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Top 10 Anime Villains Trying Too Hard To Be Evil (ft. Todd Haberkorn)

Top 10 Anime Villains Trying Too Hard To Be Evil (ft. Todd Haberkorn)
VOICE OVER: Riccardo Tucci WRITTEN BY: Alex Crilly-Mckean
Can you just take it down a notch, please? Welcome to and today we are counting down our picks for the Top 10 Anime Villains Trying Too Hard To Be Evil.

For this list, we're looking at the bad guys in anime who devote every waking moment of their lives to being as sinister as possible, maybe to a fault. Keep in mind, we're not saying that these characters are terrible excuses for antagonists, it's just that the word subtlety doesn't exist in their vocabulary. Finally, be on the lookout for a little try-hard spoilers down the line.
Top 10 Anime Villains Trying Too Hard To Be Evil
Can you just take it down a notch, please? Welcome to and today we are counting down our picks for the Top 10 Anime Villains Trying Too Hard To Be Evil.
For this list, we’re looking at the bad guys in anime who devote every waking moment of their lives to being as sinister as possible, maybe to a fault. Keep in mind, we’re not saying that these characters are terrible excuses for antagonists, it’s just that the word subtlety doesn’t exist in their vocabulary. Finally, be on the lookout for a little try-hard spoilers down the line.
(Todd Introduction)

#10: Seryuu Ubiquitous

“Akame Ga Kill!” (2014)
When you’re constantly overshadowed by the beautiful and deadly Esdeath, it can be hard for someone like Seryuu to make her mark on the world. How does she choose to stand apart? By acting like a psychopath and screaming about justice, of course! This Jaeger member might look all cuddly on the surface, but don’t be fooled – there’s nothing she loves more than ripping apart those that go against the Empire. She’s like a little sibling constantly screaming to get attention. Justice, Justice, Justice – We get it, now quieten down.

#9: Team Rocket

“Pokemon” (1997-)
Bless this adorkable trio. They come up with the most ingeniously idiotic ways to capture Pikachu, constantly fail, and yet never hesitate to get back on the saddle. Rinse and repeat. Imagine what they could do if they put that determination into something productive, but nope, they’re pretty much dead set on stealing that one particular Pokemon, even if it takes them to the ends of the Earth. The saddest part of all is that we know deep down inside Jesse, James and Meowth actually have hearts of gold – just stop trying and give in already, guys.

#8: Junko Enoshima

“Danganronpa: The Animation” (2013)
She may only have revealed her true villainy during the series’ finale, but holy Haberdashery did she make the most of it. With the revelation that not only was Junko alive and well, but also the orchestrator of the mutual killing games, she made it very clear that the only thing she cared about was spreading despair in all of its facets. No, really, she’s so off the rails on the crazy train that instead of admitting defeat she ended up offing herself via the most batshit execution ever conceived. You could’ve called it a day after killing someone, but you really went the extra mile with this whole despair thing.

#7: Clementine

“Overlord” (2015; 2018)
Because why just be a mercenary when you can be a murdering harpy who likes to wear the medals of adventurers you've killed. That’s Clementine for you; a skilled killer who made the fatal mistake of butchering Ains’ companions, leading to her eventually get crushed to death by the undead ruler in retribution. For someone who loved to smile over her bloody handiwork, she was awfully quick to change her tune when she was on the receiving end. See? This is what happens when you keep telling the world how evil you are with your outfit.

#6: Alicia Cristela

“How Not To Summon A Demon Lord” (2018)
Will you please just settle down already! While this Imperial Knight may appear like a beautiful maiden you’d totally woo in an RPG, fact of the matter is she kind of has a major hate-boner for anything that isn’t a demon. Viewing the likes of humans, elves and all the other races as weak, she’s constantly bending over backwards in order to resurrect the true Demon King, and each time she fails Diablo and the rest are there to take her back as their friend. It’s like she’s a recovering satanic addict; every time she relapses she tries to resurrect a hellish deity!

#5: Hody Jones

“One Piece” (1999-)
He may not be the first Fishman that Luffy ended up punching the caviar out of, but he’s by far the most obnoxious. Deep down, Hody is nothing more than a racist with a lust for power, one who constantly tried to compensate for his own weakness by committing a whole series of atrocious acts. He assassinated the Fishman Queen, started a violent revolution, tried to murder the Fishman King, nearly brought down a giant boat onto all of Fishman Island, not to mention was popping super-powered steroids when his own strength wasn’t cutting it. You can only hide from your own issues for so long!

#4: Biba Amatori

“Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress” (2016)
Sometimes a series just has a guy to be evil for the sake of being evil, and nowhere is that better exemplified than with the shogun’s eldest son. Look, we’ve all gone through that time in our lives where our daddy abandoned us on the battlefield, but that doesn’t give you the excuse to adopt the whole “only the strong should survive” mentality. You don’t see me going around brainwashing young girls and creating artificial zombie-hybrids. Pretty sure you could get through most of your issues with a strong worded letter…

#3: Makoto Hanamiya

“Kuroko’s Basketball” (2012-15)
Turns out the world of high school basketball is a cutthroat one, filled with all manner of douchebags. Standing at the pinnacle however, would unironically be one of the Uncrowned Kings. Nicknamed the Bad Boy for a reason, Hanamiya will resort to whatever foul possible in order to win the game, even if it means getting his team-mates to go about kicking the crap out of other players via underhanded means. Does he care about the fact he’s nearly ruined lives and is a disgrace to the sport? Of course not! It’s all about the winning and he’s proud of being a jerk!

#2: Shiro

“Assassination Classroom” (2015-16)
Otherwise known as Kotaro Yanagisawa, from the get-go it was made clear that this scientist lacked anything remotely associated with passion, good-will or empathy. Sucks for him that the only thing his unethical experimentations ever accomplished was the creation of Korosensei, the loss of an eye, the moon exploding and his own sexy scientist fiancée falling for a tentacle monster instead. That’s got to sting on so many levels. What’s a disgraced doc to do? Dress up in white sheets, try to kill Korosensei, and constantly put Class-E in danger just for a petty victory. Get a hobby dude.

#1: Tomura Shigaraki

“My Hero Academia” (2016-)
Don’t get us wrong, we love this petulant, hand-obsessed, death-dealing supervillain in training. The reason he takes number one spot is because his whole reason for existing is to try be as evil as possible, given how he’s the apprentice of one of anime’s greatest modern bad guys. Just as Deku grows closer to becoming the greatest hero, every season shows Shigaraki mature as a next-gen criminal mastermind. He’s still got an attitude problem and a lot of growing left to do, but it’s clear he’s well on his way to making Daddy All for One proud. Ah, they grow up so fast.
