The 10 HARDEST Mega Man Boss Fights

VOICE OVER: Ty Richardson
WRITTEN BY: Ty Richardson
Mega Man has gone up against several dozen Robot Masters and maniacal scientists over the last few decades, but these bosses were painstakingly difficult. For this list, we'll showcasing the hardest boss fights the Blue Bomber has ever encountered. Our list includes the Hidden Phantom from "Mega Man Zero" (2002), Sigma from "Mega Man X" (1993), the Block Devil from "Mega Man 10" (2010), and more!
Script written by Ty Richardson
Mega Man has gone up against several dozen Robot Masters and maniacal scientists over the last few decades, but these bosses were painstakingly difficult. For this list, we'll showcasing the hardest boss fights the Blue Bomber has ever encountered. Our list includes the Hidden Phantom from "Mega Man Zero" (2002), Sigma from "Mega Man X" (1993), the Block Devil from "Mega Man 10" (2010), and more! Have you fought any of these bosses? Which one gave you the most trouble? Share your frustration with us in the comments below.
We’ll kick things off with a classic. The Yellow Devil has gone down as one of the most famous and infamous characters in “Mega Man” history. Sure, his overall design has made him one of the more popular boss fights, but even hardcore fans will tell you he can get annoying. In addition to having a small hitbox (that being his tiny, tiny eye), he’s constantly moving from one side of the screen to the other, and he does it in separate pieces! It’s such a bombardment that you’re bound to get hit once or twice in one move! Unfortunately, this would not be the only Devil to enrage us.
Few Robot Masters are as big of a headache as the few we’ll see on this list, but when it comes to Quick Man, it’s like dealing with a child who’s been up for far too long on Halloween night. As his name implies, Quick Man seems to never stop moving, making him a tough target to land a hit on. This can make him aggravating to deal with, especially when doing Buster Only runs. To make things worse, a full blast of Flash Man’s Time Stopper (his weakness) will only knock him down to half of his health bar. So, you’re going to need some precision just to put an end to this visual nightmare.
Speaking of visual nightmares, look, everyone - it’s a whale with legs! Yeah, Tidal Whale is perhaps one of the weirdest Robot Masters in the “Mega Man” games next to Charge Man, Pump Man, and…Clown Man. (Look, “Mega Man 8” was a weird game, okay?) But don’t let Tidal Whale’s goofy appearance fool you - he’s pretty freakin’ annoying! Throughout the fight, he’ll spit ice blocks at you to push you into a wall of spikes. Heck, some of the ice blocks themselves will contain spikes! He’s a boss that’s going to make you constantly hop about and fire in all directions as you try to survive this DDR of a fight for as long as possible.
Ninja-like foes weren’t anything new in the “Mega Man” franchise, but Hidden Phantom managed to reuse a visual theme in his fight while employing a new spin. You seeing any of this footage? Yeah, Hidden Phantom practically turns “Mega Man Zero” into a straight bullet hell game! He’s flying around in the air, there’s kunai coming from all directions, and we’re just panicking in the corner wondering how in the world we’re supposed to get out of it. Oh, and of course he’s got two entire health bars! Needless to say, you’re going to want to bring a couple of E-tanks for this one.
Okay, for as irritating as Yellow Devil can be with his tiny eyeball weak spot, he’s nowhere near as infuriating as Block Devil. Look, we know, it’s the third Wily stage of “Mega Man 10” - it’s not supposed to be super easy from here on out. But did this giant blob of torment really have to take up the entire platform? Seriously, there’s almost no space to move here, and he can just come in and start spitting out laser beams like we have inhuman reaction time? We’re just glad for the sizable arsenal we’ve been granted by this point in the game. But for you Buster Only players, this must have been a headache.
Of the older “Mega Man” games, Shadow Man is arguably the most cumbersome of the Robot Masters. Look at this guy! Dude spends most of the fight hopping about all over the place and throwing giant shurikens every so often! On top of that, he’ll randomly do a slide kick the second he touches the ground. He’s basically Quick Man but with a slightly more unpredictable pattern, and his hopping makes the fight way more grueling than it needs to be.
Mega Man 3 - Shadow Man's Stage - YouTube
Considering “Mega Man” is known for its mixed bag of boss fights, it’s almost shocking to not see too many villains doing the whole “this isn’t even my final form” nonsense. The third “Mega Man Zero” game, on the other hand, does play that trope. Omega Zero is one of the longest boss fights in the franchise, lasting three phases with each being more enduring than the previous. For the first two phases, Omega Zero will take up most of the screen and harass you with projectiles. As for the third, well, get ready for an intense and extensive duel. And yes, he does have more than one health bar because, you know, why wouldn’t he??
Okay, honestly, Sigma isn’t much of a problem here. He doesn’t do much to hound you, his fireballs and projectiles are easy to dodge, and he’s only got a single health bar. No sweat. It’s when he transforms into Kaiser Sigma that things start to heat up. He moves slower than molasses, sure, but his attacks leave very little breathing room between his laser beam and the seemingly random orb flying around the room. Couple that with a small weak point and you’ve got an absolute Chad of a boss.
You know, we’ve been complaining this entire time about bosses being too big for their britches and giving us almost no room for movement. Yet we haven’t touched upon the boss we’d call claustrophobia incarnate. “Mega Man Zero’s” Copy X starts off like any other ordinary boss fight - both of you are at reasonable sizes, equal footing for the most part. Once you get through that phase, all hell breaks loose. More of the stage is gone, and he’s decided now is the time to become Robot God and smite you like the cybernetic vermin you are. As for you? It's time to spam those dash and wall-jumping skills.
Doctor Wily has put up a fair amount of fights himself, and as difficult as they may be, there is only one fight against the mad scientist that has gone down in infamy - the Wily Capsule from “Mega Man 7”. Here, Wily is far more unpredictable and bears faster attacks than most of his iterations. He can cloak himself, fire a wide array of projectiles with awkward patterns, and is protected by spikes. The overall pattern may be predictable, but the different attacks can finish you off quickly. And you wanna know the scary part? All of this was intentional as Keiji Inafune once said during development, “Let’s make the very last fight insanely hard!” There is no method - only madness.
Mega Man has gone up against several dozen Robot Masters and maniacal scientists over the last few decades, but these bosses were painstakingly difficult. For this list, we'll showcasing the hardest boss fights the Blue Bomber has ever encountered. Our list includes the Hidden Phantom from "Mega Man Zero" (2002), Sigma from "Mega Man X" (1993), the Block Devil from "Mega Man 10" (2010), and more! Have you fought any of these bosses? Which one gave you the most trouble? Share your frustration with us in the comments below.
Yellow Devil
“Mega Man” (1987)We’ll kick things off with a classic. The Yellow Devil has gone down as one of the most famous and infamous characters in “Mega Man” history. Sure, his overall design has made him one of the more popular boss fights, but even hardcore fans will tell you he can get annoying. In addition to having a small hitbox (that being his tiny, tiny eye), he’s constantly moving from one side of the screen to the other, and he does it in separate pieces! It’s such a bombardment that you’re bound to get hit once or twice in one move! Unfortunately, this would not be the only Devil to enrage us.
Quick Man
“Mega Man 2” (1988)Few Robot Masters are as big of a headache as the few we’ll see on this list, but when it comes to Quick Man, it’s like dealing with a child who’s been up for far too long on Halloween night. As his name implies, Quick Man seems to never stop moving, making him a tough target to land a hit on. This can make him aggravating to deal with, especially when doing Buster Only runs. To make things worse, a full blast of Flash Man’s Time Stopper (his weakness) will only knock him down to half of his health bar. So, you’re going to need some precision just to put an end to this visual nightmare.
Tidal Whale (aka Duff McWhalen)
“Mega Man X5” (2000)Speaking of visual nightmares, look, everyone - it’s a whale with legs! Yeah, Tidal Whale is perhaps one of the weirdest Robot Masters in the “Mega Man” games next to Charge Man, Pump Man, and…Clown Man. (Look, “Mega Man 8” was a weird game, okay?) But don’t let Tidal Whale’s goofy appearance fool you - he’s pretty freakin’ annoying! Throughout the fight, he’ll spit ice blocks at you to push you into a wall of spikes. Heck, some of the ice blocks themselves will contain spikes! He’s a boss that’s going to make you constantly hop about and fire in all directions as you try to survive this DDR of a fight for as long as possible.
Hidden Phantom
“Mega Man Zero” (2002)Ninja-like foes weren’t anything new in the “Mega Man” franchise, but Hidden Phantom managed to reuse a visual theme in his fight while employing a new spin. You seeing any of this footage? Yeah, Hidden Phantom practically turns “Mega Man Zero” into a straight bullet hell game! He’s flying around in the air, there’s kunai coming from all directions, and we’re just panicking in the corner wondering how in the world we’re supposed to get out of it. Oh, and of course he’s got two entire health bars! Needless to say, you’re going to want to bring a couple of E-tanks for this one.
Block Devil
“Mega Man 10” (2010)Okay, for as irritating as Yellow Devil can be with his tiny eyeball weak spot, he’s nowhere near as infuriating as Block Devil. Look, we know, it’s the third Wily stage of “Mega Man 10” - it’s not supposed to be super easy from here on out. But did this giant blob of torment really have to take up the entire platform? Seriously, there’s almost no space to move here, and he can just come in and start spitting out laser beams like we have inhuman reaction time? We’re just glad for the sizable arsenal we’ve been granted by this point in the game. But for you Buster Only players, this must have been a headache.
Shadow Man
“Mega Man 3” (1990)Of the older “Mega Man” games, Shadow Man is arguably the most cumbersome of the Robot Masters. Look at this guy! Dude spends most of the fight hopping about all over the place and throwing giant shurikens every so often! On top of that, he’ll randomly do a slide kick the second he touches the ground. He’s basically Quick Man but with a slightly more unpredictable pattern, and his hopping makes the fight way more grueling than it needs to be.
Mega Man 3 - Shadow Man's Stage - YouTube
Omega Zero
“Mega Man Zero 3” (2004)Considering “Mega Man” is known for its mixed bag of boss fights, it’s almost shocking to not see too many villains doing the whole “this isn’t even my final form” nonsense. The third “Mega Man Zero” game, on the other hand, does play that trope. Omega Zero is one of the longest boss fights in the franchise, lasting three phases with each being more enduring than the previous. For the first two phases, Omega Zero will take up most of the screen and harass you with projectiles. As for the third, well, get ready for an intense and extensive duel. And yes, he does have more than one health bar because, you know, why wouldn’t he??
“Mega Man X” (1993)Okay, honestly, Sigma isn’t much of a problem here. He doesn’t do much to hound you, his fireballs and projectiles are easy to dodge, and he’s only got a single health bar. No sweat. It’s when he transforms into Kaiser Sigma that things start to heat up. He moves slower than molasses, sure, but his attacks leave very little breathing room between his laser beam and the seemingly random orb flying around the room. Couple that with a small weak point and you’ve got an absolute Chad of a boss.
Copy X
“Mega Man Zero” (2002)You know, we’ve been complaining this entire time about bosses being too big for their britches and giving us almost no room for movement. Yet we haven’t touched upon the boss we’d call claustrophobia incarnate. “Mega Man Zero’s” Copy X starts off like any other ordinary boss fight - both of you are at reasonable sizes, equal footing for the most part. Once you get through that phase, all hell breaks loose. More of the stage is gone, and he’s decided now is the time to become Robot God and smite you like the cybernetic vermin you are. As for you? It's time to spam those dash and wall-jumping skills.
Wily Capsule
“Mega Man 7” (1995)Doctor Wily has put up a fair amount of fights himself, and as difficult as they may be, there is only one fight against the mad scientist that has gone down in infamy - the Wily Capsule from “Mega Man 7”. Here, Wily is far more unpredictable and bears faster attacks than most of his iterations. He can cloak himself, fire a wide array of projectiles with awkward patterns, and is protected by spikes. The overall pattern may be predictable, but the different attacks can finish you off quickly. And you wanna know the scary part? All of this was intentional as Keiji Inafune once said during development, “Let’s make the very last fight insanely hard!” There is no method - only madness.