Top 10 Actors You Forgot were in Harry Potter Movies

Before they were A-listers, they appeared in Harry Potter movies! You may not even have remembered as they played small parts but if you go back to the movies, look out for these celebrities! Did you know that Alfred Enoch played Dean Thomas? Bill Nighy played Rufus Scrimgeour? And that John Cleese played Nearly Headless Nick?
#10: Alfred Enoch as Dean Thomas
If you’ve watched all eight films, and chances are you have, there’s no doubt that you’re familiar with Dean Thomas. Often flying under the radar, it’s easy to forget English actor Alfred Enoch portrayed him for all films bar one. Though he becomes a member of Dumbledore’s Army, and much to Ron and Harry’s distaste, encounters a brief romance with Ginny, his recurring character isn’t driven by heavy dialogue, making it easy to forget Enoch played the role for the long period of time. Today known for roles such as Wes Gibbins in American drama series, “How to Get Away with Murder,” there’s no doubt his role as Dean Thomas really got his career rolling.
#9: Luke Youngblood as Lee Jordan
Remember that enthusiastic Gryffindor student with the dreadlocks who provided the running commentary on the Gryffindor quidditch matches? A relatively unknown actor at the time, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” marked the first feature film for Luke Youngblood. Though as the movies progressed and his character wasn’t seen, it’s forgivable to forget Youngblood was once cast as a minor character in the franchise. While he later became known for standout roles, such as Magnitude on “Community” and Sid on “Galavant,” there’s no denying the extra buzz of excitement his voice would add to a classic game of Hogwarts quidditch.
#8: Shirley Henderson as Moaning Myrtle
Ah Moaning Myrtle, how could anybody forget your mopey, miserable ways? Many moviegoers might not have realized that renowned Scottish actress Shirley Henderson was 37 years old when she first played the eternally 14-year-old ghost in “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.” Returning to the role as a 40 year old in “The Goblet of Fire” and again under the ghostly pigtails, large glasses, squeaky voice, and childish demeanour of Myrtle, it’s easy not to recognize her in the role. The oldest actor to play a teenage Hogwarts student, Henderson nailed her portrayal of Moaning Myrtle by capturing the characters’ everlasting childlike immaturity and wonder J.K. Rowling had originally written so well into the books.
#7: Bill Nighy as Rufus Scrimgeour
How do you open the first of a two-part film that will conclude a beloved film franchise? Capturing the tone of a dire magical world living in fear, uncertainty, and insecurity for Lord Voldemort’s imminent reign, “Deathly Hallows - Part 1” hits the mark perfectly with an opening close-up shot and powerful speech from Minister for Magic Rufus Scrimgeour, as played by English actor Bill Nighy. Though known for his diverse spectrum of roles and genres throughout film, television, and theatre, Nighy’s Scrimgeour character is short-lived and thus, so was Nighy’s performance. Definitely a more likeable minister than Cornelius Fudge, though, don’t you agree?
#6: Michelle Fairley as Mrs. Granger
You’re forgiven if your memory didn’t service the fact that Northern Irish actress Michelle Fairley took the reigns as Hermione Granger’s mother in the first of the two “Deathly Hallow” films. After all, as Hermione heartbreakingly obliviates her parents to remove any trace of her from their memories, her screen time only lasts a matter of seconds as her character sits alongside her husband, oblivious to what is happening around her. Yet, in addition to roles as Catelyn Stark in “Game of Thrones” and Ava Hessington in “Suits,” there’s no denying that having ties to the “Harry Potter” world would be a pretty handy résumé touch for Fairley.
#5: David Tennant as Bartemius “Barty” Crouch Junior
A Scottish actor with a slew of distinguished acting chops, David Tennant’s casting as the tenth doctor in the celebrated “Doctor Who” series coincided with his brief role as Barty Crouch. While there’s no denying playing the doctor garnered Tennant significant attention, compared to his cameo-like role in “The Goblet of Fire,” it’s easy to forget he was in the film. Why? Considering Barty Crouch Junior masquerades as Mad Eye Moody through the power of Polyjuice Potion to manipulate the Triwizard Tournament and ultimately lead Harry to Voldemort through the majority of the film, we only see his character’s true physical self for a few brief moments upon his exposure.
#4: Emma Thompson as Sybil Trelawney
There’s no question that the power of costuming and makeup can render any actor or actress completely unrecognizable, and of course, Emma Thompson as Sybil Trelawney is simply no exception. Taking the reigns as the bumbling, bizarre, and always eccentric Divination professor, her trademark thick glasses magnify her eyes, while her large bangles, shawls, and frizzy brown hair mask the elegance Thompson is renowned for. Though the character’s intelligence is often questioned, it’s Sybil Trelawney that prophesizes Voldemort’s return and ultimately, Emma Thompson that blows her portrayal out of the park.
#3: Domhnall Gleeson as Bill Weasley
Amongst the most loveable families throughout the Harry Potter series, the Weasleys stand behind Harry each and every step of the journey. But while Ron, Ginny, Arthur, Molly, Fred, and George Weasley may have garnered the most screen time, can you remember who charismatically portrayed the oldest Weasley sibling? It’s the real life son of Mad Eye Moody actor Brendan Gleeson, Domhnall. Though today noted for performances such as Captain Andrew Henry in “The Revenant,” General Hux in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” and Caleb in “ex_machina,” it’s interesting to recall his role in the “Harry Potter” films. Distinguished by the permanent scarring of his face, we only wish we’d seen more of Bill.
#2: John Cleese as Nearly Headless Nick
A fine career delving into both 20th and 21st century entertainment as a celebrated writer, actor, producer, and comedian, John Cleese is no stranger to bringing iconic characters to life. After all, he’s played Robin Hood, Sherlock Holmes, and the hilarious Basil Fawlty, but how about a ghost? Portraying Gryffindor’s quirky house ghost Nearly Headless Nick, or Sir Nicholas as his character likes to be called, Cleese appeared in the minor role in the first two “Harry Potter” films. Though his character had a deeper backstory and depth throughout the books, many didn’t recognize Cleese under the long curly hair, large ruff, and plumped pants, and of course, his transparent ghostly look.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Verne Troyer as Griphook
Freddie Stroma as Cormac McLaggen
Jim Broadbent as Professor Horace Slughorn
#1: Robert Pattinson as Cedric Diggory
Depicted in the books as the handsome Hufflepuff prefect and captain of the quidditch team, the journey of Cedric Diggory is one filled with triumph, kindness, companionship, and tragedy. His film portrayal hit the mark perfectly, courtesy of a charming performance by then relative newcomer Robert Pattinson. It’s bizarre to think he was once the new kid on the block, as while his role as Cedric in “The Goblet of Fire” catapulted him into celebrity status, it was his leading role as vampire Edward Cullen throughout the “Twilight” franchise that solidified his name into mainstream media.
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