Top 10 Awkward Onstage Fan Interactions

For celebrities, the stage is a sacred place, and excited fans sometimes cross the line. WatchMojo is counting down the weirdest fan interactions, from fans running onstage at One Direction and Britney Spears concerts to fans getting a little too close to Harry Styles and Rihanna.
#10: One Direction
In 2012, this uber-popular boy band was giving a live performance of their song “I Want,” when suddenly, a first-row concertgoer made it onstage – only she seemed more interested in public attention than a celebrity encounter. She even managed to dance for a few seconds, right before she was handled by security and taken off. In this case, the interaction began and ended in a matter of seconds, and One Direction seemed completely unfazed by the experience, but it was still undoubtedly uncomfortable and awkward to watch.
#9: Britney Spears
Ms. Spears has had to deal with a lot over her career, including fan intrusions. During a 2009 concert in Connecticut, a fan interrupted an encore performance of “Womanizer.” Unsurprisingly, the 20-year-old had reportedly been drinking before going onstage, and the liquid courage inspired him to shimmy toward Brit-Brit. Based on her frantic reaction, she was clearly, and understandably, frightened by the encounter. Fortunately, security quickly took care of the situation, and Brit regained her composure to continue and finish like nothing happened. In 2017, though, a fan did manage to stop a show during her Las Vegas residency.
#8: Lady Gaga
Some fans make aggressive and threatening moves onstage. But this interaction was more about admiration than hostility – or at least that’s what it looks like. In 2012, Lady Gaga was performing, and a young Japanese fan somehow managed to reach the stage and drop to her knees to express appreciation. After a brief few moments, the fan was accosted by Gaga’s backup dancers, who removed her from the stage. Although this girl didn’t seem like a violent threat, it’s still not cool to interrupt any singer, let alone the one and only Gaga.
#7: Harry Styles
Yes, Harry Styles again. At a 2017 Hollywood Bowl concert, this superstar took the stage for a breast cancer benefit. During his performance, Harry got up close and personal with the audience, which, naturally, caused an excited ruckus. But while many people reached out to Styles, one fan reached specifically for his crotch, sparking yet another discussion about the relationship between musicians and aggressive concertgoers. This incident also inspired the hashtag #RespectHarry, as the unfortunate encounter certainly wasn’t representative of his following as whole. It also echoed a similar incident in 2007 where country star Tim McGraw was groped.
#6: Ariana Grande
It was at a decidedly more innocent point in this singer’s career when a fan spent several seconds onstage behind her at a Philadelphia show. The scene was actually kind of shocking: Grande was seated on the stage, surrounded by smoke and belting out a powerful ballad, when suddenly someone was standing right behind her. While security seemed slow to address the incident, they ultimately removed the person with some force. Once Ariana recognized what was transpiring, though, she seemed more concerned about the fan’s safety than his reason for creeping up behind her. But once the fan was removed, Grande continued on like a pro.
#5: Rihanna
In 2013, this mega-star made a stop in Birmingham, England for her Diamonds World Tour. Rihanna reportedly went on stage over two hours late, which surely upset many fans. Well, once she finally did start performing, she didn’t seem to be in a very good mood: when she walked by the first row, RiRi didn’t like being touched and knocked a fan upside the head with her mic. It was a brief interaction, and to be honest we’re surprised it was the artist had an outburst, rather than the fan. Rihanna did later acknowledge the incident on social media but wasn’t apologetic. Don’t mess with her.
#4: John Legend
R&B crooners often bring audience members on stage. But it’s usually the fans who are more excited than the celebrity. In 2007, John Legend got up close with a fan onstage during an Amsterdam performance, and, well, let’s just say John’s “Legend” makes a special guest appearance. This “Too Close” encounter of his private part made it hard for the singer to hide his true feelings, and the awkward moment now has a permanent home on the internet for awkward viewings. John Legend gives a lot to his fans… maybe sometimes too much.
#3: Adam Levine
Here’s a bittersweet interaction that left a temporary mark . . . and a lasting impression. In 2015, Adam Levine was performing a show in Toronto when he had some technical issues. He was understandably pissed, and in a fit threw his mic to the ground. Unfortunately for him and an unlucky fan in the front row, this wasn’t your average mic drop: the microphone actually bounced – right into a woman’s face. Adam brought the fan on stage to apologize to her, and the girl later described her Adam Levine encounter as a “dream come true.” All’s well that ends well, we guess…
#2: Nelly
This St. Louis rapper is known for his party anthems and face Band-Aids, but in 2017 the Nelly narrative changed when he was arrested on suspicion of second-degree rape. The musician denied the allegations, and his accuser dropped the charges since she figured she wouldn’t get a fair shake in court, but fans took it as a cue to start uploading awkward videos of him serenading young fans on stage… and we do mean young. It’s the hair twirling, and the fact that it’s apparently a regular part of Nelly’s live shows, that many find disturbing. Regardless of the status of this case, it can’t be denied that these videos are - at the very least - awkward.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
- Travis Scott
- Lana Del Rey
#1: Katy Perry
What would YOU do if Katy Perry invited you onstage? Freak out, probably, but would you, like, maul her? Smother her with hugs and kisses? We doubt it. At the 2015 Rock in Rio festival, this superstar innocently invited a fan on stage. However, to Katy Perry’s surprise, the girl got a little handsy and actually kissed her on the neck. The awkward interaction just continued from there, but Perry kept her cool through each hug, kiss, selfie shot, and clandestine whisper in her ear – even when the fan became even when the fan gave her a backside tap. Well, TBF, Katy spanked her first, but still… AWKWARD!