The Funniest Moment from Every Season of The Office

VOICE OVER: Kirsten Ria Squibb
WRITTEN BY: Garrett Alden
Every season of "The Office" has some hilarious moments. Our countdown includes Jim imitates Dwight, Michael drives into a lake, the fire drill, and more!
The Funniest Moment from Every Season of The Office
Welcome to WatchMojo and today we’ll be listing the funniest moment from every season of “The Office.”
For this list, we’ll be highlighting the most hilarious scene in each of this classic sitcom’s nine seasons. If you haven’t binged this comedy already, watch out for minor spoilers.
If there’s a funny moment you think we missed, please tell us in the comments!
Season 1: Race Cards
“Diversity Day”
Sometimes Michael Scott can be as sensitive and as subtle as a brick. Nowhere is that more apparent than when he tries to get the office to celebrate diversity. Michael decides the best way to do this is to write different ethnicities on cards, put them on people’s heads and get them to guess which they are based on other people’s descriptions. It leads to a lot of cringeworthy humor and Michael getting a well-deserved slap from Kelly. What really makes the scene shine is the interactions between the various co-workers. While Dwight’s awful guesses might leave you laughing, his responses would probably get him into trouble with HR.
Season 2: Grilled Foot Phone Call
“The Injury”
Season 2 was a breakout one for the show with a lot of funny moments. While Pam’s drunken Dundies escapades were a tempting alternative, they didn’t “sizzle” as much as another moment. A distressed Michael calls Pam at work and reveals that he accidentally burned his foot on his George Foreman grill. We then cut to a hilariously deadpan interview where he explains exactly how it happened. After the whole office gets in on the revealing grill conversation, an overzealous Dwight goes to rescue him...but crashes his car and injures himself. It’s the perfect way to cap off a scene full of plenty of funny beats.
Season 3: Jim Imitates Dwight
“Product Recall”
Jim’s pranks on Dwight are a legendary part of the show. But only one of them could rise to the top of season 3. In this cold open, Jim comes to work dressed as Dwight. He then proceeds to imitate Dwight’s mannerisms right to his face. Despite how blatant Jim is about it, it takes a minute for his target to catch on. Dwight tries to play it cool...before making hysterical accusations of identity theft. Jim yelling for Michael is another classic move that is echoed only seconds later. While we’re not certain that imitation is always the most sincere form of flattery, we know this is the funniest scene of season 3.
Season 4: Michael Drives Into a Lake
“Dunder Mifflin Infinity”
When Michael and Dwight drive around making sales calls in Michael’s rented car, the two of them get rather discouraged by their lack of success. Also, lost. You’d think that the car’s navigation system would help. However, thanks to Michael’s literal mindset, he follows its directions right into a lake! Even Dwight, who’s hopelessly naïve sometimes, tells him not to do it! The sheer absurdity of the situation and the duo’s overly dramatic aquatic escape is priceless. It’s just a shame they couldn’t save the gift baskets in the back. But then again, that would’ve deprived us of an epic meltdown later. [SB “Where are the turtles?!”]
Season 5: The Fire Drill
“Stress Relief”
Season 5 has some truly amazing comedy throughout. Kevin’s famous chili incident will always leave us in stitches. But one of the greatest moments of the season and perhaps the series is Dwight’s fire drill. After the assistant to the regional manager is upset that no one pays attention to his fire safety lectures, he teaches the office a lesson by simulating realistic fire conditions. What follows is pure chaos distilled into a few minutes as everyone begins panicking. People are pushed, things are broken, and Oscar breaks through the ceiling. Stanley even has a heart attack. It’s an excellent scene that features iconic lines and every single actor firing on all cylinders.
Season 6: Bullets & Toby
“The Chump”
The awkwardness of Scott’s Tots was comedy gold. And we’ll constantly imitate the juvenile joy of “Parkour!”. But since we have to choose one, our season 6 pick goes to a discussion during Toby’s lecture on radon kits A bored Michael disparages the lecture and even makes fart noises. However, his mockery goes a dark level when he poses a grim hypothetical situation … [SB “If I had a gun with two bullets, and I was in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden, and Toby, I would shoot Toby twice.”] The discussion then turns to the most efficient way to take out all three. Naturally, Dwight provides the “winning” method. This may be one of “The Office’s” most entertaining and darkest meetings.
Season 7: Kevin Tries Broccoli for the First Time
“The Ultimatum”
It was hilarious to see how hard it was for everyone in “The Office” to remember the server password before finally cracking the code. But the funniest moment of the year goes to Michael and Kevin. After Pam puts up a New Year’s Resolution board, everyone has trouble keeping to their promises. Michael eventually learns that his love interest Holly hasn’t followed through on her ultimatum with her current boyfriend. So he takes out his frustrations on poor Kevin, who resolved to eat more vegetables. While his attempts at tackling the food on his own are funny, Michael force feeding it to him like an infant takes the scene into a new level of hilarity.
Season 8: Andy’s Incentive Program
“The Incentive”
Season 8 sees Andy promoted to the regional manager position. He tries to raise productivity by creating an incentive program where you can redeem prizes for points if you work harder. However, he soon comes to regret this after promising them he’ll do outlandish things like get a tattoo on his backside for higher point totals. This pushes everyone to work harder than any other time in the show. They come up with the required number of points in only a day! To cap off this amazing work spree, the office comes up with plenty of ideas for embarrassing tattoos. One thousand points to Andy for creating such a comedic system.
Season 9: Asian Jim
“Andy’s Ancestry”
The funniest moment of the final season is another cold open prank on Dwight. Our favorite bespectacled salesman is surprised to find an unfamiliar Asian man sitting at Jim’s desk. This stranger claims to be Dwight’s longtime coworker. Not only is the man extremely familiar with details of Jim’s job, but Pam treats him just like he’s her husband. He even appears in a photo with her and nails that trademark fourth wall breaking camera look. At the end of the scene, Pam reveals the man’s name is Steve. He’s an actor friend who's helping with this elaborate ruse while Jim’s at the dentist. The combo of Randall Park’s performance as Steve, Dwight’s confusion, and visual gags left us breathless with laughter.