Top 10 Best asdfmovie Skits

#10: “Got Your Nose”
A baby’s game has some serious implications in this skit! Way back in the early days of YouTube, Thomas Ridgewell created internet comics with custom emoticons he made for MSN messenger. He collaborated with an animator named James Cunnigham and converted those comics into the first asdfmovie! It opens on a man playing a classic game with a kid. After he innocently pretends to take the child's nose, a police officer then barges in. Thinking the nose is a threat, the cop tries to take the smelly thief down. This zany skit was a great way to set the tone for the rest of the series.
#9: “Check Out My New Dog”
The base of asdfmovie’s humor is the subversion of expectations. Dogs do a great job at surprising us in basically every episode they appear in! In one great skit, an innocent question about a canine’s name leads to a surprising answer. The series also teaches a great lesson about why you shouldn’t trust a dog with a sharp blade. Perhaps the funniest moment of a dog in the series is when one isn’t there at all. A gruff man enters and gets ready to show off his new animal companion to another guy. But the canine is a lie. This leads to a groaning match between the two men that matches most people’s feelings when finding there’s no dog around.
#8: “Pie Flavor”
When food appears on asdfmovie, you know something awesome is going to happen. We’ve gotten a potato with a gun, a taco demanding money, and a cake screaming in pain when he’s being cut into. But by far one of the most memorable delectable skits occurs when a pie has been baked. When the recipient of the dessert asks what flavor this humble gift is, we get the most awesome response possible! Even creator Tomska himself thinks this is one of the better jokes of the series! But we do still wonder what this pie flavor would taste like? Probably like… pie?
#7: “I Wanna Go to the Moon”
While you should always follow your dreams, asdf reminds us that sometimes the quickest way to your goals may not be the best path! One skit sees a young girl telling us of her dreams of going to the moon when she grows up. The adult she’s talking to then excitedly responds, “Why Wait?” Any expectations are thrown out the window as the man promptly sends the child into space with a powerful kick! As she hilariously blasts past the camera, we hope her dream comes true. Hopefully, she says hi to Desmond the Moon Bear when she gets there!
#6: “Carrots Are Good for Your Eyesight”
Sometimes it’s just the performance that makes the joke. Although Tomska wasn’t sure about this joke originally, he saved it by relying on the educational YouTuber Michael from Vsauce! Viewers tend to trust this informative creator’s wise words and advice. So it was fitting that Michael was pulled in to voice a guy who gives advice about carrots improving eyesight. But a bystander trusts him too much and takes the vegetable advice way too literally. The skit ends with the trusting man blaming Michael for his ocular mishap. Hopefully, real viewers don’t always take Vsauce videos as literally as this carrot man did.
#5: “Look at the Baby”
Just like dogs in the asdf series, babies are a regular and welcome addition. In asdfmovie14, a man changes his kid in a hilariously unexpected way! Another skit makes an even better baby joke by letting an infant speak on a construction site! But by far one of the standout skits featuring a kid involves a pair of babies! It gets even better when you recognize that the voice behind the man of the short is famous creator Markiplier himself! Tomska believed the skit was instantly funnier with just his voice added and we definitely agree.
#4: “You’re Fired!”
What happens when two people have a comeback for nearly everything? Absolute chaos and absurdity. When a man is being fired from his job, he challenges his employer by saying he quits! However, the boss decides to resign to sidestep that move. The employee responds by saying his boss can’t quit because he's a frog! This back and forth continues to escalate until...the two become a happy couple discussing a day at work? Unfortunately, this hilarious compromise doesn’t last and the employee gets fired. The randomness of this skit is accompanied beautifully by amazing voice acting that makes the scene both confusing and hilarious!
#3: “Beep Beep I’m a Sheep”
During asdfmovie10, we cut to a field filled with sheep. One of these fluffy animals then says a killer catchphrase and we cut away without much of a punchline. But when we cut back to the sheep then later in the episode, it’s gone full techno. The resulting tune is a legitimate bop that’s really easy to get stuck in your head. This song became so popular that it was expanded into a full music video and later adapted into a Youtube comment edition! While this surprisingly funky beat is great, we’d still like to hear an extended “Meow Meow I’m A Cow!”
#2: “I Like Trains”
If you want a skit to end violently you just have to say three magic words! Ryan was a character introduced during asdfmovie 2, voiced by Tomska’s late good friend Edd Gould of Eddsworld fame. While the initial skit was incredibly weird, it proved funny enough for the character to return in further skits! His story was elaborated on even further in the “I Like Trains Music Video” where we follow the kid who can only say 3 words. Unfortunately, Gould passed away of leukemia in 2012, but his memory lives on in this ever-popular character.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
“Hey Bobby!”
Music Has Never Sounded This Good
“Mine Turtle”
An Explosive Reptilian Makes Waves Wherever He Goes
“Check out My New Camera”
This Is a Shot You Can’t Exactly Post on Facebook
#1: “Mr. Muffin Wants to Die”
Mr. Muffin, voiced by the fantastically cute child voice actor Sam Lavagnino, desperately wants to be eaten so his life can end. His happy demeanor over such a dark request is hilarious every single time you hear it! But the reason why this is the best skit isn’t just because it’s funny. Tomska has always been very open with his personal struggles. The song “It’s Muffin Time” in particular provided a glimpse into Tom’s life as an online creator. Although things haven’t been easy during his career, his creations and friends provided a ray of hope in the end. Here’s to more muffin skits!