Top 10 April and Andy Moments on Parks and Recreation

We love this funny couple! Here are our favourite April and Andy Moments. We've included their wedding, sweater swap, when April tells Andy she believes in him, when Andy asks April out, the halloween party and more!
#10: Andy Asks April Out
“Go Big or Go Home”
After Ann kisses Andy in the hospital in the Season Two finale, April retreats to Venezuela, ignores Andy’s several phone calls and messages, and returns with a new boyfriend. When Andy asks her out anyway and swiftly gets shot down, he vows to return to ask her out again the next day, the day after that, and the day after that... but not Friday. He has to go visit his cousin on Friday. It’s a sweet and funny moment in the show that really demonstrates how loyal and persistent Andy is and how he really does care for April in light of her aggressive reluctance.
#9: Halloween Party
“Meet n Greet”
While it was fun to watch Andy and April’s specific brand of “will-they-won’t-they,” it was even more fun to watch the two finally pair up and take on Pawnee. In a Season Four episode where Andy and April throw a Halloween party without telling their roommate, Ben, we get to witness the two list their very different ideas for a great party. It’s a great moment that shows how different the characters are while simultaneously being supportive and totally in love with each other.
#8: Know Ya Boo
“Road Trip”
Because the two characters are very different from each other, the show didn’t shy away from addressing the potential friction caused by their conflicting personalities. The trick was to package that conflict in “Parks and Rec”-style humor with Tom’s play on “The Newlywed Game,” Know Ya Boo. We get some classically weird and funny moments, but the episode still ends with the idea that all that matters is that Andy and April love each other for exactly who they are, Neutral Milk Hotel and all.
#7: Future
“One Last Ride”
The great thing about seeing Andy and April’s future was that we got to see the characters grow up, settle into their lives together, and have children, all the while still maintaining the characteristics of Andy and April that we had come to know and love. There’s still time for Burt Macklin and Janet Snakehole; there’s even time to put scary makeup on after going into labor on Halloween. It was truly a great sendoff for two of our favorite characters. Welcome to the world, Burt Snakehole Ludgate Karate Dracula Macklin Demon Jack-o-Lantern “Jack” Dwyer.
#6: Follow Your Dreams
“Emergency Response”
Throughout the show, it became apparent that it wasn’t enough for April to just encourage Andy to follow his dreams. She always paired it with odd compliments and threats. When Andy is nervous about taking the police exam, she tells him he’s going to become a cop, threatens to divorce him, and gives him a lucky charm: a dead bunny she found on the side of the road. When Andy is nervous about taking a job in London, she tells him she believes in him and that she’ll just have to make a scarecrow replica to take to the movies while he’s away. Inspiration, thy name is April.
#5: Hey, I Love You
“Harvest Festival”
In Andy’s world, it is absolutely fitting that when April tells him she loves him for the first time, he replies with, “Dude! Shut up. That is awesome sauce,” and offers up a high five. We learn that in Andy-speak, he was essentially saying, “I love you too.” It’s another funny tile in the Andy and April mosaic that shows how these two truly love each other in spite of their frequent miscommunications and disagreements. While we all laugh and cringe at this moment, deep down its just what we would expect from Andy.
#4: Free Stuff at the Snakehole Lounge
Andy quickly realizes that when you’re dating someone, you need money to take them out. Thankfully, April quickly reminds him that she doesn’t have any money either and she doesn’t care. The two then spread out and compete to see who can get the most free stuff at the Snakehole Lounge. It’s one of the earliest moments where we see how great Andy and April are for each other. And just as importantly, it’s also the introduction of the infamous Janet Snakehole, only without the baggage of her “very terrible secret”.
#3: Bucket List
“End of the World”
One of the pillars of Andy and April’s relationship is their commitment to having fun with each other. When it seems as though the world is coming to an end, April wants to break out of their routine of pizza and prank calls. They decide to tackle Andy’s seemingly unrealistic bucket list. It’s another sweet episode for the two as April pushes to achieve Andy’s dreams and make the world’s greatest grilled cheese sandwich. The moment culminates with a spontaneous road trip to the Grand Canyon, a definitive moment in the Andy and April story.
#2: Sweater Swap
“Summer Catalog”
Andy and April’s flourishing relationship was visible from some of their earliest interactions, and it suddenly became every fan’s wish to see them get together. It became more apparent that we could get our wish in the Season Two episode, “Summer Catalog.” Andy and April are extra flirtatious as they make Leslie’s picnic, with all of the former Parks directors, more tolerable. They swap sweaters and end up on the cover of the Parks and Rec summer catalog. It’s super cute, right? If you weren’t shipping them already, you were after this!
Before we reveal our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Reverse Psychiatry
Shrimp Claw
We're Gonna Have Sex
#1: Their “Fancy” Wedding
“Andy and April's Fancy Party”
When Andy and April reveal that their fancy dinner party is actually a surprise wedding, we all laughed, but with the same skepticism that Leslie demonstrates in the episode. We love Andy and April, but were concerned that this was a rushed and hasty decision. However, much like Leslie in the episode, the show convinces us by the end to be genuinely happy for these two and to believe that this weird, unorthodox, and unique relationship can work. It’s quite possibly the quintessential Andy and April moment.