Jediism, Horses on Meth and KILLER GAME SHOWS: The Dispatch #42

VOICE OVER: Adrian Sousa
Script Written by Jesse Polowin & Adrian Sousa
Is Jediism a religion? Do the ways of the force and their guidance in life prove enough to be a religion? Apparently, the Charity Comission of the United Kingdom doesn't think so! Sounds like they don't like Star Wars, and are going a little Rogue One. Also, TV producers in Russia are developing the craziest reality show ever where you can murder, rape, drink, smoke and do whatever you want or whatever it takes to survive. And finally, a racehorse in Australia tested positive for crystal meth! Animal rights down the drain. It doesn't seem like an accident either when its owner named it Party Til Dawn. Yikes.
Is Jediism a religion? Do the ways of the force and their guidance in life prove enough to be a religion? Apparently, the Charity Comission of the United Kingdom doesn't think so! Sounds like they don't like Star Wars, and are going a little Rogue One. Also, TV producers in Russia are developing the craziest reality show ever where you can murder, rape, drink, smoke and do whatever you want or whatever it takes to survive. And finally, a racehorse in Australia tested positive for crystal meth! Animal rights down the drain. It doesn't seem like an accident either when its owner named it Party Til Dawn. Yikes.
Jediism, Horses on Meth and KILLER GAME SHOWS: The Dispatch #42
Who would have thought that Jediism isn’t considered a real religion? Welcome to, and this is The Dispatch, the show that brings you the funnies, weirds and cools from across the web! We’ll be speaking on Jediism and the real life Hunger Games in Siberia. But first, let’s head to Australia.
#3: Heisenberg Horse
Whether it’s at the poker machines, slots or the racetrack, Aussies sure do love their gambling. In fact, last year alone Australians lost an average of 949$ per adult, some of the highest losses in the world. But here’s a question you never thought you’d be asked: What do you get when you combine race horses and crystal meth? A big ol’ controversy. Such was the case for the unfortunately named Party Till Dawn, a five-year-old racehorse who recently tested positive for Crystal Meth after a race in Queensland this June. It’s sadly not the first case like this either, with 5 racehorses testing positive for meth in Texas only a few months ago. It could be coincidental that the horses in question are hailing from places known for their methamphetamine abuse, but it’s still a tough pill to swallow.#2: Real Life Hunger Games
If we’ve learned anything from fail videos and dash cams, it’s that Russians go harder. So, it only makes sense that a Russian reality show would take the Survivor/Amazing Race formula that worked so well and make it way spicier. With the only rules of the game being that “everything is allowed. Fighting, alcohol, murder, rape, smoking, anything”, we can be sure the new Siberia-based TV show called ‘Game 2: Winter’ will not disappoint viewers, however could prove to be problematic for Russian authorities. The survival contest will be broadcast online 24/7 using footage from 2000 fixed cameras on a two thousand acre area of barren, Siberian land, chronicling the journey of 30 participants. Besides potentially costing you your life, the cost to compete is over $200,000. They’ll be expected to hunt and fish for food to stay alive for nine months, with a communal prize being shared between any and all survivors. You can bet the haters will say it’s fake.#1: Order 66: Again?!
The Charity Commission that grants charitable status to different organizations in the UK really isn’t feeling the force right now. The Temple of the Jedi Order in England and Wales applied for charitable status, but were rejected on the grounds that Jediism does not promote moral or ethical improvement. Jeeze, what a bunch of Palpatines. And it’s not as if Jediism doesn't have the numbers behind it, as 177,000 people claimed that they are Jedi in the 2011 census. Those numbers mean that more people prescribe to the teachings of the Force than Ratafarianism and Jainism. Daniel Jones, the leader of the Church of Jediism, said that he and his Jedi will continue their charitable work, and believes that the Force will bring them charitable status within the next five years.So, do you identify as a Jedi?
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