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VOICE OVER: Emily Brayton
Script written by Carly Comtois

It wasn't quite love at first sight for these couples. Join MsMojo as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Awkward Movie Couple Introductions.

For this list, we're looking at big screen characters that would eventually become romantically involved, but whose first interactions with each other were less than romantic. And since we will be discussing multiple movie pairings, here's your spoiler alert!

#10: Veronica Corningstone & Ron Burgundy
"Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy" (2004)

There's coming on too strong, and then there's Ron Burgundy. The news anchor spots Veronica across the room at a party and thinks it's a good idea to complement her...assets...and admit his desire to sleep with her. This might have worked on some women if the guy flirting with them wasn't Will Ferrell, but unfortunately for Veronica, that is not the case. If this interaction wasn't awkward enough, Ron later finds out that his news station is hiring someone new, who just so happens to be Veronica. We would probably place this entry higher up in terms of awkwardness, but Ron and Veronica do eventually start a sexual relationship, so we guess they get the last laugh.

#9: Bella Swan & Edward Cullen
"Twilight" (2008)

When you're a vampire who wants to eat your lab partner, it's hard for things to not be awkward. Edward Cullen, the world's favorite sparkly vampire – or least favorite, depending who you ask – is trying to be a normal high school boy, but things get complicated when Bella Swan moves to town and walks into his biology class. Everyone knows the scene we're talking about: a fan sends Bella's scent towards the vamp and he looks like he just smelled something foul. Then the rest of the class is spent with the two engaging in an intense staring contest. We know their epic love story is one for the ages, but we still can't get past this hilarious first encounter.

#8: Hannah Weaver & Jacob Palmer
"Crazy, Stupid, Love" (2011)

While Ron Burgundy's blatant honesty about wanting to sleep with Veronica made him come across as creepy and gross, Ryan Gosling’s gorgeous Jacob Palmer pulls the same move and makes it work for him. Why? Because he's charming and funny, and well, frankly, looks the way he does. But Emma Stone's Hannah isn't falling for it no matter how thick Jacob lays it on, and eventually his insistence that she's attracted to him becomes a bit embarrassing. The embarrassment eventually wears off, however, because Hannah can't lie to herself forever and does indeed go home with him another night. Who can blame her though?

#7: Lelaina Pierce & Michael Grates
"Reality Bites" (1994)

Even though the film is really about the complicated romance between musician Troy and his friend Lelaina, an aspiring filmmaker stuck in a subpar television job, it takes a while for the two to finally admit their feelings for each other. It's during this time that Lelaina dates Michael, a man she meets after flicking her cigarette into his car window and causing him to crash. It's an unfortunate way for two people to meet, but hey, it could have been worse. Most people involved in a car accident end up exchanging insurance details, not phone numbers.

#6: Erica Barry & Harry Sanborn
"Something's Gotta Give" (2003)

We don't know what's more awkward about this scene: Erica, played by Diane Keaton, mistaking her daughter's boyfriend for an intruder or the realization that Harry, played by Jack Nicholson, is indeed her daughter's boyfriend and at least 20 years her senior. How about having to rush your daughter's boyfriend to the hospital after he has a heart attack while they were fooling around? Maybe the most awkward thing about this scene is that by the end of the movie, Erica is now married to Harry, a man her daughter used to date. We would love to be present at those family dinners.

#5: Hermione Granger & Ron Weasley
"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" (2001)

The “Harry Potter” franchise is all about the power of love, but nobody could have predicted that the know-it-all frizzy haired witch and the shy, skittish, redheaded wizard would go on to be married with children. Especially since their first introduction didn't go so well. Hermione watches Ron fail at performing a spell and gloats about what a superior witch she is. Oh, and to humiliate him further, she points out a speck of dirt on his nose. Ron retaliates by ignoring her for most of their first year. But after fighting side by side against Voldemort for the next several years, we can see how they ultimately fall for each other.

#4: Maria & Captain von Trapp
"The Sound of Music" (1965)

So an aspiring nun walks into a house...and finds herself in charge of seven children. When Sister-to-be Maria, played by the talented Julie Andrews, meets the von Trapp family for the first time, it isn't the number of kids she finds most daunting, but rather, their strict, military-minded father. Since she's a free spirit who likes to sing and frolic in the mountains, she can't wrap her head around treating children like soldiers, so her first impression of the Captain is far from favorable. This introduction is just the beginning of the two butting heads, but with a little bit of music and kindness, Maria thaws his heart in time.

#3: Princess Leia & Han Solo
"Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope" (1977)

Luke Skywalker hires Han Solo and his Wookiee sidekick Chewbacca to help him with his mission to complete Princess Leia’s request to take the Death Star plans to Alderaan, and in the process, learns that he’s also got to save her from Darth Vader's clutches. Han and Leia meet for the first time in a hallway as they try to shoot their way off the Death Star. Now, Han Solo thinks himself something of a badass. But he is knocked down a peg or two by Leia who criticizes their escape plan and, after grabbing a gun, shows that she's fully capable of doing her own rescuing. Ouch, that's gotta bruise your ego. Still, let’s just be glad Leia ultimately ended up with Han and not Luke. Now that would have been REALLY awkward.

#2: Sally Albright & Harry Burns
"When Harry Met Sally…" (1989)

Road trips with strangers are always awkward, but they become doublyawkward when they're with your pal’s boyfriend who you barely know. That awkwardness only increases as you drive and find yourself arguing about everything, like how men and women can't be friends. Sally was not a fan of her friend's new beau to begin with, and after spending enough time cooped up in a car together, neither can stand each other. The breaking point comes when Harry casually complements Sally on her beauty, and she takes offense to that. It takes them five years to meet again, which gives them enough time to get over that first terrible introduction…

Before we reveal our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Ella of Frell & Prince Charmont
"Ella Enchanted" (2004)

Lucy Kelson & George Wade
"Two Weeks Notice" (2002)

Aimee Finecky & Sutter Keely
"The Spectacular Now" (2013)

#1: Elizabeth Bennet & Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy
"Pride and Prejudice" (2005)

When Mr. Darcy first walks into that assembly hall with his friend Charles Bingley, he sets his eyes on Elizabeth Bennet, played by the lovely Keira Knightley. But he plays it cool – if by playing it cool means he ignores her attempts at conversation and openly insults her to other people while she can hear. When she gets him to dance with her at last, their movements are more like sparring than dancing, especially given that the whole dance is spent sizing each other up. This scene in particular might be awkward because of how cold and unromantic they are towards one another, but honestly every scene Darcy is in is awkward because he can occasionally be such a jerk.

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