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VOICE OVER: Daniel Paradis WRITTEN BY: Jake Bean
Script written by Jake Bean

They're the angriest YouTubers you've ever heard! Welcome to and today we'll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Angriest Video Game YouTubers.

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Top 10 Angriest Video Game YouTubers

Is there anything more infuriating than a bad video game? These YouTubers sure don’t think so. Welcome to and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Angriest Video Game YouTubers.

For this list, we chose only the most rage-fuelled and heated Video Game Youtubers who's vocabulary is usually a flurry of obscenities. They love great video games just as much as they really, really, REALLY, hate the bad ones. Finally, it almost goes without saying that the people in question must post at least the majority of their content on YouTube in order to qualify for this list.

#10: AlphaOmegaSin

The heavy metal gamer himself, he certainly looks and acts the part. The looks are obvious- long hair, James Hetfield-esque beard and frequently black attire are what you’d expect, but it’s his attitude that really cements the heavy metal feel of this Youtuber. Not only does he angrily review games he hates, but he frequently goes up against the likes of game developers like EA, other gaming journalists and the gaming community in general. If you watch this YouTuber, you’ll certainly be riding the lightning, baby.

#9: Irate Gamer

This guy has been around for a long time since 2007 in fact. One may call him one of the original gaming Youtubers, along with some other people who may or may not appear on this list. Our number 9 entry does what most game reviewers in 2007 did- yell obscenities at terrible retro games. Classic episodes include the ROB the Robot episode, where he pretty much just screams curse words at a plastic Nintendo accessory- what more could you ask for? While he’s come a very long way since his humble beginnings, we’ll always remember him as the bald-headed furious gamer with the 720p camera.

#8: Yahtzee

This fast-talking Brit is best known for his Zero Punctuation series on The Escapist where he does just that- speeds through reviews without hardly taking a breath in between sentences. While the speedy speech is truly incredible, it’s not how he keeps his viewers. That would be his quick wit, his biting smilies, his dry sarcasm and his absolute disdain for the triple-A console gaming industry. If using phrases like “spunk gargle wee-wee” to maturely describe modern first-person shooters didn’t showcase his absolute contempt, we don’t know what would.

#7: PewDiePie

How’s it going bros? While this Swede is not known as well by his birth name, Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg he is best known for his vlogs and Let’s Play commentaries. In these videos, his face is always in the corner of the screen, making comments, jokes and of course, hilarious angry outbursts. While he has faced controversy in the past, he is still well loved by the Youtube community in general and is probably going to be this generation's most notorious gaming Youtuber.

#6: videogamedunkey

He’s the spaghetti and meatballs eating, Papa John’s pranking Youtuber. With a unique style, almost surreal at times, Dunkey is known for his hilarious one-liners and punchy narration. However, this man is no stranger to hatred- he has angrily lambasted Game Critics, and companies like EA, Microsoft, and Machinima. However, the culmination of his anger lies in his “I’m done with League of Legends” video, which features less of the typical angry, screaming type of fury and more of a dejected frustration with the game that got him his fame in the first place. The shift in focus, however, has produced some real classic videos. As Joey Bonzo once said- that’s a wrap, folks.

#5: Egoraptor

He’s Grump! From the Game Grumps! One of the most famous YouTube/Newgrounds animators of all time, this guy made a name for himself with the Awesome series and is one-half of one most popular gaming channels of all time. Just in case you’ve never heard of this powerhouse of a channel, he and his friend Dan Avidan play games together and narrate over the footage. The narrations range from laughing at dodgy design choices to singing loudly at the TV, however as the name implies they can usually be found grumpily criticizing the games they’re playing.

#4: Joueur Du Grenier

The first and only Frenchman to make our list, he is definitely different in many ways besides language. Usually having an overarching story between his reviews, this Hawaiian shirt wearing gamer takes inspiration from another Angry Youtuber and furiously rips apart low-quality retro games. He also has some of the most interesting editings we’ve ever seen on Youtube- definitely unique in style. While you may have to watch his videos with subtitles, they don’t lose any of those signature French jabs and blows.

#3: Jim Sterling

The controversial brit with the wit like a cracking whip. This guy has so many shows we don’t know how he keeps track of them all. His most famous being Jimquisition, his long list of self-produced credits include Jimpressions, Industry Bullshit, Commentocracy, The Videogame Show What I've Done,Oh My Gawd Hype!, Nitpick Theater and many more. As stated before, the man left The Escapist and is now completely independent, a feat which is incredibly admirable.

#2: Angry Joe

Our number two entry is well deserving of the spot: he angrily reviews movies, TVs, trailers, but the crème de la crème are his angry game reviews and especially his angry game rants. His anger generally towards crappy game design, the greed of developers or any other little irritations that may get on his nerves, this guy really knows how to take a swear word and make it sting like a bee. Not only that, but he creatively does most of his reviewing in front of a green screen, making the possibilities for what he can do in a ten-minute video almost endless. And I mean come on… Angry is in his name.

#1: Angry Video Game Nerd

He’s going to take you back to the past, to play the shitty games that suck ass. The original angry video game nerd, the… well, Angry Video Game Nerd and his channel Cinemassacre have set the precedent for angry Youtubers since 2006. Undoubtedly, he has been an inspiration to many of the others on this list. Reviewing all sorts of older games on all sorts of different retro consoles, his videos contain a litany of curse words, ranging from somewhat tame to completely made up. If you add in the fact that he also popularized the concept of adding an intertwining storyline that relates to the game he’s reviewing, this guy is truly the king of Angry Video Game Youtubers.
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