10 Times Nintendo Heroes Did TERRIBLE Things

VOICE OVER: Johnny Reynolds
WRITTEN BY: Johnny Reynolds
Nintendo heroes aren't always as squeaky clean as you might think! Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we're looking at deeds done by some of Nintendo's most popular characters that were anything but heroic. Our list of terrible things Nintendo heroes have done includes Mario's Poor Treatment of Animals from the “Donkey Kong” Series (1981-) & “Super Mario” Series (1985-), the Inklings Working for Grizzco in “Splatoon 2” (2017), Link Destroying a Reality in “The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening” (1993), and more!
10 Times Nintendo Heroes Did TERRIBLE Things
When playing Nintendo’s biggest games, it’s pretty easy to tell the heroes apart from the villains. The good guys are usually squeaky clean and do nothing wrong, or at least nothing that outright hurts anyone. But that isn’t always necessarily true. Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we’re looking at deeds done by Nintendo characters that were anything but heroic. Bear in mind that most of our entries are just for a bit of fun, and shouldn’t be taken that seriously.
Possessing Living Creatures
“Super Mario Odyssey” (2017)“Super Mario Odyssey” is built around the concept of using Cappy, Mario’s new sentient hat companion, to take control of various objects and creatures. And if the cinematic of his first capture, an adorable little frog, is anything to go on, it’s a pretty uncomfortable experience if what you’re possessing is a living thing. Say goodbye to free will, because your sole purpose now lies at the whims of Mario. Sure, it’s mostly designed and presented as a fun mechanic to interact with the levels. But imagine you were just walking along, minding your own business, when suddenly your body is taken over, with no way out of it. This is clearly worse in cases where Mario possesses someone who has thought and speech like Lakitu, Glydon, or even a human being just so he can play a mini-game with an RC car.
Working for Grizzco
“Splatoon 2” (2017)“Splatoon 2” introduced a new multiplayer mode called Salmon Run, in which the Inklings would complete work for the shady Grizzco Industries. Your task was to defeat Salmonids, clearly the game’s version of salmon fish, collect their eggs, and earn different rewards based on how well you did. In case you couldn’t tell by the radio that CEO Mr. Grizz uses to communicate with you, shaped like a bear with a salmon in its mouth, you are clearly taking unborn Salmonid children and feeding them to this guy. We understand the concept of the food chain. And with most mammals extinct in this world, Mr. Grizz has had to get creative. But sacrificing eggs to a hungry bear for money and gear is pretty cold.
Eating the Shipment
“Pikmin 2” (2004)In “Pikmin 2,” we’re introduced to Louie, a hapless hero who plays the role of second playable protagonist to Olimar. The plot follows the duo returning to the Pikmin planet in search of treasure. Their company is on the verge of bankruptcy, not helped by the fact that Louie lost a valuable shipment of rare carrots to a ravenous space bunny. Except, this never actually happened. The epilogue reveals that Louie ate the shipment of carrots and just lied about it, causing the events of the game and pulling Olimar back to the planet he had just escaped from. What a jackass. You might think Olimar isn’t so great either, using the cutesy Pikmin to fight and carry heavy objects on his behalf. But the games imply his leadership saved them from extinction. You know what species wasn’t on the verge of extinction? Segue!
Enslaving an Entire Species
“Pokemon” Series (1998-)This one’s an oldie, but a goodie. In every entry in the “Pokemon” series, you control an adventurer who goes around, stealing creatures from their natural habitats and using them to battle others against their will. While the games and adaptations have long implemented a philosophy that the Pokemon don’t mind this and bond with their trainers, it’s still a bit unsettling when you think about it. We have to imagine that some Pokemon, if not all of them, would be more comfortable in the wild with their kind. Granted, your trainer is never the first to have captured Pokemon, instead having been born into this world. But you do wholeheartedly benefit from it. Some games have even introduced organizations who want to free Pokemon, yet they’re painted as the bad guys. Ridiculous.
Brutal Putdowns
“Super Mario 64 DS” (2004)While the Toads are not often placed in the hero role, they are on the side of the good guys and have joined Mario on several adventures. But in the remake of “Super Mario 64” for the DS, they can be viciously mean towards Luigi, a character you won’t find on this list because he’s never done anything wrong. Whenever Luigi talks to a Toad, some will treat him like absolute garbage, telling him not to get in Mario’s way or calling him “the world’s most inept and least charismatic brother.” DUDE, what is your problem!? Luigi has saved the Mushroom Kingdom almost as many times as Mario has, and is literally in the middle of doing it right now!
Unleashed Nightmares on Dream Land
“Kirby’s Adventure” (1993)The second game in the “Kirby” series follows our hero in search of the Star Rod, which powers the Fountain of Dreams, allowing the citizens of Dream Land to, you guessed it, dream. You see, King Dedede broke it into several parts and gave them to his minions. After rebuilding the Star Rod, Kirby returns to the fountain and whoops the King’s butt. Maybe if Kirby had stopped to ask why King Dedede did this, he would’ve realized that it was in an effort to stop Nightmare, a powerful entity that had corrupted the fountain, causing actual nightmares for Dream Land’s citizens. But because King Dedede was the villain of the first game, Kirby went about making things worse. Well, at least he put a stop to Nightmare in the end.
Exploiting Family Members
“Donkey Kong” Series (1981-)Like Toad, Cranky Kong isn’t often in the hero role. But since he is also on the side of the good guys, and is playable in “Tropical Freeze,” we’re going to include him. Plus, he sucks. Just look at his actions throughout the series. In “Donkey Kong Country 2,” while DK is kidnapped, he charges Diddy and Dixie just for helpful tips in the world, a service he provided for free in the first game. In “Donkey Kong 64,” he charges money for new abilities. And in “Donkey Kong Country Returns,” he charges money for helpful items. Other Kongs charge for services too, but he does so while belittling his family members about how dumb or worthless they are when they’re out there trying to save their home. Hey Cranky, maybe don’t be so stingy and donate an item or two to the cause next time, would ya?
Poor Treatment of Animals
“Donkey Kong” Series (1981-) & “Super Mario” Series (1985-)Well, seeing as how Cranky Kong was canonically the first Donkey Kong, maybe his bitterness is justified. The first “Donkey Kong” game chronicles Mario’s escaped pet gorilla kidnapping his then-girlfriend, Pauline. However, in the sequel, Mario retaliates, and boy does he cross the line. He locks DK up, prompting DK, Jr. to come to his rescue. Wait…did DK, Jr. exist in the background of the first game? Because if Cranky was separated from his son to be some guy’s pet, I can’t say I’m too surprised at how he acted. Plus, look at the size of that cage. It’s so small, there’s no room to move around in. Then, you have “Super Mario World” and the introduction of Yoshi. In that game, to get Yoshi to stick out his tongue and eat enemies, Mario punches him in the back of the head. Of course, there are also loads of players who leapt from Yoshi’s back to save themselves as he fell to his doom. Thankfully, Mario seems to have long left his animal abuse days behind him.
Sparing the Final Metroid
“Metroid II: Return of Samus” (1991)We wouldn’t often see the eradication of a species as a good thing. But in the case of Metroids, we’ll make an exception. These creatures were created to destroy a harmful parasite before growing vicious, turning against their creators, and consuming everything they could. They are pure evil, and they deserve to be wiped from existence. In “Metroid II” and its remake, “Return of Samus,” the bounty hunter is given that very job. And she does it, until she finds an egg that hatches right in front of her. Admittedly, the final Metroid imprints on her, so we’re sure completing the task would be very hard to do. But in sparing it, Samus brings about a lot more trouble and death. In “Super Metroid,” it results in the deaths of multiple Galactic Federation scientists. In “Other M,” its DNA leads to the recreation of more Metroids, and therefore even more death. While that same DNA does save her life when she’s attacked by an X parasite in “Fusion,” it also leads to her being hunted in “Dread.” So, yeah, she should’ve killed it.
Destroyed a Reality
“The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening” (1993)Other than barging into peoples’ homes, breaking their pots and stealing their money, Link is a pretty stand-up guy. But in “Link’s Awakening,” he knowingly goes about causing the deletion of an entire island and its citizens. Sorry to spoil a game more than three decades old, but as he goes about his journey, Link discovers that the entirety of Koholint Island is a creation of the Wind Wish’s dream, and that the bosses in its dungeons are nightmares. However, these people all seem real, they all have personalities and desires, especially Marin, the girl who finds and cares for Link after his opening shipwreck. He’s told waking the Wind Fish is the only way he’ll get home, but completing the game doesn’t feel right, as every person we’ve grown to know simply vanishes.
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