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6 Mysteries That Science Still Can't Explain

6 Mysteries That Science Still Can't Explain
VOICE OVER: Peter DeGiglio WRITTEN BY: Aidan Johnson
The Sea, the Sea... it's full of mystery!
9 Ocean Mysteries That Science Still Can’t Explain

The ocean covers more than 70% of our planet, but is cold, mysterious, and largely unexplored. From strange echoes resonating from the depths… to bizarre creatures that defy explanation… there are endless secrets hidden beneath the waves. And, while scientists have made incredible discoveries in the modern era, there are still countless more questions.

This is Unveiled, and today we’re taking a closer look at ocean mysteries that science still can’t explain.

#9: The Baltic Sea Anomaly

In 2011, a Swedish treasure-hunting team known as Ocean X discovered (via SONAR) an unusual object on the Baltic seabed. It was a 200-foot wide circular structure, weirdly resembling a crashed UFO. Further images revealed some more unusual features of the disc-like object, such as some dazzlingly smooth surfaces, cut sharp angles, and even a structure deemed by some to resemble a staircase. Speculation about its origins include that it could be a natural geological formation… or some kind of lost structure from ancient times. Another explanation says that it could be the remnants of a World War II anti-submarine device. Unsurprisingly, though, theories abound that, really, it’s a sunken alien craft. A long-wrecked piece of non-human technology, quietly decaying away beneath the ocean.

#8: The Bermuda Triangle

Also known as the “Devil’s Triangle”, its corners are usually defined as being in Miami, on the island of Bermuda, and on Puerto Rico. Since the 1940s, it’s been said that an unusually high number of aircraft and ships have gone missing in the Bermuda Triangle, and often under unusual circumstances. Famous examples include Flight 19 in 1945, a squadron of U.S. Navy bombers that vanished during training - before one of the recovery planes sent to search for Flight 19 also disappeared, as well. Another is the ship SS Marine Sulphur Queen, which vanished in 1963 along with a crew of 39, with no one explanation ever agreed upon. Proposed theories to explain the triangle range from it being a site of notable rogue waves… to it hosting a steady stream of magnetic anomalies. There are also theories that it’s an alien abduction hotspot, and that it’s the location of a mythic (and dangerous) lost city. There are valid counterarguments against the triangle legends, including that disappearances happen no more frequently there than anywhere else. But the continually bizarre nature of Bermuda Triangle cases is a clear running theme.

#7: The Bloop

In 1997, a powerful, ultra-low frequency sound was detected deep in the Pacific Ocean. On first learning of “the Bloop” it perhaps mightn’t sound like much… but science has long failed to fully understand it. It was discovered by a team of researchers from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA. Far off the South American coast, powerful underwater microphones positioned thousands of miles apart picked it up… where it was a staggeringly loud sound, compared to what’s usually heard down there. The most often suggested explanation was (and is) that the Bloop came from some kind of enormous, deep sea creature… but the problem is that it was louder than any known animal noise. Later, theories suggested that it might have been caused by shifting icebergs or underwater volcanoes. But, ultimately, its source is still a mystery, leaving many to wonder just what could have generated such a phenomenal sound.

#6: Abyssal Gigantism

Otherwise known as deep-sea gigantism, here is a biological phenomenon that often needs to be seen to be believed. Scientists know that in extreme ocean depths, species can grow significantly larger than their shallow-water counterparts. Examples include the giant squid, which can reach lengths of up to 43 feet, and the Japanese spider crab, with legs spanning almost 12 feet. We know such incredible growth happens… but the debate is ongoing as to exactly why. One of the most widely supported theories is that abyssal gigantism is a general, wide-reaching adaptation made by animals to the ultra-low temperatures and extremely high pressure of life in the very deepest parts of the sea. It’s also thought that slow metabolisms and low predation rates further contribute… while the scarcity of food could be another cause, with animals requiring their larger bodies in order to store more energy for longer. The exact mechanisms behind (and reasons for) abyssal gigantism remain unclear, however, making it one of marine biology’s biggest mysteries.

#5: Whale Song

More than just a new-age soundtrack with purportedly therapeutic benefits, whale song - or whale vocalization - is something of an enduring mystery to ocean scientists. We know that some of the most haunting and complex sounds in the animal kingdom belong to whales, particularly humpback and blue whales. They produce long, melodic sounds that can travel incredible distances, and sometimes across entire ocean basins. But, for what purpose? There are some more widely accepted theories, including that whale song is for mating purposes, navigation, or even just for simple communication between a species. Whale watchers have observed mother whales making noises resembling cooing in humans, however… and there’s evidence of huge complexity in some cases, including songs complete with verses, choruses, themes, and even rhyme-like patterns. What’s clear is that these are far more than just the random noises of wild animals… and the quest is still on to find out more.

#4: Phantom Islands

Phantom islands are land masses that were once charted on older maps, but that seem to have completely disappeared in the modern era. They were there, and now they’re not… and that’s a worrying issue. Of course, and unsurprisingly, many so-called phantom islands can be explained away as simply the result of human error at whatever time it was that they were first recorded. It’s thought that some may also have been deliberately fabricated for political reasons. However, there remain various cases that seemingly don’t qualify as a mistake or a manipulation. One of the most intriguing examples is Bermeja, a small island that was once claimed to exist on the northern coast of the Yucatán Peninsula. It first appeared on maps in the 16th century, and was listed on charts for hundreds of years afterward. But, modern surveys, which utilize satellite imagery, have failed to find any trace of Bermeja. It may have fallen victim to rising sea levels… but one of the more sensational theories about Bermeja is that it was exploded - literally blown off the map - by the CIA. Perhaps it never existed at all, and Bermeja is (and was) just a long-running cartography error… but not everyone is convinced.

#3: The Milky Seas Phenomenon

A rare and mysterious ocean event, the Milky Seas Phenomenon (or Milky Seas Effect) is when the ocean surface glows with an eerie, blue-white light, often described as otherworldly. Sailors have reported it for centuries, with entire seas said to have lit up for miles along their voyages… but it’s only in the last few decades that the Milky Seas have been recorded scientifically, and not just through word-of-mouth legend. We know it’s caused by a bioluminescent bacteria, Vibrio harveyi, which crowds in huge numbers to emit the ominous glow. We know that the glow can extend for tens of thousands of square miles, covering areas larger than most countries. But we don’t know what triggers these displays, or exactly how the bacteria synchronizes light production at such an incredible scale. Therefore, the Milky Seas remain largely unexplained.

#2: The Mariana Trench

Also known as the Marianas Trench, this is the very deepest part of the entire ocean, plunging at least 36,000 feet below the surface in the western Pacific. A geological marvel, it’s renowned for some extreme conditions, such as untold pressure and near-freezing temperatures. The Mariana Trench easily ranks as one of the harshest environments on Earth. Nevertheless, it has been explored to some degree, with the first trips down into it taking place in the 1950s. With only a handful of descents since then, however, it remains mostly uncharted… and a rare example of an almost entirely untouched environment. There are some wonderfully unique lifeforms living here, including giant amoeba and rare, deep-sea fish. But, still, most species that call the trench home are currently undiscovered, and how anything thrives in such a setting is also mostly a mystery. In many ways, the Mariana Trench represents the final frontier of ocean exploration… and, seeing as we’re yet to explore most of the sea in general, it could yet be a long time before we finally understand what happens this far down.

#1: The Origins of Life on Earth

Our planet’s first ever organisms (of any kind) emerged around 3.5 billion years ago. Science is not exactly certain how or why, but it’s thought highly probable that it all happened within the early oceans. The most popular theory is that life began in primordial seas, fueled by a mixture of chemicals and ultra-specific conditions necessary to facilitate the beginning of simple (and then complex) biological processes. It’s thought that hydrothermal vents along the sea floor could have been the perfect place to begin life, being rich with nutrients and minerals, and relative warmth around the vents themselves. As such, these types of underwater locations are of infinite interest to science, both in terms of our own story… and also in terms of the plausibility of life on other planets, as well. It’s one reason why evidence of past (or current) oceans is a big thing for astrobiologists, scouring space for life. For now, life’s origins (even here) are still something of a mystery… but the ocean holds the key.

What’s your favorite thing about the sea? Is there something you believe we might soon discover about our waters? Let us know in the comments!