Top 10 Actually Scary Moments from Paranormal Investigation Shows

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 actually scary moments from paranormal investigation shows. For this list, we’ll be looking at the most nerve-racking experiences and unsettling evidence captured by professional ghost hunters for our entertainment. We’ll only look at shows that prioritize an investigation as opposed to reenactments or storytelling, as horrifying as they may be. Which paranormal encounter makes your skin crawl? Let us know in the comments below.
#10: Walking Full-Body Apparition
“Ghosts of Morgan City” (2019-)
This team of investigators set out to solve the unexplained phenomena occurring in Morgan City, Louisiana. In the third episode, the trio responds to reports of strange activity at Idlewild Plantation. It has everything, between rituals and a floating blue shirt. With the building supposedly empty, investigator Ben is completely caught off guard as he reviews Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) footage. The camera reveals a full-bodied, semi-transparent apparition crossing the hallway. Such evidence is so rare it may easily be contested. But the crew determined the figure possibly belonged to a nurse from the early 1900s. With the pieces coming together, the wandering apparition becomes even more chilling.
#9: Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum
“Destination Fear” (2019-)
Led by paranormal aficionado Dakota Laden, the team faces several distressing situations at the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum. Though not a singular moment, the crew stumbles into a few consecutive ones that can keep even the most iron-willed viewer on their toes. The tension builds as Tanner and Dakota survey each floor. Eventually, they’re startled by the unmistakable sound of a door creaking to a close. Following the sound, Tanner spots a cold mass on his thermal camera, alerting the pair that they’re not alone. What’s worse, Alex gets a disturbing call from Tanner – except Tanner doesn’t have his phone. The team scrambles to find the prank caller to no avail, leaving viewers tantalized and terrified about what lurks in the asylum’s halls.
#8: Jumping Saucepan
“Help! My House Is Haunted” (2018-)
When it comes to hauntings in the household, this UK trio are master investigators. While responding to paranormal claims related to an unassuming cottage, the team sits down with a miniature, cast-iron stove set that has reportedly been moving on its own. To their surprise, one of the tiny pans jumps up, touching Jayne’s palm. Some fans speculate whether this one is authentic, but the crew makes a point of allaying questions by showing multiple angles and attempting to replicate the instance. Though they don’t get another response by the alleged spirit, the jumpscare was definitely creepy.
#7: Woman in Black
“The Haunted Hunts” (2017-20)
In the second season premiere of this UK paranormal series, the investigators begin their multi-episode exploration of the famously haunted city of Chester. After learning about potential ghost sightings at the Chester Rows, the team sets up camp in hopes of spotting one. Though doubtful of seeing an actual ghost, Danny readies a full spectrum camera. And yet, as a perfect primer for what the city has to offer, he captures a photo of a mysterious woman in a black dress. Knowing the streets were empty and the photos preceding and following this shot didn’t achieve the same result, it’s possible he found an unsuspecting apparition out in the open. Even ghosts need to get out sometimes.
#6: Flying Knife
“Most Haunted” (2002-10; 2014-19)
In the first of this three-part episodic feature, Yvette Fielding takes her team to the historic Standon Hall. “Most Haunted” builds the tension from the very start, with possible communications and temperature shifts hinting at constant activity in the building. Immediately following a potential sighting that leaves the team uneasy and anxious to find the intruder, they’re startled as a large knife seems to be thrown from the wall. While we don’t see the knife fly unassisted on camera, we do witness the before and after. It leaves the team visibly shaken, which makes this moment that much more unnerving.
#5: Slithering Mass
“Paranormal Lockdown” (2016-19)
64 hours deep in their stay at the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, Nick, Katrina, and Rob are seemingly joined by a shadowy companion. While investigating the fourth floor, Rob describes a crawling mass creeping against the wall in the distance. Lucky for him – and the rest of us – he managed to capture the dark figure on camera. It’s unclear what exactly the entity is, but it does seem to be moving! As if that wasn’t enough to send shivers up our spines, there’s also the knowledge that they’d felt a presence with them beforehand.
#4: Frank Falls
“Ghost Hunters” (2004-)
When it comes to paranormal investigations, “Ghost Hunters” is one of the most recognizable shows in the genre. Their episodes are regularly stocked full of gut-wrenching moments, but few are quite as harrowing as Frank’s fall in the first season. While the team is investigating temperature shifts in the armory’s catwalk, the soundman is thrust onto his back from an invisible force. He describes the sensations behind the traumatizing act, from a sudden coldness to an overwhelming rush of fear. It’s one thing to see something spooky in the distance, but it’s another to be physically affected by it.
#3: Wandering Shadow
“Most Haunted” (2002-10; 2014-19)
While investigating the Wentworth Woodhouse Stables in Rotherham, Karl and Stuart embark on a chase in the main building corridors. After an endless pursuit of the person behind a rattling door, fallen chair, and other unexplained noises, Karl hears clear footsteps in the adjacent hallway. The two attempt to spot their tormentor when a shocked Stuart notices a shadow fleeing down the stairs. They run after the figure, but to their horror, no one’s there. While the vanishing entity is scary enough, it’s the chase that really creates the heart-racing atmosphere that leaves everyone – audience included – uneasy about what lurks in those halls.
#2: Shattered Glass
“Ghost Hunters” (2004-)
The Stanley Hotel is most famous for having inspired the Overlook Hotel in Stephen King’s, “The Shining.” But it also happens to be home to numerous claims of paranormal activity. Ghost Hunters’ Jason was no exception to this during his overnight stay in room 401. In the early hours of the morning, Jason woke to the unmistakable sound of his closet door opening. Even more frightening, the glass at his bedside table shattered. After ruling out temperature shifts and a tangible force, the team can only assume something supernatural chipped the glass. The hair-raising encounters don’t stop there, leaving viewers distressed as the hotel lives up to its horrifying reputation.
#1: Aaron Thrown at Goatman’s Bridge
“Ghost Adventures” (2008-)
The historic site of Old Alton Bridge, sometimes known as Goatman’s Bridge, was originally part of a Halloween special. A favorite among paranormal investigators, the bridge and its surrounding area is notorious for supernatural sightings and attacks. It’s also home to the disturbing local legend revolving around the titular Goatman. Already anxious about the location, investigator Aaron is inexplicably thrown roughly 20 feet and left disoriented. Aaron’s bone-chilling account of this experience is pretty unsettling on its own, but the atmospheric noise and spooky editing creates a particularly frightening moment. The other crew members are also confronted by strange phenomena, making this episode not only memorable but one that haunts them – and fans – to this day.