The 10 Most TERRIFYING Creatures In Elden Ring

VOICE OVER: Alex Crilly-Mckean
WRITTEN BY: Alex Crilly-Mckean
Just like FromSoftware's other games, "Elden Ring' has some terrifying creatures. Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we're fleeing in terror from the most unsettling enemies to occupy the Lands Between. We won't be including bosses, but we will give leniency to creatures that did occupy the role of mini-boss at one point or another. Our list of the scariest creatures in "Elden Ring" includes Revenants, Fingercreepers, Basilisks, Wormfaces, and more!
10 Most Terrifying Creatures In Elden Ring
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we’re fleeing in terror from the most unsettling enemies to occupy the Lands Between. We won’t be including bosses, but we will give leniency to creatures that did occupy the role of mini-boss at one point or another.
Whether you stumbled across one in the wilds, encountered another in a cave, or that bastard Patches teleported you right to their doorstep, there is nothing more frightening than suddenly having a giant, demented bear lash out at you. These things are tanks, especially in the game’s early stages. So, your best bet is to summon Torrent and run like hell. You can imagine how daunting it made traversing the Mistwood going forward. Giant bears hiding in the fog? We’re good, thanks.
The Lands Between is a haunting enough place as is, but when night falls, that’s when the true terrors come out to play. Case and point – the Deathbirds. Giant, insidious beasts with elongated necks, cindered wings, a hooked cane that allows it to snatch up a Tarnished from long distances, and most discomforting of all – its face appears to be that of a baby bird’s broken skull. We have so many questions, and yet are terrified of the answers.
Kindred Of Rot
Scarlet Rot is one of the most lethal status effects in the whole game – a poison that will rapidly disintegrate your health. The only thing worse being the giant prawn people that worship it. These alien shrimps are all about praising the rot, and for any that decide to go against them, they’re all too happy to barrage their foes with homing projectiles which, when accumulated, do a serious amount of damage. While they would become more manageable later on, stumbling across these things in the early game meant certain death.
They’ve struck fear into every Souls player since the beginning, and their appearance in Elden Ring is no exception. First things first. The eyes. Why are they so huge and perpetually bulging out? Probably to distract us so they can pepper us with their insta-kill breath. Combined with some sharp agility, getting surrounded by a pack of these things is a surefire way for you to lose your Runes. Any time you see the glow of those eyes in the distance, you know it's going to be a bad time.
Abductor Virgins
Giant automatons complete with blades and buzzsaws will always make for a sinister sight, especially when they have killer range. Even more so when they come equipped with wheels. However, the most disturbing aspect of these not so fair maidens is what they have lurking inside them. Get too close, and their mechanical bodies open up – revealing tendrils of flesh that will snatch you up. Either you’re going to die as a result or get teleported across the map to somewhere just as hostile. Neither outcome is preferable.
Giant Ants
Pretty self-explanatory here. Giant. Ants. Huge insects in any game are always a nope for most people, but when its FromSoft, they always find a way to up the ante. In this case, by having them hidden off-screen, just waiting to get the drop on us. While not especially difficult to defeat, just having to get close enough to see the detail on these pests is enough to make our skin crawl. Seriously, our time in Ansel River was one of immense squeamishness.
Monstrous Dogs
Caelid is not a fun place to visit. In many ways, it’s the worst, and these mutts are major contributing factor. Deformed, aggressive and packing a killer bite, getting chased around the infected wilds by these hounds was not fun. They come in a selection of variants, each as diseased and unseemly as the last, and there’s nothing they love more than chasing around a Tarnished. They were the first clear sign that this entire area was not for the unprepared.
Ah yes, the abominations that not only scared us half to death, but proved to be so devastatingly strong that they put a lot of regular bosses to shame. Between the acid, the teleporting and the barrage of claw attacks that can eviscerate even the sturdiest of health pools, the Revenant became the contorted face of peak difficulty among the monsters scattered about the Lands Between. The fact they sometimes appear in groups just feels like overkill! Best keep those healing incantations handy!
Why Miyazaki? Why would you create something so disgusting and just casually have it wandering the plateau? These behemoths are exactly what you’d expect – hulking humanoids who have their faces completely obscured by a large amount of thriving worms. The only thing worse than looking at one is getting caught in its grasp, since it will likely result in swallowing you whole. Nothing made us want to burn the entire landscape down more than coming across these revolting creations.
Spiders in a FromSoft game is already a recipe for pure nightmare fuel. And yet, somehow, Elden Ring took that concept and made it a million times worse with the Fingercreepers. How? By swapping out the arachnid aspect for giant, sentient hands…that still happen to move just like a spider. It’s a mortifying if inspired piece of dark fantasy, one that ensured that we despised every moment of sneaking around the Caria Manor, knowing we could accidentally wander into the palms of these beasts at any given moment.
Which Elden Ring enemy gave you heart palpitations? Let us know in the comments!