become video game legends. And the hidden cow level in “Diablo II” may just be the greatest hidden level in all of gaming.
The origins of the cow level actually started out as a popular myth from “Diablo 1”. Back in the day, it was rumoured that it was possible to access a “Secret Cow Level” by clicking repeatedly on all the cows just outside of the town. Of course in the days of pre YouTube internet, it was impossible to verify anything, so even though the rumour was false, it still spread like wildfire. In the game’s expansion “Hellfire” the hidden quest “Jersey’s Jersey” was created as a way to make fun of the rumor, by leaving multiple cow references in the quest. But it still wasn’t the fabled “Secret Cow Level” that fans wanted, and Blizzard even made joking denials about the levels existence in the expansion.
Eventually however, Blizzard would make the cow level a reality in “Diablo II”. To find the hidden level, you have to create a hidden portal. To create the hidden portal, you need to combine Wirt’s Leg, which is found in Tristram, and a Tome of Town Portal in the Horadric Cube. Once that is done, a mysterious red portal will suddenly materialize in the starting area. Travel through the creepy red portal, and you will be transported to The Secret Cow Level.
But it’s not that easy (not that that sounds easy). The portal can only be created after you’ve already beaten the game. Not only that, you have to be playing on the same difficulty on which you originally completed the game. Then, and only then, will the Secret Cow Level be revealed. Unlike most hidden levels, you can’t simply walk into this one by accident. You have to perform a very specific set of parameters, and you even need to beat the game beforehand, meaning people who don’t replay video games never experienced “Diablo’s” most popular secret. The elaborate process makes it much tougher to find than most hidden levels, and therefore, much more rewarding.
So, what does the Secret Cow Level actually contain? Well, it’s right there in the title. Cows. Well, Hell Bovines to be more precise, which are essentially just walking cows with weapons. You will also find The Cow King, a unique boss found within the fenced enclosure. You can completely avoid the Cow King altogether, but should you decide to kill him, the portal in which to access the secret level will be permanently closed on that specific difficulty. Due to the rarity of the Cow King’s Leathers, killing the Cow King is a major offense within the “Diablo” fandom.
All this has combined to make the Secret Cow Level an integral and extremely popular aspect of “Diablo” culture. Most hidden levels in video games are mere novelties - a place you can visit for a couple of minutes before leaving and muttering, “Huh, that was pretty neat.” But the Cow Level is different. Players used it for endless grinding and item gain. Killing The Cow King became a widely-agreed upon taboo. The level even became so popular and exploited that Blizzard had to step in and nerf the mechanics. And despite that, they continued the charade by pretending that the level does not exist - an inside joke meant to entertain the devoted player base. It’s clear that the Secret Cow Level was far more than just a gimmicky novelty.
The level has also spread far beyond the “Diablo” fandom, and references have popped up in various pieces of entertainment throughout the years. The level is mentioned in Matthew Reilly’s thriller novel “The Six Sacred Stones.” A secret cow farm containing walking, laser-shooting cows can be found in “Goat Simulator.” And there is a so-called Classified Bovine Sector in “Marvel Heroes.” And that’s not to mention the numerous references scattered throughout various Blizzard titles, including “StarCraft,” “Warcraft III,” “Diablo III,” and “Reaper of Souls.”
Hidden video game levels have always been, and will always be, an integral part of the gaming experience. They’re meant as little bonuses for the most studious and exploratory of players, and they’re meant to reward diligence and curiosity. Most levels are cute little novelties that serve as one-and-done experiences. But not the Secret Cow Level. The elaborate steps in finding it make it seem more special, and therefore more rewarding, than your average hidden level, and the unbelievable popularity to which it grew proved that this was more than just another gimmick - it was a part of the game’s culture. Its popularity in turn ballooned well past the “Diablo” fandom into the wider pop culture sphere, ensuring that even those who haven’t played “Diablo II” know about the Secret Cow Level. It’s much bigger than itself, and it’s much bigger than any other hidden area.
There have been a lot of great and interesting hidden levels throughout the years. Check out the accompanying WatchMojo video - Top 10 Hidden Video Game Levels and How to Find Them - to see the best ones. But none have reached Secret Cow Level status.
It’s more than just a hidden level. It’s a part of gaming history.
GOAT Hidden Video Game Level
Hidden levels are a legendary part of video games. Unfortunately, something has been lost with the worldwide integration of the internet. Back in the day, there was a certain mysticism surrounding the concept of hidden levels. Before YouTube and message boards and social media, you needed to find the hidden levels yourself. And when you did, you felt like a king. It felt like you had found something you weren’t supposed to see. But you were supposed to see it, because it’s there for you to find. Either that, or you heard about the supposed level from a friend or an employee of a gaming store, and their claims seemed dubious and misleading. Surely there wasn’t actually a hidden level within the game, right?
It was a thrill to learn that a game contained more content - exclusive content that isn’t necessarily a part of the core gameplay experience, but more content nonetheless. And finding a hidden level, especially by yourself without any clues or hints towards its existence, was an intensely rewarding experience that few other experiences in gaming can even come close to capturing.
Many games - especially older games - contain hidden levels. Some are a little “whatever,” but some have become video game legends. And the hidden cow level in “Diablo II” may just be the greatest hidden level in all of gaming.
The origins of the cow level actually started out as a popular myth from “Diablo 1”. Back in the day, it was rumoured that it was possible to access a “Secret Cow Level” by clicking repeatedly on all the cows just outside of the town. Of course in the days of pre YouTube internet, it was impossible to verify anything, so even though the rumour was false, it still spread like wildfire. In the game’s expansion “Hellfire” the hidden quest “Jersey’s Jersey” was created as a way to make fun of the rumor, by leaving multiple cow references in the quest. But it still wasn’t the fabled “Secret Cow Level” that fans wanted, and Blizzard even made joking denials about the levels existence in the expansion.
Eventually however, Blizzard would make the cow level a reality in “Diablo II”. To find the hidden level, you have to create a hidden portal. To create the hidden portal, you need to combine Wirt’s Leg, which is found in Tristram, and a Tome of Town Portal in the Horadric Cube. Once that is done, a mysterious red portal will suddenly materialize in the starting area. Travel through the creepy red portal, and you will be transported to The Secret Cow Level.
But it’s not that easy (not that that sounds easy). The portal can only be created after you’ve already beaten the game. Not only that, you have to be playing on the same difficulty on which you originally completed the game. Then, and only then, will the Secret Cow Level be revealed. Unlike most hidden levels, you can’t simply walk into this one by accident. You have to perform a very specific set of parameters, and you even need to beat the game beforehand, meaning people who don’t replay video games never experienced “Diablo’s” most popular secret. The elaborate process makes it much tougher to find than most hidden levels, and therefore, much more rewarding.
So, what does the Secret Cow Level actually contain? Well, it’s right there in the title. Cows. Well, Hell Bovines to be more precise, which are essentially just walking cows with weapons. You will also find The Cow King, a unique boss found within the fenced enclosure. You can completely avoid the Cow King altogether, but should you decide to kill him, the portal in which to access the secret level will be permanently closed on that specific difficulty. Due to the rarity of the Cow King’s Leathers, killing the Cow King is a major offense within the “Diablo” fandom.
All this has combined to make the Secret Cow Level an integral and extremely popular aspect of “Diablo” culture. Most hidden levels in video games are mere novelties - a place you can visit for a couple of minutes before leaving and muttering, “Huh, that was pretty neat.” But the Cow Level is different. Players used it for endless grinding and item gain. Killing The Cow King became a widely-agreed upon taboo. The level even became so popular and exploited that Blizzard had to step in and nerf the mechanics. And despite that, they continued the charade by pretending that the level does not exist - an inside joke meant to entertain the devoted player base. It’s clear that the Secret Cow Level was far more than just a gimmicky novelty.
The level has also spread far beyond the “Diablo” fandom, and references have popped up in various pieces of entertainment throughout the years. The level is mentioned in Matthew Reilly’s thriller novel “The Six Sacred Stones.” A secret cow farm containing walking, laser-shooting cows can be found in “Goat Simulator.” And there is a so-called Classified Bovine Sector in “Marvel Heroes.” And that’s not to mention the numerous references scattered throughout various Blizzard titles, including “StarCraft,” “Warcraft III,” “Diablo III,” and “Reaper of Souls.”
Hidden video game levels have always been, and will always be, an integral part of the gaming experience. They’re meant as little bonuses for the most studious and exploratory of players, and they’re meant to reward diligence and curiosity. Most levels are cute little novelties that serve as one-and-done experiences. But not the Secret Cow Level. The elaborate steps in finding it make it seem more special, and therefore more rewarding, than your average hidden level, and the unbelievable popularity to which it grew proved that this was more than just another gimmick - it was a part of the game’s culture. Its popularity in turn ballooned well past the “Diablo” fandom into the wider pop culture sphere, ensuring that even those who haven’t played “Diablo II” know about the Secret Cow Level. It’s much bigger than itself, and it’s much bigger than any other hidden area.
There have been a lot of great and interesting hidden levels throughout the years. Check out the accompanying WatchMojo video - Top 10 Hidden Video Game Levels and How to Find Them - to see the best ones. But none have reached Secret Cow Level status.
It’s more than just a hidden level. It’s a part of gaming history.