Top 10 Anticipated Movie Moments That Sucked

#10: Ripley Finds Out She’s the Only Survivor
“Alien 3” (1992)
Against all odds, Ripley, Newt, Hicks, and Bishop made it out of a colony crawling with vicious creatures in 1986’s “Aliens”. The story ended with a peaceful shot of the survivors flying to their next destination. Fans hoped they would see the four of them together again in “Aliens 3”. But those hopes were dashed in the hospital scene when Ripley was told that she was the ship’s only survivor. This devastating news felt like a slap in the face to the optimistic ending of “Aliens.” The twist also denied fans the chance to see Ripley further develop her relationships with her allies. Although she later finds and reactivates the Android Bishop, their short conversation doesn't make up for the disappointing sole survivor plot twist.
#9: Batgirl's Debut
“Batman & Robin” (1997)
After appearing in the comics, animated series and ‘60s Batman tv show, Batgirl was finally set to debut on the big screen in “Batman and Robin”. Unfortunately, the movie botched her introduction. The woman who became Batgirl was named Barbara Wilson and was Alfred’s niece from England. This was a baffling introduction for two reasons. First of all, Alicia Silverstone has no trace of an English accent. Secondly, the most established version of Batgirl has always been Commissioner Gordon’s daughter. Why change the heroine’s most popular origin to a new one that stops making sense once the actress speaks? While Barbara’s origin story wasn’t the only issue with her depiction in “Batman & Robin”, it got her character off to a disappointing start.
#8: Rey’s True Lineage is Revealed
“Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker” (2019)
From the moment of Rey’s introduction, fans worked tirelessly to solve the mystery of her parentage. She could’ve easily been the child of Han Solo, Leia, or Luke. According to Kylo Ren, however, her parents were nobodies—which was quite the curveball. But that was later proven false in “The Rise of Skywalker.” During a tense moment, Kylo Ren confirms that, contrary to his previous statement, Rey is actually Palpatine’s granddaughter. Not only was this reveal confusing, it also felt like a lazy retread of the original trilogy. We already saw the hero learn that their relative was a villain in “The Empire Strikes Back”. The fact that it took four years to get this unoriginal and extremely confusing reveal made this scene deeply unsatisfying.
#7: Anakin’s First Appearance
“Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace” (1999)
Darth Vader instantly became an iconic villain in 1977’s “A New Hope”. So, fans were eager to dive into the character’s origins in 1999’s “The Phantom Menace”. However, Anakin’s first lines as he swoons over Padme are incredibly cliche and cheesy … [SB: “Are you an angel?”] He then clumsily dumps exposition that explains his entire backstory and motivations. It doesn’t help matters that child actor Jake Lloyd couldn't make the awkward dialogue sound convincing. But even if Anakin was played by James Earl Jones himself here, the scene would’ve been a disappointment. There’s nothing in the dialogue or characterization that remotely hints that this kid will become Darth Vader. We honestly would’ve been better off meeting Anakin in “Attack of the Clones”.
#6: The Final Battle
“The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2” (2012)
Four years after the first Twilight film premiered, the franchise seemed poised to end with a massive confrontation. The Volturi were prepared to take on the Cullens and their allies in a climactic battle. At first, “Breaking Dawn – Part 2” seems to be making good on that promise with a well-choreographed and devastating fight. Unfortunately, none of it was real. In the middle of the brutal conflict, we learn that the fight is nothing but a vision of the future. Everyone’s fine and the long fight sequence didn’t matter. This bait-and-switch was an insult to cinemagoers who had been invested in the series since the beginning. Instead of getting the exciting conclusion they deserved, they were basically given a glorified dream sequence.
#5: Marion Returns as a Victim
“Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” (2008)
Marion Ravenwood’s toughness, resourcefulness, and complexity made her a great match for Indiana Jones. She’s one of the best characters in 1981’s “Raiders of the Lost Ark”. Naturally, fans were thrilled to hear that Marion would return to the franchise after 27 years in “Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.” After an hour of waiting, she appeared… as a kidnapping victim. She’s also revealed to be the annoying Mutt’s mother. Although Marion was also held hostage in the first film, we at least got to know her before she was captured. Reintroducing Marion as a victim and plot device after 27 years feels like a disservice to her character. And don’t even get us started on her decision not to tell Indy that they had a son.
#4: Venom Confronts Spider-Man
“Spider-Man 3” (2007)
As soon as Topher Grace was cast as Eddie Brock, there was concern that he wouldn't be able to capture the essence of the sinister and intimidating villain Venom. Our worst fears were confirmed when he confronted Spider-Man in the movie's final battle. Although the CGI looks decent, Grace’s performance misses the mark. Any chance of Venom being intimidating during the final battle went out the window as soon as he spoke. When he's not cracking lame jokes, he sounds like he's about to cry. To add insult to injury, this was the very first time we saw the villain in live-action. We’d been dying to see Venom onscreen, but this fell far short of fan expectations.
#3: How the Terminator Came Back
“Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines” (2003)
When Arnold Schwarzenegger’s “Terminator” travels into the past, he needs to acquire clothes. During the first two films, he did something badass and threatening to get new threads. But not in “Terminator 3”. Instead of beating up opponents or shrugging off blows, he lightly hits a bouncer, walks into a strip club, and takes clothes from a performer. He then puts on a pair sunglasses? The ridiculous way he was introduced after 12 years away from the role was a huge letdown. Although there were a few comedic beats in the first two films, both movies treated the Terminator’s entrance seriously. By joking around with Arnold’s much-anticipated return, the movie made a classic character look like a parody.
#2: The Martha Moment
“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” (2016)
Just hearing that Batman and Superman were going to duke it out on-screen was a dream come true. Since they’re two of the most famous superheroes of all time, there was no way a fight between them could be anything less than awesome...unless you bring their mothers into it. Right before Batman is about to land the final blow, Superman mentions that his mother, Martha, is in trouble. Bruce immediately stops attacking and starts screaming because his mother had the same name. We never could’ve pictured in a million years that a fight between two titans would end because of a naming coincidence. This Martha moment ruined the weight and significance of an epic live-action fight we’d been dreaming of for years.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Optimus Prime Perishes in Battle, “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” (2009)
It Lacked Emotional Weight & Was Later Undone
How Nick Fury Lost His Eye, “Captain Marvel” (2019)
We Were Expecting a More Exciting Story
Seeing Godzilla, “Godzilla” (1998)
The Redesign Got the Nickname "GINO": “Godzilla in Name Only”
Whiplash’s Defeat, “Iron Man 2” (2010)
This Classic Iron Man Villain Was Beaten Too Easily
The Justice League Unites, “Justice League” (2017)
They Were a Much Better Team in Zack Snyder’s Cut
#1: Deadpool’s Debut
“X-Men Origins: Wolverine” (2009)
Wade Wilson, AKA Deadpool, has his nickname “the merc with the mouth” for a reason. His gift of gab is arguably the single most defining trait of his character. He constantly makes fun of his enemies, breaks the fourth wall, and leaves us in stitches. But the creative team of “X-men Origins: Wolverine” decided to disregard the character’s history. After Wade gets experimented on, he’s physically unable to speak. Although Logan tries to joke about it, seeing him in this state was no laughing matter for fans. The complete disregard for Wade’s character here was shameful. His debut was one of the suckiest reveals in cinema history. But hey, at least they’ve since made up for it.