Top 10 Actors Who Are The Best at Being CREEPY

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the actors who have a way of unsettling us no matter who they play. What actor creeps you out the most? Let us know in the comments below!
#10: Bill Skarsgård
Taking on a role like Pennywise isn’t easy– after Tim Curry’s portrayal, the next person in line had some big clown shoes to fill. When the newest iteration came out in 2017, people were curious to see how it would compare. Skarsgård’s interpretation blew everyone away. He perfectly captured the whimsical creepiness of Pennywise and made the part entirely his own. He has the ability to morph his face into the most sinister expressions, even when he isn’t in costume. He also has impeccable timing for scares, knowing exactly when to kick the ominous energy into high gear. He’s started to take the horror genre by storm, and fans can’t wait to see what other disturbing roles he’ll take on in the future.
#9: Kathy Bates
The creepiest performances are often the ones that are just a bit understated. While Kathy Bates doesn’t look like the most imposing person, she has played some of the most unsettling characters in movie and television history. From her portrayal of an obsessive fan in “Misery” to her various roles on “American Horror Story,” she’s proven that she’s capable of playing the most despicable antagonists. Her voice is commanding, yet controlled, leading to an disconcerting viewing experience that sticks with the audience for days afterwards. Her ability to make seemingly innocent moments feel unnerving is a testament to how good she is in these roles. Her wholesome looks combined with her intimidating energy create a juxtaposition that has stuck with moviegoers for decades.
#8: Mads Mikkelsen
Blending charm and creepiness isn’t easy, but some actors do it effortlessly. Mikkelsen’s work on “Hannibal” is a masterclass in this art form. While his interpretation of the cannibal was violent and intense at times, some of the biggest scares occurred during his quietest moments. His stoic expression and soft inflection have the ability to send chills down anyone’s spine. He has a way of drawing out dramatic tension that makes the audience feel just as uncomfortable as his fictional victims. No matter who he plays, his characterization draws people in, leaving them unnerved yet eager for more. It’s a tough line to walk, but he does it brilliantly.
#7: Christoph Waltz
The voice is a powerful tool— and the best performers can utilize it to make any part insidious. Christoph Waltz has a way of making every character he plays unnerving through his mannerisms and wit alone. His work in “Inglourious Basterds” exemplifies this perfectly. With a soft tone, menacing smile, and intimidating energy, he has the entire audience on edge in the first scene alone. He’s excellent at portraying dastardly personas in the most natural way possible, making them seem terrifyingly realistic. As his career has progressed, he’s leaned into more antagonistic roles. Whether he’s playing a Bond villain or an unsettling marketing consultant, he can make any character alarming in the best way possible.
#6: Javier Bardem
Speaking of creepy Bond villains, sometimes, there’s nothing scarier than a subdued, yet dangerous presence. Javier Bardem is the master of this. His iconic appearance in “No Country for Old Men” is testament to it. With his deadpan voice and thousand yard stare, he makes it clear that his character, Anton Chigurh, is not to be trifled with. Even something as small as a subtle change in facial expression can be disturbing. Bardem’s interpretation of Chigurh has become one of the most recognizable and well loved performances in modern film history, and fans are still hoping he’ll take on a similar role someday soon.
#5: John Malkovich
He’s made a name for himself as someone who isn’t afraid to play the most unhinged roles. Malkovich has a way of making all of his characters unpredictable, leaving the crowd to wonder what his next move will be. He’s at his best when he’s infusing intensity into his parts, making his interpretation of them unapologetically unnerving. However, he never goes so far that he loses the audience’s support entirely—instead he manages to make the eeriness entertaining. He has a way of keeping viewers at the edges of their seats, waiting to see how he’ll shock them next.
#4: Helena Bonham Carter
Even side characters can have endless creep potential. Bonham Carter is known for her unsettling portrayals of some of the most iconic villains in cinema. With just a single laugh, she has the ability to entrance an entire audience and make chills run down their spines. She’s also a master at adjusting her looks to draw even more terrifying energy from the part, fully immersing herself into each macabre role. She has a way of injecting humor into the disturbing moments, creating a dissonant vibe that resonates deeply. Whether her voice is barely above a whisper or loud and commanding, she can portray insanity that makes even the bravest person shiver in their seat.
#3: Anthony Hopkins
After playing creeps throughout his entire career, he has more than earned his place amongst the best. From the vile Hannibal Lecter to possessed religious leaders, he’s shown that he can take on the most disgusting personas. With his often theatrical delivery and dramatic expressions, he can frighten viewers at the drop of a hat. He still has the ability to come across as arresting and powerful, and can command a crowd with just one look. Hopkins still continues to take on villainous roles to this day– scaring a whole new generation of moviegoers.
#2: Jack Nicholson
With his menacing grin and distinctive voice, he exemplifies the meaning of the word creepy. Unafraid to take on the most deranged roles, Nicholson has been unsettling audiences for decades. His portrayal of the Joker has set the bar, creating a chilling impression that has become the foundation for the antagonist's modern personality. He adds high levels of intensity to each project, throwing himself into the physical aspects and further shocking those watching. This commitment has enabled him to portray some of the most iconic characters in film history, such as his pivotal role in “The Shining.” He continues to put an unnerving energy into his characterizations, proving that he still has what it takes to completely disturb a crowd.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Malcolm McDowell
He Pulled off the Iconic Kubrick Stare Perfectly in “A Clockwork Orange”
Tobin Bell
His Portrayal of Jigsaw Has Terrified Audiences for Nearly Two Decades
Crispin Glover
His Unique Facial Features Have Allowed Him to Creep out Viewers in the Best Way Possible
Jackie Earle Haley
His Fiery Stare Has Made Him the Perfect Candidate for Iconic Villains Like Freddy Krueger
Michael Emerson
His Quiet Intensity Has Made Viewers Squirm No Matter What Role He Plays
#1: Willem Dafoe
While other actors simply play creepy characters, he completely embodies them. Dafoe’s ability to unsettle audiences has made him one of the most respected actors of today. While he’s played many villains, he has a way of making them seem sympathetic despite their actions, delving deep into their psyches to bring out their most chilling aspects. He’s an expert at pulling intense reactions from his performances—his lecherous roles make us want to take a shower, and his portrayal of evil makes us want to run and hide. He’s an expert at utilizing his expressive features to frighten people with a single look. Even a simple smile is enough to drive fear into the hearts of viewers, making him the ideal baddie for any film.