Top 10 Best Choreographed Movie Fight Scenes

#10: Hector vs. Achilles
“Troy” (2004)
Perhaps the dark horse of our list because it features quite a few cuts, this underrated duel sees Hector of Troy challenged by Achilles the demigod, after the former mistakenly killed Achilles’ cousin. The duo face each other outside the walls of Troy. While Achilles’ near superhuman skill is evident, Hector gives a good account of himself. The use of spears and shields is uncommon and makes for some creative and visually impressive movements from the combatants. Each move flows wonderfully into the next, and the choreography conveys the intentions of the combatants well. Eventually, Hector is left limping, making it easy for Achilles to take his revenge.
#9: Clifftop Duel
“The Princess Bride” (1987)
In the annals of traditional fencing fights, few are as well-regarded as this one. Inigo Montoya faces the Dread Pirate Roberts atop the Cliffs of Insanity. Their witty banter, references to real fencing masters, and general respect for one another throughout are entertaining enough, but the choreography makes the fight shine. The duel ranges all over the cliffs, with creative use of the “rocky terrain.” Most impressive of all is the fact that they each can use a sword with their left and right hands! Still, we’d expect nothing less from two actors trained by legendary fight choreographers Bob Anderson and Peter Diamond. The duel feels larger-than-life and utterly timeless. Much like the victor, we hold this fight in the highest respect.
#8: Alley Fight
“SPL: Sha Po Lang” (2005)
Any time Donnie Yen is involved in a fight, it’s bound to be great. Inspector Ma Kwun is confronted by Jack, a knife-wielding assassin, in an alley. Drawing a metal baton, Ma engages Jack in a fight. The two combatants move so fast it has to be seen to be believed! Eventually, Ma’s longer reach allows him to get several blows to his opponent’s head. While Jack manages to disarm Ma, the policeman uses his foe’s own weapon to kill him. Although the rapid hand movements make the choreography so intricate that you may not appreciate how much goes into it the first time you see it, this is a fight well worth rewatching over and over!
#7: Church Fight
“Kingsman: The Secret Service” (2014)
Kingsman agent Harry Hart finds himself in a hostile situation when he and an entire church full of religious extremists have their violent impulses turned up to 11 by a special frequency. Compelled to kill everyone around him, Harry’s training takes over and he proceeds to slaughter with ruthless efficiency. He does so using guns, knives, gadgets, and whatever he can lay his hands on! Stitched together to appear like several long takes, this sequence flows incredibly from one ultra-violent act to another! The variety of weapons, speed of Harry’s movements, and the sheer number of people involved make the choreography of this fight sing like “Free Bird!” How did this lighter get into my hand?
#6: Elevator Fight
“Ip Man 3” (2015)
Look, the “Ip Man” films have a plethora of exceptionally choreographed fights. While we were tempted to choose the titular character’s bout with 10 black belts or his match against Scott Adkins’ Barton Geddes, we went with this fight due to its more creative use of the environment. Ip Man and his wife are ambushed in an elevator by a Muay Thai fighter. The enclosed elevator and Ip’s need to protect his wife make for some creative use of the space. After the fight spills out into the rest of the building, the duo fights down several flights of stairs. The quick exchanges are fantastic, and are captured wonderfully in several overhead shots. It’s a fast fight, but impressive nonetheless!
#5: The Bride vs. the Crazy 88
“Kill Bill: Volume 1” (2003)
During her quest for vengeance, the Bride, or Beatrix Kiddo if you prefer, pursues yakuza head O-Ren Ishii. But to get to her, the Bride must first go through her army of bodyguards, the Crazy 88. Beatrix’s massive brawl against the yakuza is bloody and over-the-top, as is expected from director Quentin Tarantino. The fight ranges through two levels of a teahouse, with swords and other weapons used extensively. While a lot of it is obviously heightened (how useful is breakdancing in a fight, really?), it’s still phenomenally entertaining and a bloody good time! For us at least - the Crazy 88 and the restaurant owners, not so much.
#4: Rooftop Fight
“Who Am I?” (1998)
Look, we could have done an entire list of just Jackie Chan fights - and we have! There are so many great ones - the foundry fight from “Drunken Master II,” Jackie’s match with Benny the Jet from “Wheels on Meals.” But we’re going with one of his more underrated fights. Playing a possible fictional, amnesiac version of himself, Jackie Chan faces a pair of hitmen on a roof. He faces each individually, before fighting both of them at once. The exchanges between the fighters are rapid, creative, and often comedic. Ron Smoorenburg’s kicks are particularly impressive! The fight incorporates features of the rooftop, and several nail biting stunts. The whole thing lasts around 8 minutes, and it’s nonstop fun throughout.
#3: Kitchen Fight
“The Raid 2” (2014)
The “Raid” Indonesian action films have some spectacularly choreographed fights. And while the machete gang fight from the first film was a contender (among many), these movies really saved the best for last! The climactic fight of the second film sees undercover cop Rama face off with an assassin in a kitchen. They begin hand-to-hand, before moving on to using kitchen implements, and finally the assassin breaks out his knives. Like many fights from “The Raid” films, it showcases the Indonesian martial art of pencak silat. The whole fight masterfully escalates the tension and conveys everything through its choreography. From its beginning to its bloody finale, this fight is among cinema’s best!
#2: Yu Shu Lien vs. Jen Yu
“Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” (2000)
Wuxia films have some of the most beautifully choreographed fights of all, with their otherworldly wire fu blending fantasy and reality. This fight sees Yu Shu Lien attempt to stop Jen Yu from stealing the Green Destiny sword. The duo duels in a training room, surrounded by assorted weapons. Shu Lien’s weapons all break against the Green Destiny, but this only adds variety to the choreography. Swords, spears, clubs - she tries them all, and each brings a different energy to the fight. The speed and grace of their attacks is something to behold. Their fight may end inconclusively, but while it lasts, it’s like poetry in motion!
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Staircase Fight, “Tom-Yum-Goong” [aka“The Protector”] (2006)
How They Managed All This in One Shot is Mind-Boggling!
Knife Fight, “John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum” (2019)
Managing Multiple Opponents, Broken Glass & All Those Weapons Can’t Be Easy!
Subway Fight, “The Matrix” (1999)
Some of These Exchanges Are Iconic!
Nameless vs. Long Sky, “Hero” (2004)
Jet Li vs. Donnie Yen Does NOT Disappoint!
Alley Fight, “They Live” (1988)
It Just Keeps Going & Going!
#1: Hallway Fight
“Oldboy” (2003)
One of the most famous fights among movie fight enthusiasts, this fight sees protagonist Oh Dae-su confronted by a gang of guards in the prison where he was once held. Dae-su holds them off with nothing but his fists and a hammer. After first rushing them, Dae-su gets stabbed and decides to fight defensively, gradually wearing them down. The grounded, realistic choreography, as well as the fact that it’s all filmed in a single take have helped the Hallway fight achieve its legendary reputation - along with the top spot for our list!
Is there an exceptionally well-done movie fight we forgot? Open our eyes with comments on your favorites - no glasses required. Probably.